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Love........... tips

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#1 Colossus


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 07:24 AM

Ok this is the Bond boards ,but i realized where are the topics on actually getting women??? Well let's talk about the kiss kiss part for REAL. Some good tips you give on your travels at this love thing?

-When quoting lines or lyrics to songs to a girl, it's actually good to completely just mess it up and say how you think it rather than how it is in reality. I've done this tons and it works.

-Master of wit: don't think about what you'll say to a woman TOO much, dont overthink it because it will DEFINITELY come out overthought, if you FEEL like you "halfassed" something witty and it did not come to full potential... that is IRONICALLY the best for some reason. 

-Lenin's "two steps forward one step forward", each time i say something to a woman, i always for some reason have to add some criticism to it, if i literally FEEL like someting is too intense/hotheavy , i don't "plow" ahead like a blitzkrieg of cupids,..... rather i backtrack and say something unrelated/off/neutral that kills it. This for some reason would seem "why the heck would you lessen that tension" yet this ironically make it stronger? 

-For some reason, and this seems un-fairytale like, saying witty stuff like from the Bond movies generally does not work for me in this muddled world -- but to literally kind of just strip myself of my "ego guard" , meaning basically saying what i actually think, warts and all, and not playing it too cool for school (but trying to not shake lol).... and EVEN admitting my own... faults like that i AM wrong/timid/nervous blah blah, which i've done only a few times with women actually makes them REALLY like you and agree to be with you -- they will usually do this for a few times so you keep answering , but they wont be evil and actually torture you even though it seems at first glance, just a few times and then you're basically in their good graces and arms once more! I think it comes off that when you're doing that it's really just acting , but when you go for truth, in its more coarseness, it will give you something, even if you lose anyway, that something will be valuable what you get. I actually have been truthful at times, going against common sense of what friends do lol, basically where people go slack-jawed and crashed and burnt up but i do get these little things from women where they strike you down yet that little golden jewel you come away with of knowledge, in some form.


Women are so perceptive about little tiny things that it is really frightening when i think about those silently at times... the tiniest crap, the tiny thread of thought deep layered in the brain of something distant you think is nothing at all -- means something which is really freaky. That's all i've learned. 


The above info was only gotten after going thru 3 yrs of dating 1st time where i did tons of dumb stuff and sometimes absolutely nothing at all and going home a cold fish from some mummified tomb where only wine/vodka shots will do away the wtf. lol.

#2 Iceskater101


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Posted 29 December 2013 - 06:16 PM

One thing to consider, woman love more than just looks, in fact we love personality! If you don't have a good personality, there is no way I would ever be in a relationship with you. Looks really don't matter to me. Personality can make someone more beautiful while someone with really good looks who has an ugly personality is just an ugly person.


Also if you want to just go and hit on a woman, I would love if someone just complimented me. You don't need pick up lines, just compliment her.


Also relationship stuff too.. Obviously don't be in a relationship if you aren't ready to be in a relationship. If you want to sleep around and be single then don't be in a relationship. Pretty obvious but some people men and woman don't understand this.. Communication is also important. One of my relationships ended over not having good communication. He wouldn't talk to me and it really hurt me in the end.

Especially in a serious relationship communicate about your future. If you are passionate about having kids and you find out your partner doesn't want kids that may be a deal breaker. Don't get married without discussing that..


That's really all I have but I have been happily in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost a year! :)

#3 x007AceOfSpades



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Posted 01 January 2014 - 03:52 AM

In my town, girls are picky, in fact too picky. They will expect so much from you: to look and act a certain way, which is a shame as I will never be that way. Spent a year on a girl and it went no where, another 7 months on another who pretty much led me on. I don't have a negative perception of women at all.


That being said, I'll still hit on girls and possibly visit the nice cute girl at Starbucks, but relationships aren't for me, at least for now. Until I meet one who views me the same way I view them, I'm not at all interested in going around a huge circle.


