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Kick-Ass. By all accounts it looks like a very good film, but...

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#61 Sark2.0



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Posted 24 April 2010 - 03:52 PM

I wish you would have responded to my post. While I'm not going to argue about how you feel about the film (hey, not everyone is going to embrace everything), I do think I made a good point about the character of Hit-Girl, I think your comment about the film saying it's ok for her to do what she does is wrong. The film does present her as a tragic character, one who had her childhood taken away from her by her father who turned her into a weapon for his crusade against the people he felt ultimately lead to his wife's death.

Perhaps, but then that is an argument only for an adult, as a child would clearly be too young and unsophisticated to pick up on the subtleties and nuance of such a highly intelligent script.

One point I made, and continue to make, is that the basic essence of the plot is something that could have been made without having to resort to all the things that made the film R-rated. It wouldn't have been "selling out" or sacrificing artistic freedom.

So you complain that it's R rated (thus children are excluded), yet you complain that it's a subject matter kids will not understand. Hmm.

I'm a grown-up. I want to watch films for grown-ups. I don't care if the subject matter crosses over with one kids might like; I'm ultimately a big kid anyway and every reasonable barrier to stop those seeing it who shouldn't is in place. I don't want my choices restricted because prudes get offended on behalf of a bunch of people they've never met over a film they've never seen. That's cultural rot for you right there: our choices and artistic freedom being eroded by people who think they should have the power to censor things they think they might dislike.

I don't think an R-rating means what you think it means. Kids can go accompanied by an adult.

Has GS advocated censorship? I know I haven't. Saying you think something's bad for society is not the same thing as saying the government should ban or restrict that thing. Remember Voltaire's quote about disagreeing with you have to say but defending to the death your right to say it?

#62 Jeff007


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Posted 13 May 2010 - 07:56 PM

Anyone notice the two Bond like deaths in the movie. A copy of the Licence to Kill decompression death and a copy on the Goldfinger car crushing scene.

#63 DamnCoffee



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Posted 31 July 2010 - 01:05 AM

Some details on KA:2..

Kick-[censored] creator Mark Millar has outlined his plans for the film's sequel.

Speaking to Movieweb, the writer revealed that the follow-up will focus on the characters Hit Girl and Red Mist.

"We left things off with [Hit Girl] being adopted by this extremely nice man. He is a cop. And she has to stop killing people, you know? That seems like an interesting starting point in the next one in regards to her character," he said.

"She is going to be like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven, where she hasn't picked up a gun in years. It's that type of thing. I like the idea of doing that with an 11-year-old girl."

Millar went on to say that the movie will also see Red Mist attempt to avenge his family's murder. "[Red Mist] is a guy who has had his entire family killed by Hit Girl. He heads off and develops his martial arts skills. He learns how to become a better villain. That type of thing," he added.

"He is going to come back and wreck unholy vengeance on our team. But in reality, he just comes back and gets stoned, and he spends a lot of money. He can't do anything, so he hires this bad [censored] girl from Russia, she comes into the story, and her plan is to kill Hit Girl.

"Red Mist becomes like Charles Manson. He goes online and influences a bunch of young villains to go against Kick-[censored] and Hit Girl. The whole thing ends up as a big gang fight like you'd see in The Warriors."

Directed by Matthew Vaughn, Kick-[censored] 2: Balls To The Wall is slated for release in 2012.

Oh come on. Must the word '[censored]' really be censored on here? It's not that insulting.

#64 JimmyBond



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Posted 31 July 2010 - 06:18 AM

I like the sounds of that. Seems to me like they'll be focusing more on Hit-Girl than Kick-[censored]. Though I'm sure that's what most fans probably want.

#65 Loomis


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Posted 09 October 2010 - 07:26 PM

So I ended up seeing the film that dare not speak its name around the CBn auto-censor. It's certainly no DARK KNIGHT or WATCHMEN (or even SUPERMAN RETURNS), but it's a reasonably entertaining timekiller.

#66 marktmurphy



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Posted 10 October 2010 - 05:00 PM

I'd never say it was a masterpiece, but I think it's a stronger film than Watchmen or Supe Returns. Dark Knight wasn't for me but I can see why people like it.