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James Bond Tattoos? Or Tattoos in general

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#1 Iceskater101


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:34 PM

Would you ever get a James Bond tattoo?


I have seen some pretty cool ones, and I would love to get the logo (very small) maybe on my back? or even on the back of my neck. Or even on my wrist would be cool! I really do want a tattoo but I want to get one that has a lot of meaning to it for me. I was thinking either Harry Potter themed tattoo or a James Bond themed one.



#2 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:43 PM

I'm with you - I've not got any tats but a film one I would love. James Bond was my first major film love and I assume it will be there until I die, so a little branding of the 007 logo wouldn't hurt somewhere I think...but am I brave enough to actually do it? Hm...come back to find out in the future...! :P


Found a link here of the 15 best and worst James Bond tats:





2, 3 and 10 are great. 

#3 Iceskater101


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 03:23 PM

I love number 2. I wouldn't put the "octopussy" one but I love the location of the Bond logo on the back. I actually really love number 4 with the use of color.

#4 Dustin



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Posted 07 August 2014 - 08:11 PM

Not wanting to sound like a party pooper. But I have to...

If - BIG IF - you consider to have a tattoo, today this really isn't that big a deal any more, no problem with that. The problem is it's a permanent deal. You will have this thing for the rest of your life. Actually you will even have it a little longer. Not much, but a little...

Either the tattoo or the tiny white spots that are often what's left after a laser. But OK, this is hardly anything new; everybody who considers a tattoo is already fairly familiar with these facts. Or too drunk to care either way.

So why am I bringing this up here? Hmmm, I could claim it's because of a concern for the continued well-being of our younger members. But actually this wouldn't be the truth, not all of it. Apart from that I have little doubt our younger members can care for themselves just fine.

No, what really keeps bugging me is: to me there seems to be an intrinsic argument against the idea of a Bond tattoo in the canon itself. Or at any rate an argument to ponder the idea long and hard. Until it lost its initial appeal.

Just ask yourself: in the end what is the difference between a tattoo and a room with a view? Isn't a tattoo just that, a room with a view into your past? And while a look at that particular moment in your past may be entertaining every once in a while, wouldn't you want to look at something with more significance than an obscure pop culture fad? Say, the name of your love or of your child? The date of your first marathon run? Your second birthday as you survived that traffic accident or that damn cancer?

What I mean is, if you had just one single diary for your entire life, would you really write entries about your breakfast or a traffic jam, something more significant than sparrows' tears? I know, that's not a particularly good example but you get what I mean.

But there is a better authority on the matter than I am:
"At the same time he knew, deep down, that love from Mary Goodnight a tattoo, from any other woman Bond film, book or game was not enough for him. It would be like taking 'a room with a view'. For James Bond, the same view would always pall."

#5 glidrose


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 11:42 PM

I'm with Dustin on this. In fact I'm even more of an old fogey on this issue. If any young 'un were to ask my advice I'd give him or her a stern lecture. Yeah, it's your body. All the more reason not to degrade it.

#6 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 07:13 AM

......well that wasn't what I was expecting!


Fair point indeed, and I can easily resonate with this because being only 29, with many people I see younger than me adorened with branding of obscure lyrics from a song they believe is a "life message" or a strange tribal spiral on their neck, I can't be doing with that. Give them a year when they get over the "first love they ever lost" or whatever, and that to me is something they are stuck with for life. Young people abuse their body too easily because they can to make some statement or point which I feel just never makes the impact they think it will in their head.


However, I know people always make their own choices which is fair, good and decent because everyone is their own person. But as James Bond was an important part of my childhood, a reminder of my Granddad now longer with me who introduced me to 'Licence To Kill' which led to where I am now, I feel I can justify the fact James Bond will never die for me and always play an important part in my life. It's led me on educational studies with the love for movies spurred on by his adventures, attend events associated with Bond that have been exclusive and exciting, and just generally keeps my spirits high.


A face, a lyric or montage? No, not for me. A little 007 symbol that doesn't hurt the eye....yes, ok I can do that.



#7 Dustin



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 11:34 AM

Mind you, I'm not totally against tattoos in general. They are one of the earliest forms of art of human culture and there are countless examples of great artistic value and import which one cannot help but adore, even if one isn't susceptible to the idea oneself. But as you say, thecasinoroyale, it's become a rather vulgar and annoying fashion and people could do worse than thinking long and seriously whether it's really a good idea. Often enough I suppose sober reflection would lead to the conclusion one might do better - or at least different - things.

Edited by Dustin, 08 August 2014 - 11:35 AM.

#8 DamnCoffee



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 03:11 PM

I have two James Bond theme tattoo's. One on my lower left arm which is the SPECTRE logo, and an unfinished one on my upper right arm. Well, I say unfinished, the first image is done, (Well, 95% done. It does need some more shading and colour, but it doesn't look noticeably incomplete) but what I have planned is still unaffordable, but I will get it finished one day. My idea was to get a James Bond sleeve, full of classic James Bond poster artwork, mainly from the Connery, Lazenby and Moore era. It's a solid idea I think, and I feel there's no chance of me regretting it, either. James Bond will always be a part of me. Although, I am planning to get some unrelated Bond tattoo's when the time comes. 





