Chicken Stu,
No doubt, what you have accomplished is truly admirable - hats off to you, sir! - but your journey is far from complete, Grasshopper.
First, there's more reading material for you to master:
1) The complete collection of Titan's James Bond newspaper dailies.
2) DC Comics' Dr. No movie adaptation
3) Marvel Comics' For Your Eyes Only & Octopussy adaptations
3) Eclipse Comics' License to Kill adaptation
4) Eclipse and Dark Horse's original comics (Permission to Die, Serpent's Tooth, etc.)
5) Solo the novel (my fingers hurt typing that one!)
Second (and this will take some time), you need to read the novels and watch the films until you are utterly sick to death of them. Then, after about a year or so of living in a 007-free zone, pick up a novel or watch a film and fall in love with them all over again.
And finally, you absolutely must live your life like 007 as much as possible. Some personal examples:
1) I once rigged up my own, personal dart wrist watch (ala Moonraker) and wore it to school everyday (at least when the weather permitted long sleeves!)
2) There was a community clubhouse and pool in my childhood neighborhood. Whenever there was a nighttime Christmas neighborhood party, etc. being held there, I'd dress all in black and sneak (escape!) out of my house. I'd scout out the event from the nearby tree line and gather intelligence on all the intoxicated neighbors as an exercise in Spy Craft 101. (The adjoining swimming pool made it feel like I was spying on Largo's Palmyra estate! )
3) After getting my driver's license, my friends and I would drive around on remote roads of my town and have running bottle rocket fights. The trick it to use a metal pipe to aim the rocket out the car window.
4) Wear a tuxedo whenever possible. Word of caution: I did this on my 21st birthday (legal drinking age in the States) and celebrated at a local nightclub. But, as the night of dancing wore on, I took off my jacket to cool down. Suddenly, total strangers were asking me for drinks. It didn't occur to me until that moment - the only think separating me from the wait staff's uniforms was that jacket! But, as the old saying goes about lemons and lemonade, I used the opportunity to hone my undercover skills and played the role of nightclub waiter and took their order. Couldn't tell you how many folks that night waited impatiently for drinks that were destined never to be delivered to their table!
5) Save the world as many times as possible. I do it all the time; it just takes some imagination. For example, the guy who was riding my bumper earlier today - clearly in a hurry to get to his destination. I'd like to think that he was some evil-doer with a very tight window of opportunity to meet with his contact to buy a nuclear bomb. And, the fact that I maintained the proper speed limit, resulted in him arriving at the rendezvous too late to make his nefarious deal. Mission accomplished.
Anyway, keep up the good work Chicken Stu. I (and likely most... if not all on this site) enjoy living vicariously through you and you discovery of the diverse literary world of 007.