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CBn's 5th Anniversary

32 replies to this topic

#31 Bryce (003)

Bryce (003)

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 03:23 AM


Bryce and Zencat sit off the bar enjoying a magnificent filet mignon after a day with the BCW4 crowd over single malt scotch and fine merlot.

Zencat: So, where do you go on the web for Bond news?

Bryce: MKKBB is good and they update regularly. The JBIFC is top notch, but only when a film's in production. Kim Last's site is OK, but she seems a bit bitter....A Brosnan fan who was forced to become a Bond fan.

Zencat: Check out commanderbond.net. They're out of the UK and their forums are pretty good. Some great discussion.

Bryce: Forums aren't really my thing, but I'll give them a look.

April 16th 2002

Bryce registers under the screen name BRYCE (003)

First post: Under "Favorite Roger Line"

"What a helpful chap" - TSWLM.

It's all just gone downhill since.....



It's been an honor and a privilage to be a part of CBn first as a member and later being given the greater honor of being asked to join the Team. I accepted and short of a few moments and instances, it's been a great ride and continues to be.


Well done Admiral!

*stands at ease*



Can I tap the keg of Guinness now?


You all know the rest.


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#32 Skudor



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Posted 26 July 2005 - 07:34 AM

Congratulations CBn! And many, many thanks to the team behind it (in particular Dave for making this happen and to his mom for greasing the wheels) - believe me when I say that all your hard work is appreciated! This is truly a great site! I've been browsing the net for Bond news since TND and CBn has become a one-stop source for everything I need to know (and some gratuitous gossiping and speculation too!).

Here's to CBn!

#33 Qwerty


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Posted 31 July 2005 - 03:38 AM

Simply the best. No other Bond site comes close to CBn. Congrats to all! :)