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Movie Sequels

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#31 freemo


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:00 AM

Didn't realise just how many sequels are in the pipeline.

Golly, doesn't anybody make original movies anymore?

Batman Begins - Doesn't actually belong on these lists, but if it did it would be by far the number one choice. I've been hanging out for this one for a while. I looks like they've "got it right". Expecting the definitive Batman film. :) :)

Revenge of the Sith - The new Star Wars films have copped an undeserved hiding, undeserved in that they are really no worse or better than the colosslay overrated and stretched thin original trilogy. I think this one might actually turn out to be the best of the sixogy. :) :)

Indiana Jones 4 - Would have been terrific... ten years ago. I've got the uneasy feeling this would turn out to be something really horrible and pretenious, but if they did something simple and fun like the haunted castle idea then I would definitely be up for it. :)

Spider-Man 3 - First one was pretty good, second one was tosh. Still looking forward to the next one. I see this as a series that has alot og potetinal but hasn't quite perfomed yet. Maybe this will be the one. :)

The Bourne Ultimatum - These have been good, but I'm not in love with it the way others are. The camera-shaking thing makes me quesy I hope this one rounds of the trilogy and they don't make any more after it. :)

These five are the ones I'd probably go see.

#32 Tanger



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:05 AM

Golly, doesn't anybody make original movies anymore?

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In case you didn't notice, this thread is about sequels that people are looking forward to.

#33 Harmsway



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:16 AM

6th - Star Wars: Episode III
I pray every night that Lucas doesn't screw this one up. The prequels haven't been all bad, and when Loomis says Episode II is the best Star Wars yet, he does have some grounds to go on. The prequels, in their plotting at least, are far ahead of the originals (though, IMO, TESB is the one movie that can't be beat... The prequels ARE on the level of ANH and ROTJ - which is more of a commentary on the quality of ANH and ROTJ than the quality of the prequels).

3rd - The Bourne Ultimatum
This one better be darn good, and I have full confidence in the men behind this series.

3rd - Spider-man 3
Should be fun, as long as it continues the popcorn film greatness 2 had. I've never been fond of Spider-man as a whole, though, two simplistic and bright for me. I prefer brooding, heavily psychological heroes.

3rd - X-Men 3
X-Men 2 is my favorite live-action superhero flick. Hopefully this one can succeed without Bryan Singer.

5th - Superman Returns
Bryan Singer joined this film, and I hope it's awesome on every possible level.

2nd - The Legend of Zorro
I liked The Mask of Zorro, so I'm somewhat looking forward to this film.

3rd - Kill Bill Sequel
May never happen, but if it does, I hope it kicks royal butt.

4th - The Hobbit
Come on, Peter Jackson. You know you need to utterly round out the Tolkien series... so do it!

2nd - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 2
At least the movie was original. Wasn't particularly fond of Sky Captain, since it felt a bit hollow, but I'd be up for a sequel. I mean, why not? Might as well...

All 3 parts of the new GOYER/NOLAN BATMAN TRILOGY, which starts with Batman Begins next summer!

And some remakes: King Kong, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...

#34 freemo


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:21 AM

2nd - The Legend of Zorro
I liked The Mask of Zorro, so I'm somewhat looking forward to this film.

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Oooh, I forgot about that one. Add that to my list.

#35 DLibrasnow



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:29 AM


#36 Qwerty


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:30 AM

2nd - The Legend of Zorro
I liked The Mask of Zorro, so I'm somewhat looking forward to this film.

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Oooh, I forgot about that one. Add that to my list.

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Seems I did as well. Can't wait for another fun ride like the first.

#37 Double-Oh-Zero



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:45 AM

Other than Bond 21...

Indiana Jones 4-it could still work, I think, if done properly. Hey, Sean is only 10 years apart from Harrison and they made him completely believable as his dad.

Alien 5-most would hate the idea of this, but I would look forward to it.

Evil Dead 4/Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash-I think it'd be cool if Ash came under suspicion from the FBI for the brutal murders of his friends from the other films (even though they sort of did that with Blade Trinity), and the authorities accidentally unleash F& J when they visit the cabin in the woods to investigate. Ash has to save the day.

Star Wars Episode III-Revenge of the Sith: I'm hoping that this will be an improvement over the somewhat lacklustre (IMO, anyway) Episodes I and II.

The Bourne Ultimatum: Loved the first two, and I'm really interested to see how they cap it off.

Die Hard 4-I read that it was going to be called Die Hard 4.0, and the plot involved bio and techno-terrorism at a posh tropical resort, with McClane's daughter being kidanpped or some such. No kidding.

Jaws 5: Darkest Waters-not so much for the film itself, but just to see how bad and laudable they can make the franchise. The last rumour I read was that the plot would focus around a school of Great Whites invading Amity.

Jurassic Park 4-I beleive there was an article posted here that concerned a giant water tank being used for the production at Pinewood, right before Bond started filming. Amphibious dinosaurs, perhaps? Sounds interesting to me.

Independence Day 2-rumour has it that Earth would face a second invasion roughly ten years after the first, with ground-based assaults instead of airborne ones. Apparently, Will Smith said "No way" when asked if he would return some time back.

X-Men 3-I reeaally hope they put Gambit in this one. and possibly Beast, not just as Dr. Hank McCoy on a TV screen as 'twere in X2.

#38 Righty007



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 01:36 AM


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It is the sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair and will be based on MGM's Topkapi.

#39 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 03:06 AM

Well, at least BOURNE III is pretty much a dead cert. :)

But don't even think about doing it without John Powell! :)

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John Powel??? :)

My top anticipated sequels:

Star Wars III: Just get it over with already! :) I hope it's good. Those spoiler pics are promising.

Bond 21: It's been 8 years since we had a decent Bond flick so I'm looking forward to a Brosnan-less 007 film for a change. :)

The Bourne Ultimatum: Drooling...I hope we get a perfect trilogy.Too bad it's due in 2007 and not 2006. :)

Spiderman 3: I'm very excited for Spiderman 3.Ditto(Too bad it's due in 2007).

The Hobbit: Let's hope it gets made after King Kong while the Gandalf star is still young enough.

The Punisher 2: The first one was really dissapointing, actually it was awful but I still think Thomas Jane was a good choice and I welcome a another shot, maybe a new director/writer will help.

Master and Commander II: I know there's no chance despite the original's critical raves because filming on water is too 'spensive Lucy but I'd love to see another maritime adventure.

The Transporter 2: I liked the first one...Corey Yuen is a great action directer.

Mad Max 4: Oh comon Mel, you made that crappy LW 4 so why not do the fans of your truly great franchise a favor and throw us a friggin bone. :)

The Recruit 2. I loved the training aspect of The Farm but the mission was dull. Still, a sequel sending 'the Recruit' overseas for a hyper realistic spy mission could be good fun.Colin Farrel could launch his own Spy franchise a la Bourne/Damon.

Thanks but no thanks:

Shrek 3: hated the first, passed on 2
Austin Powers 4: No need.
Indy 4: As the debate rages on Ford just gets older and older...
Rocky 6: Too late for Rocky Sly...You're too old to be boxing.
Rambo 4: Too late Sly. If it came out in late 2001 it would have grossed a trillion dollars.
Diehard 4
Riddick 3
Any Will Smith film
Blade 4
Any horror franchise that has made more than three installments

#40 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 03:27 AM

Ah Composer John Powel...Yes, he's indespensible I agree but if they get another composer I'm sure he'll know how to read music, no? The theme will remain...

#41 DLibrasnow



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 03:41 AM


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It is the sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair and will be based on MGM's Topkapi.

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Thanks Righty. I kinda guessed that it would be a remake of the excellent heist movie Topkapi. I'm not sure how they intend on improving on the original with since the 1964 original Topkapi with Maximiliian Schell, Robert Morley and Peter Ustinov is so well done - it's a classic.

#42 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 03:57 AM

I'll see the Topkapi affair too. Where is Topkapi anyway?

*I usually excell in geography* :)

#43 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 04 January 2005 - 07:15 AM

If it's going to happen I'm really looking forward to Pirates of The Carribean 2.

BUT, only if Johnny reprises his role again.

#44 Qwerty


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:04 PM


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It is the sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair and will be based on MGM's Topkapi.

