001. You are NOT PERMITTED to use any copyrighted images or stills of scenes from the film. This is against CBn's forum policy plus it would make the game way too easy!
002. Each person is only allowed to use ONE non-copyrighted image of Sean Connery throughout the entire game.
003. You are NOT PERMITTED to post two consecutive times
004. You can play as many times as you want.
005. ONLY ONE picture per post.
006. I will post the chapter listing as a guideline but it is not mandatory to follow it exactly. Some people may feel a specific scene/sequence is better represented by something else.
007. At the end of the game, I will pick the person with the MOST CREATIVE ENTRY and he/she will start James Bond Picture Book #002: From Russia with Love.
1. Logos/Main Title
2. The Blind Killers
3. "Le Cercle" Of Cards
4. Assignments & Guns
5. Sexy Golf
6. A Very Bad Driver
7. The Dead Man's Place
8. Taking Precautions
9. Finding A Quarrel
10. Spy Meets Spy
11. No Pix, Please
12. Ungenuine Geologist
13. I Don't Like Failure
14. Along Came A Spider
15. Oop! Missing Files
16. Radioactive Samples
17. Road Runner
18. Stalling A Spy
19. Set Up, Wait & Shoot
20. Shell Shocked
21. Wading Into Trouble
22. Diesel Dragon
23. Decontamination Bath
24. A Luxurious Prison
25. Minnows Like Whales?
26. Dinner With The Dr.
27. Tunnel Of Trouble
28. That Suit Suits Me
29. Danger Level High
30. Look, No Hands!
31. Honey! Abandon Ship!
32. Happily Lost At Sea
33. Credits
I'll start: