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This Or That?

With A Bond-Style Twist!

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#1291 Chief of SIS

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 05:50 AM

Good golly man. I've already seen what both would look like to a certain extent. Anything close to the FYEO hockey scene, which for me sadly seemed almost too reminiscent of the hockey brawl from the film 'Strange Brew,' would not be something I could live through again. Sadly, bobsledding it is.

Barb has a great idea and wants to reboot Bond again to get with the times. To do so, she has two options: Bond with vampires or Bond with zombies. Which one?

#1292 The Dove

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 06:12 AM

Hopefully NEITHER scenario will ever see the light of day....but Bond vs vampires does have a bit more appeal to me than zombies..

Bond's contacts...which one did you feel had the strongest friendship with James Bond...Kerim Bey, Milos Columbo OR Rene Mathis?

#1293 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:25 AM

Somehow I think Rene Mathis, only going by Bond's reaction and revenge one he had been killed.

Which ally do you think James Bond had been for drinks with on a social occasion more....

Charles Robinson


Alec Trevelyan


#1294 The Dove

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:37 PM

I'd say Charles Robinson...Bond would have plenty more time for some pubbing with Charles in the 9 years that took place after Alec's supposed "death"..

007 Legends, if you do own a copy of it now, are you...VERY disappointed with it OR thinking it's a decent Bond game?

#1295 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 22 October 2012 - 07:56 AM

Ah...well I do own a copy but am waiting to play it after 'Skyfall', as my free time is being used with watching the 007 films. I THINK I will feel a little dissapointed at the missed opportunity BUT feel it's a decent Bond game - it's got the action, the music, the stories of 6 films so I wasn't expecting miracles, I think this will be a decent game.

Which Bond villain deserved more to do in the film...

Hugo Drax in 'Moonraker'


Dr.Kananga in 'Live And Let Die'


#1296 Pussfeller



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Posted 22 October 2012 - 08:17 AM

Drax. Kananga had a fair bit of action and meaty monologues, but Drax was both sedentary and laconic. Michael Lonsdale did well within those constraints, but he could have been a much more interesting villain.

Which abandoned element of DAF would you have rather kept:

The yacht battle on Lake Mead


The villain being Auric Goldfinger's twin brother


#1297 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 22 October 2012 - 08:38 AM

Tempted to say Auric Goldfinger's twin brother - would have been a solid return to the Connery Bond era but probably shot down due to him trying to re-capture his 'Goldfinger' popularity.

You see one of the adverts below in the local press job section. Who do you give the call to -

WANTED - Willing partner required interested in computing and current hardware takeovers in the Silicon Valley area. Company travel included with full benefits including corporate events at Ascot Racecourse, and full pension.


Fed up of your normal life? We need a willing, enthusiastic and dedicated being for the Moonraker Project, founded by Drax Industries. Your life will never be the same again, and a once in a lifetime journey is guaranteed!


#1298 The Dove

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 04:26 PM

(Heh...nice one, TCR!!) I'd go for the Moonraker Project job offer..."It's the opportunities for travel, are what I like best..." LOL..

Say you won a ticket to the Royal premiere of Skyfall, just like a Golden Wonka ticket, and you could make a grand Bond-esque entrance to the red carpet...do you....Parachute in with a Union Jack parachute, a la The Spy Who Loved Me / Die Another Day OR strap on a Thunderball jet pack and jet into the premiere?

#1299 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 22 October 2012 - 06:12 PM

Jet pack, like Connery did on Letterman to prove he wasn't dead.

Your in the theater at the premiere and you sit next to the producers but they eat most of your pop corn OR you sit with Harris and Berenice but they talk a lot during the movie?

#1300 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 23 October 2012 - 12:33 PM

I'll sit next to Naomi and Berenice - she can talk all she wants, I'll just sit and stare and listen.

You are Eve in 'Skyfall' - do you take the bloody shot?

YES - Suck it up and shoot, regardless of the situation and hope to god you hit the target or feel M's wrath


NO - Your judgement decides that you're putting a fellow agent in danger and he has to go it alone, you can't help at all


#1301 The Dove

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Posted 23 October 2012 - 07:45 PM

Yes..take the bloody shot..remove Bond from the equation in the no-win situation.

Now that the Royale Premiere of Skyfall has ended, are you more in...Total Bond bliss at seeing all the stars and alumni and wonderful background setting of the Royal Albert Hall OR slightly bothered and facepalming at the choice of MC's and some of the rediculous questions they asked?

#1302 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 08:09 AM

Have to say Total Bond bliss at seeing all the stars and alumni and wonderful background setting of the Royal Albert Hall. It looked great, and would have loved to have been there.

If you could choose one of the recent Bond events to attend, what would it be?

The 'Skyfall' UK Premier at The Royal Albert Hall, London


The Christies James Bond 50th Auction, London


#1303 The Dove

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 04:31 PM

Have to be the Skyfall Premiere...I'd be too afraid of attending the auction as just an ordinary spectator and having to brush a fly away from my face and suddenly find myself being the proud owner of the Aston Martin DBS from Quantum of Solace when I definitely do NOT have the necessary funds to do so..

Pure gut feeling, as many of us have yet to see the film...will the Tube chase sequence in Skyfall...be better than OR just as exciting as the Waterloo Station sequence in The Bourne Ultimatum?