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Thanks Righty. I kinda guessed that it would be a remake of the excellent heist movie Topkapi. I'm not sure how they intend on improving on the original with since the 1964 original Topkapi with Maximiliian Schell, Robert Morley and Peter Ustinov is so well done - it's a classic.

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I'm hoping it'll be good fun like Brosnan's TCA was. I'm not expecting a whole lot, but a good popcorn flick. I hope it delivers at least that.

#45 [dark]


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 12:05 PM

In approximate order of preference...

The Topkapi Affair - scripting
James Bond 21 - who knows?
The X-Files 2 - development Hell
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - post-production
X-Men 3 - scripting
Spider-man 3 - announced
Jurassic Park 4 - development Hell
Pirates of the Carribean 2 & 3 - scripting
The Bourne Ultimatum - probable release
Indiana Jones 4 - who knows?
Batman Begins - filming
Mission: Impossible III - scripting

And Darren - - yep, The Topkapi Affair will use material from 1964's Topkapi, and also Eric Ambler's The Light of Day, the novel on which Topkapi is based. It's being scripted by Harley Peyton (Bandits).

#46 JackChase007



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 03:50 PM

That's right, I keep on forgetting certain movies...I am really looking forward to The Punisher 2 - it seems like I'm one of the few that actually REALLY LIKES this movie. In fact, for some reason, I'd consider it one of my favorite three films of the year (then again, there have been some major, major disappointments...cough cough Van Helsing cough cough...). Part of my love for this movie does come from my love for it's fantastic score, and I dunno...I just really enjoyed it.

And come to think of it, I do hope to see a Mummy 3 - there have been nothing but rumors, I know, but hey, a guy can dream. I know it is pretty unlikely, as it's all but confirmed that Sommers' next movie is going to be Flash Gordon. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to my favorite Stephen Sommers, the much under-appreciated and under-rated Deep Rising with Treat Williams.

#47 Loomis


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 03:57 PM

The Bourne Ultimatum: Drooling...I hope we get a perfect trilogy.Too bad it's due in 2007 and not 2006. :)

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I hope we get at least four or five Bournes, all told, but I guess it's more likely that they'll call it a day after three. :) Come on, fellas, we need a terrific action/espionage franchise about a guy with the initials J.B.! Don't be letting us down, now. :)

Message to the makers of the Bourne films: don't let those limeys at Eon get the better of you. :)

Mad Max 4: Oh comon Mel, you made that crappy LW 4 so why not do the fans of your truly great franchise a favor and throw us a friggin bone. :)

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A pity FURY ROAD was scrapped.

Rocky 6: Too late for Rocky Sly...You're too old to be boxing.
Rambo 4: Too late Sly. If it came out in late 2001 it would have grossed a trillion dollars.

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I don't understand why Stallone didn't revive Rambo and/or Rocky in the '90s. But now he's pretty much left it too late (he's almost 60). To be fair, it seems that he tried very hard to get ROCKY VI going over the past few years (apparently, he even completed a script), but MGM refused to give him even a tiny budget, on the grounds that he simply wasn't a bankable star any longer.

#48 Loomis


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 04:03 PM

Ah Composer John Powel...Yes, he's indespensible I agree but if they get another composer I'm sure he'll know how to read music, no? The theme will remain...

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Okay, if faced with the choice of BOURNE III without Powell or no BOURNE III at all, then, obviously, I say they should go ahead without Powell. But, just as you should ideally always have a STAR WARS film scored by Williams (as well as a Bond flick scored by Barry, IMO, at least), Powell seems a vital part of the Bourne setup. It'd be a pity not to have him on board for the next one.

#49 DLibrasnow



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 04:28 PM

[quote name='[dark-']And Darren - - yep, The Topkapi Affair will use material from 1964's Topkapi, and also Eric Ambler's The Light of Day, the novel on which Topkapi is based.

#50 Qwerty


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 08:04 PM

Jurassic Park 4 - development Hell

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From what we've heard, it might just have been good to leave it at number 3.

#51 Aussie21



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 09:48 PM

,4 January 2005 - 07:05]Jurassic Park 4 - development Hell

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From what we've heard, it might just have been good to leave it at number 3.

