I know there are alternate/rejected themes for many of the films. Was there ever an alternate version of DAD ever submitted or recorded? The closest I can find in this forum is a song called Beyond The Ice by Red Flag. Was there ever a version with the title of DAD?

DAD alternate theme?
Posted 08 September 2015 - 05:19 AM
Posted 08 September 2015 - 03:52 PM
I know David Arnold said he was working on one, but I don't have any source on this now. When I watch the film, I often think of his smaller themes in the film and imagine what lyrics he would have assigned to those notes. At least we have Madonna's take on a Bond song....
Posted 08 September 2015 - 04:21 PM
Posted 08 September 2015 - 05:27 PM
You must have written a load of potential themes that never saw the light of day – you started a song called I Will Return for Die Another Day…
Sometimes you don't always know if you're going to get the gig actually writing the song, but I always start off by writing a song, because I like to have some sort of thematic material to base the score on. Sometimes if another artist is writing the song, like in Die Another Day, I didn't hear it until I'd almost finished writing the score, so you've really got no way of incorporating it. I thought what would be interesting is that at the end of every James Bond film it says "James Bond Will Return", so I thought, well, how about calling the song I Will Return, basically saying that exact same thing.
How far did that song get?
It got a verse and a chorus written. The melody of it is in the [Die Another Day] score, the verse melody, and the bridge melody is in [a cue called] Peaceful Fountains Of Desire.
Posted 08 September 2015 - 06:09 PM
From an interview with DA.
You must have written a load of potential themes that never saw the light of day – you started a song called I Will Return for Die Another Day…
Sometimes you don't always know if you're going to get the gig actually writing the song, but I always start off by writing a song, because I like to have some sort of thematic material to base the score on. Sometimes if another artist is writing the song, like in Die Another Day, I didn't hear it until I'd almost finished writing the score, so you've really got no way of incorporating it. I thought what would be interesting is that at the end of every James Bond film it says "James Bond Will Return", so I thought, well, how about calling the song I Will Return, basically saying that exact same thing.
How far did that song get?
It got a verse and a chorus written. The melody of it is in the [Die Another Day] score, the verse melody, and the bridge melody is in [a cue called] Peaceful Fountains Of Desire.
Thanks, Shark. Great find.
Posted 08 September 2015 - 08:05 PM
I would like to hear I Will Return at some point; hopefully he'll release it in some form one day. It's clear how it goes from the movie, but not very clear what the tempo is like. Sometimes it's fast and exciting (for example Bond's escape from the Ice Palace) and sometimes slow and gentle (Peaceful Fountains); it'd be good to hear someday. It seems to have a Goldfinger-like trumpety intro which we hear in various forms throughout the film- that series of sort of staccato trumpet blares: I'm guessing it was a fairly upbeat track.