Favorite Pierce Brosnan James Bond Film
Posted 25 September 2012 - 11:38 PM
Yeh, Lang's song is far superior.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:02 AM
2. The World is Not Enough
3. Tomorrow Never Dies
4. Die another Day
I think Die another Day could have been better, I loved the scenery in it though, I just think the movie wasn't all that great.
Posted 12 October 2012 - 03:49 PM
GE is by far the strongest. It is just so much better than the other 3 by several country miles. The showdown with Bond and Alec on the satellite is just terrific.
DAD is BY FAR the worst, but many of those reasons have been discussed before anyway.
As for my middle 2, it's close. TWINE slightly has the edge over TND due to having slightly more depth - and elektra king!
Posted 13 October 2012 - 06:27 PM
In this one, there are not the excessive and expensive gadgets of the others. The story is very exiting, the casting very smart. Famke Janssen is brillant as a killer "femme fatale". Sean Bean and Goettfried John are excellent too.
Very good introduction for Judi Dench and Samantha... Bond, yes. lol Acting as Moneypenny and bearing the name of Bond ...
Spoiler >>>> The idea of 006 becoming the bad guy is so smart.
(One day, I would find this cool if Pierce Brosnan or Timothy Dalton act as the mean face to Daniel Craig as Bond.)
Top 4 :
-Die Another Day (excellent first half, from North Korea to London, really good ideas for the hovercraft chase, the parachute jump, the sword fight.... and I cannot give a real opinion about the invisible car... but Icarus and the surf on the tsunami... this is too much. DAD is Bronsan's Moonraker. Toby Stephens is excellent.)
-Tomorrow Never Dies (Too much gadgets even If it's funny, the jump into the car during the car chase, that's unrealitsic and a bit laughly... Jonathan Pryce is excellent.)
-The World is not Enough (Robert Carlyle is a deceiving mean for a James Bond, that's a pity because he was brillant in Trainspotting... he's a very good actor but here, not as well as he could have been.
The french Sophie Marceau is sexy, but his acting... not very good.)
Edited by bey-columbo, 13 October 2012 - 06:31 PM.
Posted 14 October 2012 - 02:18 PM
Posted 14 October 2012 - 04:27 PM
- Goldeneye is still my favourite Brosnamn film but no longer my favourite Bond film outright.
- The World Is Not Enough is my second favourite Brosnan film, even though I'd always considered Tomorrow Never Dies to be Brosnan's second best film.
- Die Another Day was even worse than I remembered. I actually dislike it, and there's only one other Bond film thatI dislike (Diamonds Are Forever), but I actually think Die Another Day is by far my least favourite Bond movie. It's just awful.
Posted 17 October 2012 - 09:34 PM
2. TWINE: Great PTS, good actıng.
3. DAD: The second half is just awful.
4. GE: The first 007 movie I saw on cinema. A big dissapointment for me. Its like a tv movie.
Posted 18 October 2012 - 12:34 AM
Posted 18 October 2012 - 12:44 AM
What Goldeneye is your least favorite!? lol just kidding. I loved Goldeneye though, Sean Bean made an excellent Bond villain.
I'll second that statement...
Posted 18 October 2012 - 12:49 AM
I'll second that statement...
Lol of course you would.. I am guessing Goldeneye is your favorite Bond film ever?
Posted 18 October 2012 - 12:57 AM

However, Trevelyan is my favorite villain ever!
Posted 18 October 2012 - 12:59 AM
However, Trevelyan is my favorite villain ever!
Yeah Sean Bean plays really good villains. It seems like whatever movie I see him in, he is a villain. Though I am not going to lie, I think Sean Bean is really attractive in Goldeneye.
Posted 18 October 2012 - 01:05 AM
As far as your following statement goes, If I wasn't purely interested in women, I'd probably agree with you.
The man is so Bad*** in GoldenEye... A real anti-James Bond!
Posted 18 October 2012 - 01:13 AM
Patriot Games
National Treasure
The Island (2005) with Scarlett Johannson and Iwan McGreggor
Lord of the Rings (half villain)
there you go. So many people he has played as villains!