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I hate to be pessimistic, but I'm gonna have to agree. I'll hold out hope that it'll be as entertaining as the first, and as big a hit as the second (which astonishes me, considering how badly the second one was made), but I have a feeling this may be the final blow to the already ancient franchise.

Edited by Aussie21, 04 January 2005 - 09:48 PM.

#52 Qwerty


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 10:33 PM

,4 January 2005 - 07:05]Jurassic Park 4 - development Hell

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From what we've heard, it might just have been good to leave it at number 3.

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I hate to be pessimistic, but I'm gonna have to agree. I'll hold out hope that it'll be as entertaining as the first, and as big a hit as the second (which astonishes me, considering how badly the second one was made), but I have a feeling this may be the final blow to the already ancient franchise.

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Indeed. I didn't really have too many problems with any of the original three, I'd hate to see a total dud thrown in with them.

#53 Janus Assassin

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Posted 05 January 2005 - 12:21 AM

I got my list

Bond 21 (of course)
Mission Impossible 3 (It should be better than the horrible second one)
Spiderman 3
Shrek 3
Star Wars- Revenge of the Sith

I so want them to make another Matrix film... but I know they wont. :)

#54 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 02:54 AM

The Bourne Ultimatum: Drooling...I hope we get a perfect trilogy.Too bad it's due in 2007 and not 2006. :)

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I hope we get at least four or five Bournes, all told, but I guess it's more likely that they'll call it a day after three. :) Come on, fellas, we need a terrific action/espionage franchise about a guy with the initials J.B.! Don't be letting us down, now. :)

Message to the makers of the Bourne films: don't let those limeys at Eon get the better of you. :)

Mad Max 4: Oh comon Mel, you made that crappy LW 4 so why not do the fans of your truly great franchise a favor and throw us a friggin bone. :)

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A pity FURY ROAD was scrapped.

Rocky 6: Too late for Rocky Sly...You're too old to be boxing.
Rambo 4: Too late Sly. If it came out in late 2001 it would have grossed a trillion dollars.

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I don't understand why Stallone didn't revive Rambo and/or Rocky in the '90s. But now he's pretty much left it too late (he's almost 60). To be fair, it seems that he tried very hard to get ROCKY VI going over the past few years (apparently, he even completed a script), but MGM refused to give him even a tiny budget, on the grounds that he simply wasn't a bankable star any longer.

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I read Sly was aiming for a really modest budjet of $20M for Rocky 6 and he was crying to Sean Hannety about it on Fox news; so I wonder why he didn't just pony up the cash himself? He's gotta be worth at least $100M. Mel Gibson took a much bigger risk paying in full for The passion. If Sly had no faith in Rocky 6 so why should a major studio?

3 Bournes is ideal but a 4th would be nice...as long as it's good of course...

#55 DLibrasnow



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 03:58 AM

[quote name='[dark'],4 January 2005 - 07:05]

And Darren - - yep, The Topkapi Affair will use material from 1964's Topkapi, and also Eric Ambler's The Light of Day, the novel on which Topkapi is based.

#56 Loomis


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Posted 05 January 2005 - 11:05 AM

I read Sly was aiming for a really modest budjet of $20M for Rocky 6 and he was crying to Sean Hannety about it on Fox news; so I wonder why he didn't just pony up the cash himself? He's gotta be worth at least $100M. Mel Gibson took a much bigger risk paying in full for The passion. If Sly had no faith in Rocky 6 so why should a major studio?

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I read he only wanted $10 million. I'm guessing that the reason he didn't just cough up the money himself for ROCKY VI was that MGM just didn't want to make the film at all, even without having to pay for it. I gather Sly tried to shop his ROCKY VI script to other studios, including Dreamworks, but depending on which account you read it seems that other studios weren't interested, and/or MGM insisted it had sole rights to Rocky and was hanging onto them, thank you very much, even though it did not intend to make another film in the series.

There was talk of legal action between Sly and MGM, but then again, there was a recent rumour that MGM might have changed its mind and decided to do ROCKY VI after all.

From Moviehole.net (2 September 2004):

Will MGM make Rocky 6 after all?

With MGM recently nixing the idea of doing a new "Rocky" film, all signs started to point to Dreamworks to take it on, who Sylvester Stallone has been working on TV's "The Contender" with. But seems the Shrek stable doesn't want Balboa.

