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Happy Birthday George

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#1 jaguar007



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 05:35 PM

I love that my son shares a Birthday with a former 007. Happy 9th Birthday to my son Simon, and Happy 74th Birthday to George Lazenby!

#2 Dustin



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 06:05 PM

Here's to both of them!

Many Happy Returns!

Edited by Dustin, 05 September 2013 - 06:06 PM.

#3 Double Naught spy

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 01:52 AM

George Lazenby,


The fact I was only 11 years old when I discovered the world of James Bond back in 1980 meant I had a lot of 007 movies to catch up on,  Sure, For Your Eyes Only was only months away, but back in the day, before VCRs (at least in my home), I was at the mercy of ABC's Sunday Night Movie, et al, to see the old 007 flicks.  While I was trying to catch up, I had only two things to guide me (1) the Fleming novels, and (2) an issue of MAD Magazine (sorry, I forget the issue #) that had a 2-3 panel 'send-up' of each of the movies up to (I think) TMWTGG.


Of the 9 movies left to see (I was lucky to have seen MR & DAF on HBO that fateful night in 1980), yours was one of the last ones I got to watch.  (Again, not by choice, but rather by circumstances beyond my 11 year old control.)  So by the time I watched OHMSS (unlike MR & DAF), I had already read all of the Fleming novels (and recall being EXTREMELY excited over the news that Mr. Gardener was poised to take up the pen!), knew the history of how you succeeded Sean Connery and preceded Roger Moore.  And, therefore had my own (youthful) expectations of your 007 movie vs. the Fleming OHMSS novel, as well as you vs. Connery and Moore.  After finally getting to see OHMSS - Boy, was I not disappointed!!!!


Were you a "new face?"  - yes.  Were you different from Connery and Moore? - certainly.  Did your performance 'let-down' that 11 year old? - MOST CERTAINLY NOT!   To this day, watching you in OHMSS is like running across a rare blue moon that only comes around once in a.... well, you get my point. Your performance in that film was incredible!  I only wish I was around (technically I was, but was only 1 year old) to watch it in the context of you being the "new, post-Connery 007", with all the expectations of a long run of that character for you well into the 1970s.


However, that wasn't meant to be and you served as 007 for only one film.  I remember (finally) seeing OHMSS and thinking, "Lazenby did a GREAT job... why did they let him go?"   I have nothing but love and respect for Mr. Connery and Mr. Moore, but it would've been really nice to see you further your career as 007 into the 1970s and have gotten to see you further 'grow into the role.'  The fact that you (1) had to convincingly fill Sir Sean's shoes and also had to (2) successfully portrayed 007 in the most serious, down-beat endings of the Fleming series (no kissy-kiss in a life raft for you as the credits roll!) BUT NEVER got a 2nd movie?!? is one of the greatest injustices perpetrated by this franchise. 


But enough of my bitching... its your birthday after all, right?  Happy Birthday George! and many, many more!  You'll always be a Double-Oh agent in MY book.  Thank you again for a wonderful movie, and many happy birthday returns.  And, thank you for fulfilling (and succeeding!!!) an 11 year old dreams for a great film adaptations of one of Fleming's best novels. 

Edited by Double Naught spy, 07 September 2013 - 02:00 AM.

#4 Grard Bond

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 09:03 AM

Happy Birthday, George Lazenby and many years to come!

Thanks for a great Bondmovie.