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This Or That?

With A Bond-Style Twist!

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#3721 AMC Hornet

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 06:52 PM

Give me water over ice any time (except in my drinks), so deckhand it is.


Speaking of which:


We know there will be ice action is SPECTRE, but will there be any aquatic scenes, Yes or No?

#3722 DaveBond21



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Posted 12 January 2015 - 09:41 PM



Which is your preferred PTS:-









#3723 Call Billy Bob

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 09:46 PM

Octopussy. Though iconic, the TSWLM PTS has a little too much to do with the plot for my taste. I prefer a stand-alone PTS.



More likely to return in the future of the franchise:


a double-entedre Bond girl name




a recurring "girlfriend" a la Sylvia Trench ?

#3724 AMC Hornet

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 11:08 PM

Give me a Pussy Galore/Plenty O'Toole/Xenia Onatopp any day.


If Bond is going to have a recurring girlfriend, let her have a name like Peri Neeham or Fanny Delight.


Will Bond MK VII be


as much like Daniel Craig as they can manage (like Lazenby after Connery)


a lightening up (like Brosnan after Dalton)


#3725 DaveBond21



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Posted 12 January 2015 - 11:31 PM

Great question. I actually think a bit of both but if I have to pick one, let's say close to Craig.


Which would you prefer for the plot for Bond 25:-


M is attacked in his office by SPECTRE agents and left for dead




Bond is fired for failing in his mission and 008 really does take over



#3726 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:20 AM

I've had enough of MI6 and M being an easy target (makes them look inept, imo) so go for Bond being fired and 008 taking over. Would be great seeing how Bond handles that.



Gut instinct. Is Christoph Waltz playing Blofeld in 'Spectre'?


YES - Too obvious to doubt!




NO - Too obvious to believe!



#3727 The Dove

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Posted 13 January 2015 - 06:48 PM

NO - Too obvious to believe (though I won't be complaining if it turns out I'm wrong!)


Do you think Bond will return Q's equipment in one piece in SPECTRE? YES or NO?

#3728 DaveBond21



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Posted 13 January 2015 - 09:50 PM

Definitely not!  :)


The Bond 25 PTS to be:-


Virtually a scene-for-scene remake of the Thunderball PTS




Bond dressed as a clown chasing a SPECTRE agent through the woods who is dressed as an acrobat?

#3729 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 14 January 2015 - 08:33 AM

Hmm. If done well I'd go for the 'Octopussy' themed PTS; great tension and a chilling sequence could be repeated.



Which Roger Moore moment is annoyingly under-rated by many:



Defusing the bomb...yes, dressed as a clown in 'Octopussy'. Get over it!




All of the brilliant 'A View To A Kill'



#3730 seawolfnyy



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Posted 14 January 2015 - 12:17 PM

Defusing the bomb dressed as a clown in Octopussy. I don't understand why this scene gets so much flack. The fact that Bond is dressed as a clown and no one believes that he is really a spy adds to the tension of the overall scene. The same tension wouldn't be there if he was dressed normally and Octopussy immediately recognized him.



SPECTRE set in:





#3731 The Dove

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 04:57 PM

Definitely 2015... No way would I like to see a modern era Bond film set retro-active in the past.


Should Thomas Newman utilize some of John Barry's "OHMSS" score as inspiration for scoring the Austrian scenes in SPECTRE? YES, it might be cool to hear some sort of influence in the score OR NO, let Newman come up with something totally unique and original?

#3732 seawolfnyy



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Posted 14 January 2015 - 08:04 PM

Yes, yes and again YES! The OHMSS score is my favorite in the entire series and would love for Newman to give it a modern touch.




If the Castle of Death were to feature in a future Bond film, but not in Japan, which would be a better location:

South Korea




#3733 DaveBond21



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Posted 14 January 2015 - 09:42 PM

South Korea


Which scene is your favourite:-


The chess match in FRWL




The 00 briefing in Thunderball



#3734 AMC Hornet

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 02:23 AM

The briefing in Thunderball. I love the huge map revealed for only a moment, with the curtains still wide open.


Once HM Queen Elizabeth II expires, will EON then choose to remake their only slightly flawed classic, renaming it:

In His Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service (IHMSIS).




What drugs are you on


#3735 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 08:21 AM

What drugs ARE you on my good man? :D



Which of the 60s Bond traits is most charming:


Bond wearing a hat




Loudly exaggerated slapping of women



#3736 seawolfnyy



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 11:13 AM

Do I even need to say it?

Worse sound effect:
Slide whistle over the AMC hornet barrel roll in TMWTGG
The gorilla call while swinging along the vines in India in OP

#3737 The Dove

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 05:36 PM

For me, its the Tarzan yell as Bond is singing on the vines in OP.. The slide whistle doesn't bother me too much..