"I have a friend (call him Gooburn) that works at Dreamworks and he says that THE CONTENDER -a boxing reality series produced by Sly, Mark Burnett and Jeffrey Katzenberg and featuring Sugar Ray- is the only boxing project Sly and Dreamworks will be making together! He says that ROCKY VI will not be made by Dreamworks as far as he knows.

It looks like MGM and Sly might come to an agreement instead of battling each other in court. If The Contender is a hit, the new Rocky: Legends game is a hit (in stores December) and the new Rocky box-set is a hit (THE ROCKY ANTHOLOGY due out in December), then Rocky VI will sure to get made!".

And of course, there's still hope for "Rambo 4" with talk that Dimension Films might be about to get going on it.

Even without a ludicrously low budget of $10 million, it would surely be cheaper to make another Rocky flick than another entry in any other major franchise. Why? Well, you don't need exotic locations or special effects (although Sly might have to be de-aged a bit with CGI :) ). No action scenes, apart from the boxing. No big name stars (I'll bet you could hire the likes of Talia Shire and Burt Young fairly cheaply).

Maybe if DRIVEN (Sly's last "big" film, I believe) had done better at the box office, ROCKY VI would be with us by now. Perhaps he should have also done RAMBO IV before returning to the Rocky role, to convince MGM he was still capable of starring in a reasonably successful movie: another Rambo would seem less of a risk than another Rocky, and they could take the character in more directions than Balboa. The Rocky formula is pretty limited: you have to construct some kind of scenario in which the hero will either box or train someone to box. Rambo, on the other hand.... you can do a heck of a lot more, and write the character into pretty much any kind of action movie scenario and set it anywhere (e.g. Rambo is asked by the President to track down a stolen nuke/terrorists, Rambo is hired for a rescue mission of some kind somewhere, Rambo is living somewhere and is married to someone but his son/daughter is kidnapped and he must go back into action, etc. etc. - heck, GET CARTER could have been RAMBO IV with a few tweaks of the script).

And a 60-year-old carrying a gun and blowing people away is, frankly, less ridiculous and more commercial than the idea of a 60-year-old Rocky Balboa (Eastwood made his final Dirty Harry flick in his late 50s, and was still doing action in his 60s, with IN THE LINE OF FIRE). OTOH, perhaps that's why Stallone seems to have been pushing hard to do ROCKY VI before RAMBO IV.

#57 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 04:01 PM

I think Sly is about to do a TV show guest spot on "Las Vegas". Boy, how things have changed... :)

#58 Aussie21



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 07:14 PM

I think Sly is about to do a TV show guest spot on "Las Vegas". Boy, how things have changed... :)

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Yea, the episode was shown on Monday. He played a plumber that either worked for the Montecito Casino, or was just a visiting plumber who was friends with Ed. Not quite sure what the whole plot was. The reason I tuned in was for Duran Duran.


#59 [dark]


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Posted 07 January 2005 - 05:36 AM

Hey dark, any word if the target in The Topkapi Affair is the same prized jewel encrusted Turkish dagger that was the target in the first movie?

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No idea, but could very well be.

I haven't seen Topkapi yet, but it's getting a DVD release here next month, so I'll be sure to pick it up and have a watch.

#60 Jack Bauer

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Posted 07 January 2005 - 07:59 AM

Well, at least BOURNE III is pretty much a dead cert. :)

But don't even think about doing it without John Powell! :)

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A good call, Loomis! John Powell is nearly as vital to those films as Matt Damon. And I really don't think we need to worry about him being replaced - it seems to me that he has enjoyed working on these films, and if I remember correctly, his scores have become best-selling albums.

Looks like I also forgot about Evil Dead 4 (thanks for reminding me, Genrewriter!). What I find interesting is that Raimi plans to simultaneously produce a remake of the first Evil Dead (without Bruce Campbell, no less...). Personally, just gimme ED4, with Bruce back as Ash. And they better make it look cheesy and low-budget, like with the other ones, otherwise it just won't have the same feeling to it...

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Yessir. I own both Bourne masterpieces. :)

I want Bourne 3.