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'Devil May Care' UK Paperback Cover Revealed

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#31 Loomis


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 06:16 PM

Well, I guess it's further proof that, by and large, Americans just aren't that into Bond.

#32 [dark]


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 06:19 PM

Quantum of Solace's box office would seem to indicate otherwise.

That said, it might be more appealing to invest two hours in Bond rather than the lengthier period of time it takes to finish a novel (even one as lightweight as Devil May Care).

#33 Qwerty


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 07:59 PM

Must be nice. I haven't seen squat in U.S. stores. :(

It does seem odd that there's not more of a push for these original novels. The books about Bond (like The Secret World of 007 get the display shelves in the Borders and B&N stores, but not these.

#34 Loomis


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 08:04 PM

Quantum of Solace's box office would seem to indicate otherwise.

Well, I don't know. As I type this, Box Office Mojo reports its Stateside gross as $71,659,974, making it the 32nd highest grossing film of the year.

Now, I know that it's only been out for a few days, but this isn't an incredible opening. It's not THE DARK KNIGHT. Or even THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM. I think the indications are that it's a solid hit in America, as opposed to a smash.

#35 Qwerty


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 08:12 PM


Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious Loomis, but I thought Quantum of Solace and Bourne both opened right around the $70mil mark in their first US weekend.

I wonder if we will indeed ever see the day where a Bond film release is as grand an event here as it is in the UK, but Quantum of Solace so far seems to be a step in the right direction.

#36 [dark]


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 08:24 PM

Quantum of Solace's box office would seem to indicate otherwise.

Well, I don't know. As I type this, Box Office Mojo reports its Stateside gross as $71,659,974, making it the 32nd highest grossing film of the year.

Now, I know that it's only been out for a few days, but this isn't an incredible opening. It's not THE DARK KNIGHT. Or even THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM. I think the indications are that it's a solid hit in America, as opposed to a smash.

Well, The Dark Knight is a rare occurance. That film was a phenomenon. I never expected Quantum of Solace to have the same impact (in fact, what was the last film before The Dark Knight to make that kind of impact on popular culture?).

Still, Quantum of Solace is a hit all the same - I'd have thought the 007 brand would have sold itself in US bookstores. Maybe I'm wrong.

#37 zencat


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Posted 19 May 2009 - 10:55 PM

Got my DMC UK paperback today. This didn't come from Penguin, I just saw a copy pop up early on Amazon Marketplace and I grabbed it. Couple of surprises; I was thinking the book would be mass market size, but it's a trade paperback, the same size of the Young Bond books (which make it look great on the shelf beside them and the Moneypenny pbs). Also, my copy says it's a second edition (there's a 2 on the copyright page). Not sure how I could wind up with a second so early, but maybe they consider the open market trade the first? Or maybe what I got early was some kind of freak variant open market edition? Be curious to see what people get in their editions released on the 28th.

#38 Qwerty


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Posted 19 May 2009 - 11:16 PM

Interesting, zen. Will definitely have to see how this turns out.

#39 Loomis


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 10:32 AM

Got my DMC UK paperback today. This didn't come from Penguin, I just saw a copy pop up early on Amazon Marketplace and I grabbed it. Couple of surprises; I was thinking the book would be mass market size, but it's a trade paperback

Really? Bugger. I'd pre-ordered the new DEVIL MAY CARE in the hope that it would be mass market size ("normal" size). I mean, I've already got the trade paperback from last year. Call me weird, but I really wanted a smaller-sized paperback of DMC. I honestly think it'll read better that way. It's a silly psychological thing, I know, but I somehow apply higher standards to hardbacks and "large" books, whereas small paperbacks I cut a lot of slack.

#40 [dark]


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 11:35 AM

I'd pre-ordered the new DEVIL MAY CARE in the hope that it would be mass market size ("normal" size). I mean, I've already got the trade paperback from last year. Call me weird, but I really wanted a smaller-sized paperback of DMC. I honestly think it'll read better that way. It's a silly psychological thing, I know, but I somehow apply higher standards to hardbacks and "large" books, whereas small paperbacks I cut a lot of slack.

I know what you mean, Loomis. I was considering picking Devil May Care up when I thought it'd be a mass market paperback, but now I'm not so sure. I think I'd enjoy it more in paperback than it hardback, but I was so underwhelmed by Devil May Care the first time I read it that I don't really have any desire to purchase it again.

Mind you, maybe I'm just suffering Bond burnout - heck, I don't even own Quantum of Solace on DVD yet!