#1304 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 10:19 PM

Well I'm going to say that it will be as good as The Bourne Ultimatum if not better. Haven't seen Ultimatum in a while though.

Do you think SF will be better then The Dark Knight Rises OR just as good.

#1305 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:16 AM

I think it will be better - obviously not a greatly expected end to a trilogy, but feel it will be tighter, well filmed and less...drawn out than 'TDKR'. And a villain who is used better.

For Bond 24, EON deliver an ultimatum they want to propose...

Daniel Craig stays on as James Bond and they will re-imagine 'Dr.No' as the next film


Daniel Craig will leave the role and the next film will be a re-imagining of 'The Spy Who Loved Me'


#1306 The Dove

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 05:17 PM

Oh please let Craig stay on as Bond and actually, a re-imaging of Dr. No sounds more ideal to me than "Spy..."

Trying to stay 100% spoiler free (not that I even tried to) during the pre-production of a Bond film... Is it worth it OR Nah, what's the point?? I'm too much of a Bond fanatic to NOT be sucked in by all the new tidbits and such and will still enjoy it nonetheless when the film hits the big screen?

#1307 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:32 PM

I never followed the production of a film so closely and that is in a large part thanks to the forums, so for me it was worth joining the forums and then watching all the little tidbits growing into a film was totally worth it.

What are you looking forward to the most about SF, the throwbacks to other Bond films OR the new things brought to the table ?

#1308 Iceskater101


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:38 PM

The new things brought to the table for sure!

Javier Bardem... is he?

Really attracted to James Bond sexually? or not at all. He is just rubbing Bonds legs because he he can. lol

#1309 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:52 PM

He is just rubbing Bonds legs because he he can! He knows how to push all the buttons!

Who would you rather work for...

Karl Stromberg


Auric Goldfinger


#1310 Iceskater101


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:57 PM

Probably Stromberg, just because his lair is pretty cool. I don't think Goldfinger has a lair...

If you could accompany Bond on any mission of his would you..

Go into space with Bond in Moonraker? or Go under the seas and fend off Largo's troops in Thunderball?

#1311 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 26 October 2012 - 02:36 AM

Going to outer space is a once in a life time opportunity but I'll have to go with scuba diving in the Bahama's although with the sharks that could be even more dangerous

What job would you rather have on Bond 24: traveling to all the locations OR working at Pinewood Studios and the 007 Stage?

#1312 Iceskater101


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Posted 26 October 2012 - 04:03 AM

Probably traveling to the all the locations, I think it would be cool to view the world!

If you wanted to work on the bond films would you rather be..

The stunt double for all the action scenes or the one works with the CGI?

#1313 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 26 October 2012 - 04:33 AM

Stunt Double, sounds like a lot of fun although I'm not that good with heights lol.

Which weapon would you rather see Bond handle in Bond 24 : Flame Thrower OR Rocket Launcher ?

#1314 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 27 October 2012 - 08:49 PM

A simple rocket launcher for some good old explosive action, Craig style!

Going out on a whim....for those who have seen 'Skyfall' OR those who haven't, but read reviews, do you think now that 'Skyfall'...

Lived up to expectations - 4 years worth the wait and brings Bond back with a bang! Full of everything we want and more.


Slightly feel the hype of the 50th Anniversary has taken the shine away from what the film is. Decent enough but lacks that Bond style.


#1315 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:47 AM

Still haven't seen it but it seems it has lived up to the critics expectations and surpassed the bar set by CR, I'm a little worried its over hyped but can't wait to see it.

What would you rather see in Bond 24; horseback riding OR skiing?

#1316 The Dove

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 07:51 PM

Horseback riding...haven't seen Bond horseback riding in a while..Whereas we've seen skiing more recently in TWINE.

Bond 24 and 25 being a two part story, being penned by John Logan...Are you: Excited and intrigued to see how it's gonna playout OR slightly worried after how Quantum of Solace was produced as a direct sequel to Casino Royale?

#1317 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:16 PM

Have to say straight away slightly worried after how 'Quantum of Solace' was produced as a direct sequel to 'Casino Royale'?

Will a 2-part Bond story...

Excite you at what they could span over nearly 4 hours of one singular Bond story and expanding on lots of elements


Dissapoint a little as you want more stand alone missions, like they used to be without dragging it out and ruining it


#1318 Iceskater101


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 12:16 AM

Disappointed. I mean I would rather have stand alone missions, but I am sure that this will be good.

Bond 24:

Should Bond 24 or 25 have 3D in it? or No 3D it would ruin the movie.

#1319 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 29 October 2012 - 09:37 AM

No 3D! It will ruin the movie for sure and end up being gimmicky - and probably have a 3D gunbarrel bullet.

On the topic of 3D Bond, EON want to re-issue a classic film for 3D conversion and we can pick which one. Do you choose -

'Goldfinger' - Think about the laser, Oddjobs hat and Fort Knox


'Live And Let Die' - Think about the speedboat chase, the crocodiles and the Underground Lair


#1320 The Dove

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Posted 29 October 2012 - 04:33 PM

If OddJob's hat is involved in 3-D magic, give me Goldfinger!

If you were offered the chance to partake in a game with a Bond villain which would it be? A round of golf with Auric Goldfinger OR a round of "Domination" with Largo (from NSNA)?