The SPECTRE teaser/ official full length trailer...what sort of music should we have to accompany them.. The same old, re-hashed choral version of the Bond theme, which we've had since Die Another Day (I think), a return to Parodi/Fair's rockin' version of the Bond theme which debuted with Goldeneye, OR something fresh and new?

#3738 DaveBond21



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 10:07 PM

Something fresh and new (but with a bit of the Bond theme right at the end)


Which of these scenes is your favourite?


TSWLM - when the Lotus dives into the water (with the helicopter in the background)




TLD - Bond's POV shot looking down at the landrover as it explodes over the sea



#3739 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 16 January 2015 - 08:56 AM

Both great, but the tracking shot of the Lotus driving into the water in 'TSWLM' is a stunning, action packed moment in just a few frames.



Most absurd Roger Moore moment:


Dropping a red herring out of the Lotus window, cresting the beach in 'TSWLM'




A double-taking pigeon in 'Moonraker'



#3740 The Dove

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Posted 16 January 2015 - 06:23 PM

Definitely the double taking pigeon in Moonraker..


No videoblogs of the SPECTRE production (yet)... Are you surprised? OR No, those were probably only for the 50th anniversary of Bond in 2012 and the production of Skyfall..

#3741 DaveBond21



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 10:05 PM

Probably just for Skyfall.


Which Bond girl to you prefer:-


Anya in TSWLM




Natalya in Goldeneye



#3742 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 19 January 2015 - 08:41 AM

Hm. Both have good and bad qualities....but overall I think Anya from 'TSWLM' has a great package all over.



After MI6 was "destroyed" (partly) during 'Skyfall', will other real-life buildings/monuments be targeted for destruction in the Bond universe?


YES - It was brave stepping outside reality, and I am sure we will see other well known places/buildings suffering attacks




NO - It was a brave move, and a one-off to signify the change in direction for Bond by taking out MI6.



#3743 seawolfnyy



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Posted 19 January 2015 - 01:35 PM

NO - It was a brave move, and a one-off to signify the change in direction for Bond by taking out MI6. The producers are always reluctant to do things like that. I don't see anymore real-life buildings being destroyed anytime soon. Now if Michael Bay were contracted for Bond 25....




SPECTRE's RT rating:





#3744 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 19 January 2015 - 03:45 PM

Hm. I'm going for...  60%-80%. I just have a feeling, that's all. I don't know....prove me wrong RT!



What review exclamation do you NOT want to see / hear for the imminent release of 'Spectre':


"The best Bond film ever!"




"Welcome back, Mr Bond!"



#3745 The Dove

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:08 PM

Hmm...probably "The best Bond film ever!"...It gets old.. and sure you could say that about any Bond film and there will still be people who disagree.


Which Bond film anniversary are you most excited for this year...Thunderball's 50th, Goldeneye's 20th, or, if you feel so inclined, A View To A Kill's 30th?

#3746 DaveBond21



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Posted 19 January 2015 - 09:56 PM

Goldeneye, although actually I bet there is some kind of 30th anniversary for AVTAK happening at Chateau de Chantilly


The DVD cover of Bond 25 to feature:-


Bond in a space suit, standing on the moon




Judi Dench's M with the tagline "The real M is Back!"



#3747 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 08:42 AM

Haha, the space suit of course! :D



Why is 'A View To A Kill' hated so much...?


Roger Moore's age




A naff story



#3748 seawolfnyy



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 11:31 AM

Moore's age. I think AVTAK gets a bad rap because of it. While I do think it suffered from the business-as-usual model and maybe could've benefitted from another rewrite, I think Dalton/Brosnan could have made it more believable.




Brosnan in Licence to Kill:

would've helped its box-office return and not led to 1991's film being cancelled


LTK was doomed from the start no matter what


#3749 The Dove

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Posted 20 January 2015 - 05:47 PM

LTK was doomed from the start..Summer of '89 you had Batman, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, Star Trek V, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade all in competition with one another at the box office.. I think that Brosnan would have probably helped a bit but with such a dark and gritty story, not what most Bond fans were used to, LTK probably still would have suffered.


Bond 25...do you want the title to be more than just a single word, like Skyfall and SPECTRE OR No, I'm okay with 3 Bonds in a row with a single-word title?

#3750 DaveBond21



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 09:25 PM

I'd prefer more than one word but I think Risico or Shatterhand may be used. Would love "Devil May Care" or "Carte Blanche"


Better action scene:-


The ninjas entering the volcano in YOLT




The space fight in Moonraker