#41 Loomis


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 01:31 PM

I'd pre-ordered the new DEVIL MAY CARE in the hope that it would be mass market size ("normal" size). I mean, I've already got the trade paperback from last year. Call me weird, but I really wanted a smaller-sized paperback of DMC. I honestly think it'll read better that way. It's a silly psychological thing, I know, but I somehow apply higher standards to hardbacks and "large" books, whereas small paperbacks I cut a lot of slack.

I know what you mean, Loomis. I was considering picking Devil May Care up when I thought it'd be a mass market paperback, but now I'm not so sure.

Me neither. In fact, I've cancelled my order.

#42 zencat


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 01:53 PM

You guys should get the US mass market. It's on Amazon Marketplace for £5.99. http://www.amazon.co...e...7438&sr=1-5

It is nice to have it in that size.

Got my DMC UK paperback today. This didn't come from Penguin, I just saw a copy pop up early on Amazon Marketplace and I grabbed it. Couple of surprises; I was thinking the book would be mass market size, but it's a trade paperback

Really? Bugger. I'd pre-ordered the new DEVIL MAY CARE in the hope that it would be mass market size ("normal" size). I mean, I've already got the trade paperback from last year. Call me weird, but I really wanted a smaller-sized paperback of DMC. I honestly think it'll read better that way. It's a silly psychological thing, I know, but I somehow apply higher standards to hardbacks and "large" books, whereas small paperbacks I cut a lot of slack.

You should get the US mass market. It's on Amazon Marketplace for under £7 and available now. http://www.amazon.co...e...7438&sr=1-5

It is nice to have it in that size.

#43 Loomis


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 01:56 PM

Cheers, zen. I much prefer the cover as well.

#44 zencat


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Posted 26 May 2009 - 04:25 PM

It's interesting, there is a ton of promotion and tie-in's for the paperback By Royal Command, so so far I haven't seen any promotion for the DMC paperback (aside from a relaunched official site).

Also, there's a story on the main page that the book is shipping. But I see "Temporarily out of stock." when I click the Amazon link. Are we confusing it was BRC (which is shipping)?

#45 Loomis


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 05:36 PM

Well, I've bought the UK paperback, and it is mass market size, or at any rate it's smaller than the British trade paperback I bought back in the day.

Also, be aware that the DEVIL MAY CARE paperbacks on offer at Waterstones at the moment contain, as a "Waterstones exclusive", an interview with Faulks and an article by Fleming on writing thrillers (by this I don't, of course, mean that these pieces are exclusive to Waterstones in the sense that they're unavailable elsewhere, but that this Waterstones edition contains them whereas others, erm, don't). They're at the end of the book after the main text.

#46 zencat


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 05:38 PM

Wait. What? You mean there is a trade size and a mass market size in the UK? (The one I have is exactly the size of the YB paperbacks.)

Can you give me the ISBN number of the mass market? I gotta get that! Maybe from Waterstones to nab that exclusive. Thanks.

#47 Loomis


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 05:43 PM

Wait. What? You mean there is a mass market size and a trade size in the UK? The one I have is exactly the size of the YB paperbacks.

Well, put it this way: the paperback I bought today is dwarfed by the old trade paperback I bought last year. It's certainly smaller than the YB paperbacks - considerably.

The ISBN is 978-0-141-03545-1. However, the Waterstones exclusive edition wasn't the one I bought - I merely looked through that edition while browsing Waterstones and then (somewhat perversely, 'coz it doesn't have the added content) ended up buying the "regular" paperback at WHSmith. So I don't know what the ISBN of the Waterstones exclusive would be.

Both the Waterstones exclusive edition and the standard UK paperback are the same size, though - small.

#48 zencat


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 05:52 PM

Well, put it this way: the paperback I bought today is dwarfed by the old trade paperback I bought last year.

That I understand. The paperback from last year was the open market edition (with HB cover art). The new one I have is also smaller, but not mass market (pocket book) size.

It's certainly smaller than the YB paperbacks - considerably.

Well this is very strange. The ISBN you gave me is the same as the book I have, but as you can see from the pic, it is the same size as the YB books. But I did get it from Amazon marketplace early and it is weirdly noted as a second edition.

Wish I was in the UK so I could fire out to stores and get to the bottom of this. Looks like I might have to just start buying blindly and see what comes. At least the book is 50% at Amazon. But I think I'll buy from Waterstones first.

