Nice to have you here Gardner. It's a great place to spend some time, and the best way to talk about something you like with people (more or less) similar to you. It's nice being able to engage with other fans rather than feeling like you're droning on to some disinterested third party. Anyway, welcome aboard and we all hope you enjoy your stay at CBn.
Absolutely! Thank you for the kind greeting! I completely understand you regarding the droning on to a disinterested third party... cough... my girlfriend... cough. She does try! I am still educating her on the world of Bond, and why the character is worthy of such great respect and admiration. She is learning and picking up fast. Ha! She still rolls her eyes and gives me a look every time Bond is in bed/kisses a girl. I doubt that will ever cease.
-Highest Regards
Yeah man I know how that is. My girlfriend is only just beginning to truly tolerate my love for the character (it's taken 4 years), and that's largely because I've stopped talking about it around her . Same reactions when watching the films too. Don't force it on her though, I learned that the hard way as I definitely went overkill with it in the early days. Still, there was some satisfaction when we were sitting in her room a few days ago staring at Facebook, and she made a comment about my "About Me" section being silly (my about me is the SMERSH dossier report of Bond from the novel From Russia with Love, and it's been that way ever since I got Facebook about 5 years ago). I told her that she didn't even know where it came from, and she immediately replied "It's on the back of the book." We both froze, stared at eachother for a moment, and then burst out laughing. "How the hell did you know that?" "I've been dating you for way too long" was her reply . Definitely a good idea keeping the bulk of your thoughts on here mate. Enjoy!