Posted 18 October 2012 - 01:45 AM
Posted 18 October 2012 - 09:18 PM
What Goldeneye is your least favorite!? lol just kidding. I loved Goldeneye though, Sean Bean made an excellent Bond villain.
Well yes it is my least favorite. I just didnt get the 007 feel of it. It seemed as if a Natalia and Bond film. However the PTS, TS and the tank chase are great

Posted 18 October 2012 - 10:22 PM
Posted 19 October 2012 - 12:06 AM
However, Trevelyan is my favorite villain ever!
Yeah Sean Bean plays really good villains. It seems like whatever movie I see him in, he is a villain. Though I am not going to lie, I think Sean Bean is really attractive in Goldeneye.
Do you think he would have made a good Bond had he got the role instead of Brosnan? He was trying for it. I suspect he would have had a Dalton or Craig flavour, which they certainly weren't looking for at the time.
As for my favourite Brosnan film, I guess Goldeneye would be the best full film from beginning to end. However, I find the first half of TND and the first half of DAD to be his best moments as Bond.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 11:44 AM
I've always had mixed feelings about GoldenEye. I was just that little bit too young to have seen it in the cinema, but I do have fond memories of my brother getting the toy PPK that was released and us being very excited by Bond using it in the movie when we rented it later that year. Watching it now, I adore the tank chase (and the accompanying music) and I'm growing to appreciate the Serra score. Generally though, I think it's a confused, rather dull film that can't decide if it wants to continue on in the Dalton direction of a three-dimensional protagonist and a realistic plot - or just head back to Sir Roger's tried-and-tested soiree of dick-jokes and unscathed superheroics (Bond has an amazing, visceral fight with Alec...and emerges with a tiny scratch on his head). It's such a disjointed presentation, given how cinematic and progressive it's trying to be. In saying that, it is probably the most successfully presented of all four Brosnan films, and it's objectively the best film in terms of plot, performances and characters (Sean Bean is really terrific in it).
Tomorrow Never Dies is still probably my favourite Brozza Bond, even though it's not even half as ambitious as any of the other three. I taped this off ITV when I was about 9 (having never seen it when it was originally released and having not been allowed to rent it) and watched it constantly until the tape pretty much fell apart. I think it's a grand adventure - classic Bond, never confused about what it needs to be. Carver's a great villain and Paris is a great lover. The only person I'm continuously non-plussed about is Michelle Yeoh as Wai Lin. I really love the Arnold score as well. I'd consider this to be among the best of the entire series.
The World is Not Enough is also steeped in nostalgia for me (I saw it for my tenth birthday party and it was a terrific day; also I played the PSOne game to death), making it difficult for me to be entirely objective about it. I've only seen the film maybe three times, years apart on each viewing, but I think it's watchable enough, with some exciting sequences and ambitious character-studies. Rewatching it a few years ago I did notice that Brosnan's performance spikes in some sections where he suddenly seems to decide that Bond is more haunted and flawed than he's shown us in previous films (and earlier in this particular film). Brosnan's skills as an actor just aren't enough to carry these kinds of scenes and perhaps this is what seems to pit so many against him on these boards.
Die Another Day, I saw once in the cinema (when I was 12), with my father and brothers and it was a lot of fun. I maintain if I was just a year or two younger, it would have blown my MIND, but by that point it was just reasonable entertainment. Rewatching it nowadays I still tend to enjoy it more than GE, even though the latter is clearly a better film. Brosnan really hits his stride in this one and isn't hampered by the confusions he suffered in TWINE. Sure the ice palace and the entire finale is very silly (Graves' electricity-suit really just rubs me the wrong way) and parts of the screenplay are facepalm-inducing, but with a bit of adjustment (even just in the editing department) it could be the TSWLM of Brosnan's era. Even looking at comments from when it was released on this very site, people really seemed to enjoy it back then - perhaps it's just dated really badly.
So I suppose my list would be:
1. TND
2. GE
3. DAD
But every film has a quality that I favor over the other three.