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#49 Loomis


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 07:18 PM

Sorry, zen, I think I've made a mistake. Checking my new DMC against my YBs, I now find out that they are indeed the same size. So forget that bit I typed about "It's certainly smaller than the YB paperbacks - considerably". That's wrong. Apologies. B)

However, it's still smaller than the trade paperback I bought last year, but it's certainly not "pocket book" size. Perhaps I'm using the term "mass market" to describe something that you yourself would call "trade paperback" in size. However, once again, it's still shorter in size than the DMC paperback I bought last year (if memory serves, those larger paperbacks, which I'd call trade paperbacks, started turning up in large quantities in Waterstones when QUANTUM OF SOLACE was released), which in turn is slightly shorter in size than the hardback.

That I understand. The paperback from last year was the open market edition (with HB cover art). The new one I have is also smaller, but not mass market (pocket book) size.

Okay, I understand now. What I've been dubbing "the trade paperback" is in fact that open market edition with HB cover art. So, yes, the book I bought today is indeed the same as yours: smaller, but not mass market (pocket book) size.

Sorry about all that.

The info about an exclusive Waterstones edition having a Faulks interview and Fleming article you can still take to the bank, though. :tdown:

#50 zencat


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 08:12 PM

Thanks Loomis.

Yeah, "mass market" means pocket book size -- the classic paperback size. "Trade paperback" is everything bigger. This I learned from working in a bookstore many many years ago.

One last question. Can you peak inside you book and see what edition it is (they'll be a little number on the copyright page)?

I'm on the Waterstone's thing. Trying to get info from Penguin. I'll probably call Waterstone's and see if I can get a copy.

#51 Loomis


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Posted 01 June 2009 - 08:37 PM

One last question. Can you peak inside you book and see what edition it is (they'll be a little number on the copyright page)?

Well, halfway down the page it says:

First published in Great Britain by Penguin 007 in 2008
Published in Penguin Books 2009

This is the only number I can find that looks as though it may be a reference to an edition. So, uh, first edition, I'm guessing.

#52 zencat


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Posted 02 June 2009 - 11:20 PM

I'm on the Waterstone's thing. Trying to get info from Penguin. I'll probably call Waterstone's and see if I can get a copy.

Okay, I got the low down on this Waterstone's exclusive from Penguin...

Hi John,

Many thanks for your email. Yes there is an edition exclusive to Waterstone's with the extra content you mention below. This is only in the first print run so you'll need to be quick to the shops to get one! The ISBN is the same across all stores, but you'll only be able to buy this edition in waterstones.

Hope this helps.

I called Watertsone's Piccadilly and bought the last 2 they had. They had no idea they even had these exclusives. They just got in a new stock of DMC, but they are not exclusives. She had to run around the store to find these last 2. Whew!

You might be able to still score them at another Waterstone's, like Cambridge. That was my backup plan.

Thanks for giving me the heads up on this Loomy. Just in the nick of time!

#53 Qwerty


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Posted 04 June 2009 - 07:46 PM

Posted Image
Paperback edition of centenary novel debuts at #14

#54 zencat


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Posted 04 June 2009 - 07:47 PM

And it's the #2 bestseller at Waterstones.


#55 zencat


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 07:03 PM

I called Watertsone's Piccadilly and bought the last 2 they had. They had no idea they even had these exclusives. They just got in a new stock of DMC, but they are not exclusives. She had to run around the store to find these last 2. Whew!

Just got them in the mail (that was quick). Very nice. Interestingly, they are both marked as 3rd editions. So let the record state that the DMC 3rd edition UK paperback has extra content, and these were exclusive to Waterstones. These could become like the Domino letter Thunderball.

Apparently, finding a true 1st is tricky. I heard at the Faulks signing most copies in the store were 5th editions. (But I was able to score a signed first.)

#56 [dark]


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:45 PM

How are there say many editions so soon after its release?

#57 Qwerty


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Posted 07 June 2009 - 02:12 AM


Is there any noticeable way to tell these special extra content Waterstones books apart from the others? Like, if one was searching on eBay, is there a sticker or something on the cover?

#58 zencat


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Posted 07 June 2009 - 02:26 AM

Yes, it has a sticker. I put a pic of mine here: The elusive exclusive

#59 Qwerty


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Posted 07 June 2009 - 03:02 AM

Gotcha - thanks zen.

Just to check (because keeping track of all of these exclusive Bond book releases is becoming harder and harder!), what were the 3 exclusives of the hardback from last year?

From what I know of...

-Bentley edition
-Slipcased edition
-signed edition (Faulks)
-signed edition (Tuuli)

#60 [dark]


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Posted 07 June 2009 - 04:36 AM

I'm tempted to pick up this Waterstone's exclusive - how long is the extra content?