At last! Something a bit different! The big ret-con that places things in a more modern era was a welcome touch. I do believe it was successfully executed.
Deaver did a pretty good job of writing Our Man I think. I don't think I've seen the character presented this way before. Younger, slightly greener... it was refreshing. I enjoyed how he was mostly one step ahead of the game at pretty much all times.
To place events in a more contemporary context was a refreshing change of pace.
Severyn Hydt - GREAT bad guy. His obsession with death and decay made him VERY creepy. Niall Dunne too was an interesting heavy. A complex meeting of both brain and brawn.
I liked Bhana Jansaan. A very interesting sidekick - and Felicity Willing was quite well fleshed out as the love interest. Whilst her arc is nothing really original for a Bond story - Deaver wisely chooses not to dwell on it.
At the end when the final endgame plays out - it's very good stuff. Deaver's writing style is different to what I'm used to but I got the hang of it eventually. He doesn't try once to ape Fleming which was very wise. In fact I'd say this owes a bit more to Tom Clancy.
Criticisms? Well for a start the book is a bit on the long side, and I thought the whole sub-plot about Our Man's parents distracting and superfluous to the story. Otherwise, I quite appreciated what Deaver did here.