Edited by Gothamite, 19 October 2012 - 11:47 AM.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 03:04 PM
Do you think he would have made a good Bond had he got the role instead of Brosnan? He was trying for it. I suspect he would have had a Dalton or Craig flavour, which they certainly weren't looking for at the time.
Wow he was trying to be James Bond? Interesting.. I could kind of picture it actually.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 05:02 PM
Posted 19 October 2012 - 05:49 PM
I recall reading Barbara Broccoli really wanted him in the role.
I don't doubt it. I'm sure she would have loved for Dalton to return. I believe the studio pushed away from that model of Bond.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 06:01 PM
I've said in other threads that people calling the Brosnan era the weakest really seems to me to be a generational/curmudgeonly attitude to a reasonably good four films. If you leave out TSWLM and maybe FYEO, Moore's era is arguably inferior.
I can see where you're coming from with that. But I think TSWLM, FYEO and LALD are all vastly superior to anything with Brosnan. The problem that the Brosnan films had is that each film tried its hardest to outdo the previous with increasingly disastrous results. The films became way too OTT and the gadgets got just plain ridiculous. You never had that classic moment when Bond had to take a tiny Citroen 2CV because his car was destroyed. But I do agree with the assertion that Moonraker, Octopussy and AVTAK could be seen as precursors to the Brosnan films. Hell, even TB and YOLT could be seen as falling into that category too.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 10:11 PM
I agree with the assertion that to some extent every Brosnan film felt it had to outdo the last...and yet that doesn't seem to apply to TND at all. For me, the intentional clumsiness of the motorcycle chase felt similar to the Citroen CV chase (which was better, to be sure). And there was nothing too incredibly silly about any of the gadgets in that film. It even predicted that eventually phones would be able to do anything! (Take that with a pinch of salt) ;-)
I'd passionately rank TND over every single Moore film except TSWLM. GE comes close as well.
TWINE and DAD definitely suffered from the "Bigger is not always Better" syndrome, as so many sequels from the 80s, 90s and even now often do.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 10:16 PM
LALD certainly isn't better than GE or TND in my opinion. I'd happily even watch TWINE or DAD before LALD (or FYEO for that matter).
I agree with the assertion that to some extent every Brosnan film felt it had to outdo the last...and yet that doesn't seem to apply to TND at all. For me, the intentional clumsiness of the motorcycle chase felt similar to the Citroen CV chase (which was better, to be sure). And there was nothing too incredibly silly about any of the gadgets in that film. It even predicted that eventually phones would be able to do anything! (Take that with a pinch of salt) ;-)
I'd passionately rank TND over every single Moore film except TSWLM. GE comes close as well.
TWINE and DAD definitely suffered from the "Bigger is not always Better" syndrome, as so many sequels from the 80s, 90s and even now often do.
Point taken. I certainly don't hate TND and I do agree for the most part that the gadgets are more subdued...except for that car....and its remote control. I enjoyed the motorcycle chase too, but I would compare it more to the boat chase in LALD than the Citroen chase. The Citroen chase was intended to be clumsy, while the motorcycle chase wasn't. The motorcycle chase was created though to "outdo" the tank chase from GE, it's in the making of featurette.
Posted 19 October 2012 - 10:26 PM
Point taken. I certainly don't hate TND and I do agree for the most part that the gadgets are more subdued...except for that car....and its remote control. I enjoyed the motorcycle chase too, but I would compare it more to the boat chase in LALD than the Citroen chase. The Citroen chase was intended to be clumsy, while the motorcycle chase wasn't. The motorcycle chase was created though to "outdo" the tank chase from GE, it's in the making of featurette.
To be honest, nostalgia plays into the remote-controlled car for me (when I was 9, that was my favourite scene in the film) - to be fair though, in 1997 that's certainly far more plausible than a Lotus submarine in 1977.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 12:30 AM
Posted 20 October 2012 - 12:52 AM
Posted 22 October 2012 - 07:45 PM
2. Tomorrow Never Dies
3. Die Another Day
4. The World Is Not Enough
Posted 23 October 2012 - 12:48 AM
omg this acronyms. It takes me five minutes to figure out what bond movie you are talking about lol
You get used to it rather quickly.