Other than that, Iceskater101 hit it right on the head!


Personality can make someone more beautiful while someone with really good looks who has an ugly personality is just an ugly person.

#4 Sark2.0



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Posted 20 January 2014 - 09:28 PM

Ok this is the Bond boards ,but i realized where are the topics on actually getting women??? Well let's talk about the kiss kiss part for REAL. Some good tips you give on your travels at this love thing?

-When quoting lines or lyrics to songs to a girl, it's actually good to completely just mess it up and say how you think it rather than how it is in reality. I've done this tons and it works.

-Master of wit: don't think about what you'll say to a woman TOO much, dont overthink it because it will DEFINITELY come out overthought, if you FEEL like you "halfassed" something witty and it did not come to full potential... that is IRONICALLY the best for some reason. 

-Lenin's "two steps forward one step forward", each time i say something to a woman, i always for some reason have to add some criticism to it, if i literally FEEL like someting is too intense/hotheavy , i don't "plow" ahead like a blitzkrieg of cupids,..... rather i backtrack and say something unrelated/off/neutral that kills it. This for some reason would seem "why the heck would you lessen that tension" yet this ironically make it stronger? 

-For some reason, and this seems un-fairytale like, saying witty stuff like from the Bond movies generally does not work for me in this muddled world -- but to literally kind of just strip myself of my "ego guard" , meaning basically saying what i actually think, warts and all, and not playing it too cool for school (but trying to not shake lol).... and EVEN admitting my own... faults like that i AM wrong/timid/nervous blah blah, which i've done only a few times with women actually makes them REALLY like you and agree to be with you -- they will usually do this for a few times so you keep answering , but they wont be evil and actually torture you even though it seems at first glance, just a few times and then you're basically in their good graces and arms once more! I think it comes off that when you're doing that it's really just acting , but when you go for truth, in its more coarseness, it will give you something, even if you lose anyway, that something will be valuable what you get. I actually have been truthful at times, going against common sense of what friends do lol, basically where people go slack-jawed and crashed and burnt up but i do get these little things from women where they strike you down yet that little golden jewel you come away with of knowledge, in some form.


Women are so perceptive about little tiny things that it is really frightening when i think about those silently at times... the tiniest crap, the tiny thread of thought deep layered in the brain of something distant you think is nothing at all -- means something which is really freaky. That's all i've learned. 


The above info was only gotten after going thru 3 yrs of dating 1st time where i did tons of dumb stuff and sometimes absolutely nothing at all and going home a cold fish from some mummified tomb where only wine/vodka shots will do away the wtf. lol.

1. Do you really quote lyrics/songs to women a lot? I guess if it's relevant to whatever you're discussing. But sure, putting your own spin on it can't hurt, as long as it's still apparant what you're referencing.


2. Agree largely with this. This is also why after a couple (not 10!) drinks it's a lot easier for me to talk to people. For once, you stop worrying about what you're going to say and start just talking. Get into lots of interesting discussions that way.


3. This is pretty opaque, and I'm suspect of any dating advice that quotes Lenin.


4. I guess if that works for you. I don't go out of my way to reveal too much of my inner self to people I don't know well, but I guess that's a defense mechanism.



In my town, girls are picky, in fact too picky. They will expect so much from you: to look and act a certain way, which is a shame as I will never be that way. Spent a year on a girl and it went no where, another 7 months on another who pretty much led me on. I don't have a negative perception of women at all.


That being said, I'll still hit on girls and possibly visit the nice cute girl at Starbucks, but relationships aren't for me, at least for now. Until I meet one who views me the same way I view them, I'm not at all interested in going around a huge circle.



There's a few things you seem to be doing wrong here.


1. Girls are not too picky. The "pickiness" of women isn't something you can control, so it's no use complaining about it. Plenty of guys who don't have anything particular going for them are dating just fine. You need to ask yourself why you aren't, and then work on those things.


2. Unless you're getting a definite non-platonic vibe from the Starbucks girl I wouldn't hit on her. Unless you want to find a new Starbucks.


3. What exactly happened with these girls that you spent 7 months and a year on? Did you become friends with them and hope it developed into something else? If so, that's a big mistake. Women (and people in general) decide very quickly-within a few minutes-whether they view someone as a potential romantic interest. Since by the time you're finished introducing yourself a woman has decided with a high degree of certainty whether you go in the "No way" or "Maybe" category why beat around the bush? I prefer to make my non-platonic intentions known as soon as practicable.


4. You definitely seem to have some bitterness towards women. But realise that the problem isn't with them.


I say all of this as someone who used to be very unsuccessful with women (typical "nice guy") and who is still groping my way around trying to figure things out.

#5 kaiserthegreat



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Posted 20 January 2014 - 09:44 PM

Read THE GAME by Neil Strauss and use it only for good.  

#6 Sark2.0



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Posted 20 January 2014 - 09:51 PM

Read THE GAME by Neil Strauss and use it only for good.  


I read The Mystery Method several years ago. There's some useful things that one can learn from the PUA community, but there's a lot of weird crap. Much of it is trying to trick girls into thinking you're someone worth sleeping with, rather than actually being one. And more often than not their ideas of consent are questionable. Tip: if you're encountering "Last minute resistance" from a girl you're doing something very wrong.

#7 kaiserthegreat



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Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:13 PM

That's why I said "use it only for good."  There's definitely some trickiness that I disliked about the whole thing, but there were also some general concept about how women (theoretically) work that have stuck with me.  

#8 Iceskater101


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 03:22 AM


Ok this is the Bond boards ,but i realized where are the topics on actually getting women??? Well let's talk about the kiss kiss part for REAL. Some good tips you give on your travels at this love thing?

-When quoting lines or lyrics to songs to a girl, it's actually good to completely just mess it up and say how you think it rather than how it is in reality. I've done this tons and it works.

-Master of wit: don't think about what you'll say to a woman TOO much, dont overthink it because it will DEFINITELY come out overthought, if you FEEL like you "halfassed" something witty and it did not come to full potential... that is IRONICALLY the best for some reason. 

-Lenin's "two steps forward one step forward", each time i say something to a woman, i always for some reason have to add some criticism to it, if i literally FEEL like someting is too intense/hotheavy , i don't "plow" ahead like a blitzkrieg of cupids,..... rather i backtrack and say something unrelated/off/neutral that kills it. This for some reason would seem "why the heck would you lessen that tension" yet this ironically make it stronger? 

-For some reason, and this seems un-fairytale like, saying witty stuff like from the Bond movies generally does not work for me in this muddled world -- but to literally kind of just strip myself of my "ego guard" , meaning basically saying what i actually think, warts and all, and not playing it too cool for school (but trying to not shake lol).... and EVEN admitting my own... faults like that i AM wrong/timid/nervous blah blah, which i've done only a few times with women actually makes them REALLY like you and agree to be with you -- they will usually do this for a few times so you keep answering , but they wont be evil and actually torture you even though it seems at first glance, just a few times and then you're basically in their good graces and arms once more! I think it comes off that when you're doing that it's really just acting , but when you go for truth, in its more coarseness, it will give you something, even if you lose anyway, that something will be valuable what you get. I actually have been truthful at times, going against common sense of what friends do lol, basically where people go slack-jawed and crashed and burnt up but i do get these little things from women where they strike you down yet that little golden jewel you come away with of knowledge, in some form.


Women are so perceptive about little tiny things that it is really frightening when i think about those silently at times... the tiniest crap, the tiny thread of thought deep layered in the brain of something distant you think is nothing at all -- means something which is really freaky. That's all i've learned. 


The above info was only gotten after going thru 3 yrs of dating 1st time where i did tons of dumb stuff and sometimes absolutely nothing at all and going home a cold fish from some mummified tomb where only wine/vodka shots will do away the wtf. lol.

