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Which Boat Chase Is More Flawed & Impacts Adversely

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#121 MattofSteel



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 01:13 AM

The zodiac definitely doesn't puncture.

And isn't the base of it made from something solid anyways? Sure looks that way to me. Just with inflatable material around the edges? Still doesn't answer what's pulling that rope taut.

#122 00Twelve



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 01:25 AM

The zodiac definitely doesn't puncture.

And isn't the base of it made from something solid anyways? Sure looks that way to me. Just with inflatable material around the edges? Still doesn't answer what's pulling that rope taut.

I JUST now watched it again, and it very much looks (and SOUNDS) like a burst to me. The bottom of the zodiac isn't a solid substance like wood; it's some type of taut synthetic woven fiber. The boatmen look as if they are trying to steer from side to side, and when Bond throws the hook and it lands on the zodiac (slack), they are still trying to turn as the one dude runs up to try and remove the hook. I believe* Bond grabs the rope, as he's in a stance with his arms out as the zodiac slips off and flips (and not at the controls, which he climbs up to after the boat is flying off in the distance). Even if he does not, I think the boat turning from one side to another helps pull the hook taut (and off the bottom of the boat into the inflated bow), and voila-- flip. It should be noted that the slack is disappearing from above, meaning nothing is pulling the rope down, but somehow the motion of the zodiac is pulling it up, and as it catches on the nose of the boat, BAM. There's even a big bursting sound.

#123 Bucky


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Posted 30 March 2009 - 02:37 AM

i watched the world is not enough today and i thought the chase was pretty good but it was totally ruined by the part where he drives the boat in the streets.

also thought it was kind of mean of bond shooting torpedoes at the girl and then saying that he can protect her.

#124 MattofSteel



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 03:06 AM

The zodiac definitely doesn't puncture.

And isn't the base of it made from something solid anyways? Sure looks that way to me. Just with inflatable material around the edges? Still doesn't answer what's pulling that rope taut.

I JUST now watched it again, and it very much looks (and SOUNDS) like a burst to me. The bottom of the zodiac isn't a solid substance like wood; it's some type of taut synthetic woven fiber. The boatmen look as if they are trying to steer from side to side, and when Bond throws the hook and it lands on the zodiac (slack), they are still trying to turn as the one dude runs up to try and remove the hook. I believe* Bond grabs the rope, as he's in a stance with his arms out as the zodiac slips off and flips (and not at the controls, which he climbs up to after the boat is flying off in the distance). Even if he does not, I think the boat turning from one side to another helps pull the hook taut (and off the bottom of the boat into the inflated bow), and voila-- flip. It should be noted that the slack is disappearing from above, meaning nothing is pulling the rope down, but somehow the motion of the zodiac is pulling it up, and as it catches on the nose of the boat, BAM. There's even a big bursting sound.

On the right track, but I still don't think so. I hear the bursting sound, but I think that's just meant to denote the hook digging into the zodiac.

For a deflation to cause the flip, or to have occurred at all, the structure of the zodiac would have to fail. And it never does. Or, for the rope to pull the zodiac down like that, it would have to be snagged into something that is structurally part of the boat's main mass (which the inflated part would not be).

It's still tough to spot in slow mo or frame by frame (which is just ridiculous, flmmakers B) ). The shot of the rope getting yanked rapidly occurs in BOND'S BOAT, and the rope is getting pulled OUT of it. We know it's not getting pulled into the zodiac (whose movement is nowhere near extreme enough to pull it with that kind of speed). There is literally a SPLIT SECOND CUT right before it goes taut and the hook is pulled - THIS is in the zodiac, but they're not the same shot.

Clearly, something is pulling the rope quickly out of Bond's boat. Clearly, something is pulling it out of the zodiac, making the rope go taut. It's a long rope, and....

...I think I've got it. Check the shot from Bond's POV on the hook when he figures out what to do. For a split second, I mean one literally blurry instant before the camera pans down to the hook, you see the anchor laying there amidst the rope. It's hard to see, I can only spot it with one frame. But that anchor clearly goes somewhere.

And I think "somewhere" is to the bottom of the harbour, in a missing shot, that would have gone before Bond tossed the hook.

Part of me is starting to think EON is laughing their balls off about this, watching the internet nerds dissect a rapid montage they never had any intention of applying any logic to.

#125 byline


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Posted 30 March 2009 - 03:33 AM

Part of me is starting to think EON is laughing their balls off about this, watching the internet nerds dissect a rapid montage they never had any intention of applying any logic to.

Probably true! B)

#126 Matt_13



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 04:33 AM

i watched the world is not enough today and i thought the chase was pretty good but it was totally ruined by the part where he drives the boat in the streets.

also thought it was kind of mean of bond shooting torpedoes at the girl and then saying that he can protect her.

LOL yeah I guess that was pretty mean of him, wasn't it? Kind of makes the whole "I can protect you" stuff redundant. Never thought of that. B)

"Oh...oh cmon! Those torpedoes were harmless! They're like sparklers on the 4th of July, they look neat but they weren't ever going to hurt you!"