[quote name='Loomis' date='30 September 2005 - 11:20']
But isn't Craig a "name actor", a "star"?

Here's where I break it to you gently...

He's considerably more famous than the other so-called finalists, though (here in the UK, anyway). Okay, he's hardly Tom Hanks, but he's more or less in Owen's league, no? Or getting there, at least?

I can't speak for how things are anywhere else in the world, but in the USA Clive Owen is not as big a star as he's often portrayed on boards like this one. I don't wish to start up that whole ruckus about how big a star X is vs Y, what makes a star?, If a star falls in the forest is there a publicist there to hear it?, etc. But really, Owen is on the rise, well-respected, and fairly well known amongst the more informed sector of filmgoing society (i.e., Dukes of Hazzard fans probably have no idea). But he's not A-list, not a household name.
Craig is at least a notch, and probably two, below Owen on the star visibility scale in the US.