"The Lying Detective" (ep.2) was excellent, "The Six Thatchers" (ep.1) was good, "The Final Problem" (ep.3) was fairly good, despite my original impressions that it was weak and at times turgid.
Season 4 reviews - MINOR SPOILERS
The Six Thatchers - good but not great. Fast pace helps. Too much Bondish intrigue. Never liked what they did with Mary's backstory in "His Last Vow" (season 3, episode 3). I liked the initial "dead son" mystery. How did Lestrade know it was Ajay in the pool house? Continuity error? Contrived finale, tho'. Great shark aquarium set. Sherlock's penchant for picking people apart gets the better of him for once.
The Lying Detective - excellent, one of the best episodes if a bit deliberately paced, at least compared to The Six Thatchers. Jones makes superb villain. Tremendous villainess: the actress deserves kudos for, um, her "acting range". Those who have seen the episode know exactly what I mean. Didn't see through her myself. Fantastic Sherlock window-sunlight deduction. Stunning children's hospital/morgue sequence. Climax ends a bit limp. Great hide-in-plain-site villain's plan. Car-boot homage to Quantum of Solace.
The Final Problem - weak and increasingly turgid. Often ridiculous. Good start but goes downhill with Sherrinford visit. Too much "Shutter Island". Art Malik's office is a fantastic Bondish set. Too many nods to SkyFall and, unfortunately, the dumber ideas in Spectre. The "Molly" sequence was one of the few tense moments. Redbeard reveal is groan inducing. Truly moronic "repressed memory" psycho-babble. Ludicrous villainess who can get into anyone's head. None of it credible and all too melodramatic. Post-climax final minutes mostly good.
UPDATE: The Final Problem played better on 2nd viewing. Much snappier and a good enough episode, but still something of a let-down and ultimately ridiculous.
General comments - Too much rot plotting in Sherlock like John Gardner's Bond novels. Motive and logic frequently go out the window.
Edited by glidrose, 22 January 2017 - 08:58 PM.