1. Do you really quote lyrics/songs to women a lot? I guess if it's relevant to whatever you're discussing. But sure, putting your own spin on it can't hurt, as long as it's still apparant what you're referencing.


2. Agree largely with this. This is also why after a couple (not 10!) drinks it's a lot easier for me to talk to people. For once, you stop worrying about what you're going to say and start just talking. Get into lots of interesting discussions that way.


3. This is pretty opaque, and I'm suspect of any dating advice that quotes Lenin.


4. I guess if that works for you. I don't go out of my way to reveal too much of my inner self to people I don't know well, but I guess that's a defense mechanism.



In my town, girls are picky, in fact too picky. They will expect so much from you: to look and act a certain way, which is a shame as I will never be that way. Spent a year on a girl and it went no where, another 7 months on another who pretty much led me on. I don't have a negative perception of women at all.


That being said, I'll still hit on girls and possibly visit the nice cute girl at Starbucks, but relationships aren't for me, at least for now. Until I meet one who views me the same way I view them, I'm not at all interested in going around a huge circle.



There's a few things you seem to be doing wrong here.


1. Girls are not too picky. The "pickiness" of women isn't something you can control, so it's no use complaining about it. Plenty of guys who don't have anything particular going for them are dating just fine. You need to ask yourself why you aren't, and then work on those things.


2. Unless you're getting a definite non-platonic vibe from the Starbucks girl I wouldn't hit on her. Unless you want to find a new Starbucks.


3. What exactly happened with these girls that you spent 7 months and a year on? Did you become friends with them and hope it developed into something else? If so, that's a big mistake. Women (and people in general) decide very quickly-within a few minutes-whether they view someone as a potential romantic interest. Since by the time you're finished introducing yourself a woman has decided with a high degree of certainty whether you go in the "No way" or "Maybe" category why beat around the bush? I prefer to make my non-platonic intentions known as soon as practicable.


4. You definitely seem to have some bitterness towards women. But realise that the problem isn't with them.


I say all of this as someone who used to be very unsuccessful with women (typical "nice guy") and who is still groping my way around trying to figure things out.



How women work? Lol we are people too you know.. I mean we aren't machines. 


I guess I am speaking for the fact because I am a woman. 


Also having bitterness against women won't get you anywhere. I am sorry if you were hurt by a woman in a relationship but harboring bitter feelings because of that definitely isn't fair. 

Women can be picky but so can men. 


Speaking of which there was a comment on my college's confessions page and he was talking about how some women aren't curvy they're just obese. If that isn't picky I don't know what is. 

#9 hcmv007


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Posted 01 February 2014 - 11:01 PM

Love stinks. Yeah yeah.

#10 Dustin



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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:49 PM

As somebody old enough to have been there and back - and more than one time - I give you young people one single word of advice from a man knowing his stuff only too good: Do not look for help with life's problems on the Internet.

There, I said it.

#11 x007AceOfSpades



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Posted 27 February 2014 - 05:20 PM


4. You definitely seem to have some bitterness towards women. But realise that the problem isn't with them.

Also having bitterness against women won't get you anywhere. I am sorry if you were hurt by a woman in a relationship but harboring bitter feelings because of that definitely isn't fair. 

Women can be picky but so can men. 


I don't know where you are getting bitterness from. If I was bitter towards women (which I am not, but both of your assumptions say I am) I'd probably be the biggest A** in my town.

#12 hcmv007


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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:08 PM

If you call/text/email somebody and they don't get back to you say 4-5 days later & say they were too busy don't bother with them. If someone finds you important enough they will make the time for you. Don't waste time on someone who doesn't want to make time with you.

#13 Colossus


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:47 AM

^^Hahaha well said Dustin.


Speaking of calling, i usually call over text early on knowing someone because for cripesakes it's the equivalent of a message board. Voice is more normal. Also to stem the tide and remind folks that yes, before cellphones this is what people did : blah blah.