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Should Bond Stay with the PPK or should he update?

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#31 Eric Stromberg

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:38 AM

If it's just the looks, nothing easier...

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Great pick. The P232 would be a perfect replacement, if the day comes again.

Absolutely. Wouldn't have thought of a Sig but this one obviously has the classic PPK lines with a very clean modern update.

#32 Red Barchetta

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 09:36 PM

I've always maintained that Bond should keep the PPK. As well as being the iconic Bond weapon, it is meant as a defensive weapon, and is more concealable than the larger 9mm’s. But at close range it still packs a punch. If nothing else, it would make a nice backup weapon for him.

#33 Golddragon71



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Posted 12 July 2012 - 10:34 PM

Did he use the P5 all the way through OP? I always assumed he had the PPK early on, and was later given the P5 by Q. But I never looked that closely early in the film.

I like the looks of the PPK way better than any of the modern chunky Glockified Walthers. I've never been too concerned about its practicality--stopping power, etc. I don't usually expect the capabilities of guns to be realistically portrayed in movies any more than the capabilities of computers are, so it's more the look than anything else for me.

It is a P5 that he's carrying during the taxi chase in New Delhi it get's kicked out of his hand by the guy with the Five bladed star here it is when he takes it out of his tuxedo
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And here it is again just after Bond has found out about Orlov's Plan
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#34 AMC Hornet

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:20 AM

I'd noticed that even in '83, but I'm no pistol expert.

Nice to have my suspicions confirmed.

#35 Jim


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 06:44 AM

Probably enough about guns now.