Edited by DamnCoffee, 08 August 2014 - 03:13 PM.

#9 Iceskater101


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 03:20 PM

I'm with Dustin on this. In fact I'm even more of an old fogey on this issue. If any young 'un were to ask my advice I'd give him or her a stern lecture. Yeah, it's your body. All the more reason not to degrade it.


Wow ouch. I understand everyone has their own opinions with tattoos but just because you have a tattoo doesn't mean that you are "degrading" your body. Tattoo is art, just like grafitti is art on a wall.


That being said going back to Dustin's point, I would never get my husbands name or my children's names tattooed on my body. Yes they mean a lot to me, but they are right in front of me, I don't need their names on my body. I think James Bond (the whole franchise) has a lot of meaning to me. I would love to have a little tattoo on my back of the James Bond logo because this franchise reminds me about a lot of different things associated with it.

#10 Dustin



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 03:33 PM

Ladies, gentlemen, there is obviously no right or wrong in this question. Everybody has to make up his or her own mind whether or not to have a tattoo, and which one. (Albeit it's still my firm believe the only real option for the dedicated Bond fan is the retina tattoo from Never Dream Of Dying but Master Coffee didn't agree...)

Well, I've made my point; take your time, don't rush it. And when you're done don't regret it. Nothing more to add to the discussion insofar.

Edited by Dustin, 08 August 2014 - 03:38 PM.

#11 Iceskater101


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 03:38 PM

I am not trying to attack you on your opinion at all and I hope you don't feel like I am!

I just created the topic because I was interested in what people would say!


I have no idea if I will ever get a tattoo, but I definitely know I will think long and hard about it.

#12 Dustin



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 03:51 PM

Oh, don't worry, Iceskater. Fact is, I'm looking at the topic from close to five decades, and from here it really looks different than it would if I were 25, at the prime of my physical abilities and still able to run two marathons per week (and continued physical prowess also plays a role in this particular matter, believe me!) It is in the end a very personal affair. I for one would perhaps - if I were still given to the body of a 25 year old and willing to go through with it - prefer something more coded, intellectual; something along the lines of a motto or a quote. Ay caramba perhaps...

Edited by Dustin, 08 August 2014 - 03:52 PM.

#13 Vauxhall



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 08:53 AM

I have two James Bond theme tattoo's. One on my lower left arm which is the SPECTRE logo, and an unfinished one on my upper right arm. Well, I say unfinished, the first image is done, (Well, 95% done. It does need some more shading and colour, but it doesn't look noticeably incomplete) but what I have planned is still unaffordable, but I will get it finished one day. My idea was to get a James Bond sleeve, full of classic James Bond poster artwork, mainly from the Connery, Lazenby and Moore era. It's a solid idea I think, and I feel there's no chance of me regretting it, either. James Bond will always be a part of me. Although, I am planning to get some unrelated Bond tattoo's when the time comes.

Did you notice you made the Buzzfeed article's compilation of Bond tattoos, Matt?


#14 DamnCoffee



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:55 PM

I didn't know at all! Both of them as well. Thanks for the heads up, Vaux! It's nice to get recognised for something you're passionate about! 

#15 MkB



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Posted 25 August 2014 - 03:54 AM

I'm afraid I'm with Dustin in the "Olg Geezers" camp :) 

I'm not against tattoos in general, but very often I'm really appalled at what people ink on themselves... I don't like "verbal" tattoos, with a motto, quote (seriously, there are plenty of Internet feeds for those, no need to use your skin), or names or dates (do people have so bad a memory that they fear to forget the names and birthdays of their children or spouse)? I don't like self-evident tattoos either, because they take away a piece of the mystery of a human being. Like any of us, there are many facets to my personality, and I show different ones to different people. So why over-simplify your personality by trying to sum it up in a tattoo (or collection thereof), and also always having to be that "readable" to others? 


Also, let's consider the paradox of Bond-themed tattoos: a tattoo, as a prominent distinguishing feature, is the last thing a spy would get! ;) 

#16 x007AceOfSpades



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Posted 25 August 2014 - 09:19 AM

I plan on getting a Bond tattoo in the near future, nothing too crazy though, so it'll probably end up being the ole' 007 logo.


As for tattoos in general. I'm with Dustin on his points. Don't regret what you put on your body, because in the end it's permanent. And plus, lazer removal is a lot worse than getting an actual tattoo. Having said that, I can't stand lyrical, or motto tattoos. I find them overdone and bland, but hey, to each their own. I already have my left & right bicep pieces chosen, and am currently designing my half sleeves. If I'm going to get a tattoo. I want to make sure it's by me and something I'm comfortable living with for the rest of my life.