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When are your holidays?

7 replies to this topic

#1 Blue Eyes

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Posted 29 October 2002 - 08:26 AM

Various people have various commitments, the main one I forsee are school/univesity holidays.

So if you happen to know yours for 2004 (or could give a rough estimate) it would be appreciated.

What I've found;

Australia: 28 June 2004

#2 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 29 October 2002 - 08:51 AM

For 2004?!

I'm not too sure about 2003 yet. International schools here don't seem to follow from one year to the next when it comes to school holiday periods.

#3 rafterman


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Posted 29 October 2002 - 09:04 AM

wow, I don't even know my schedule for tomorrow :)

#4 Blue Eyes

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Posted 29 October 2002 - 09:23 AM

You'd be surprised that as crazy as it sounds, the dates probaly exist. My university has their holiday plan complete all the way up to 2006. A lot of high schools follow the same plan as eachother, and the UK one I found on a website for a UK University.

#5 stromberg


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Posted 29 October 2002 - 11:45 AM

In Germany this is a bit different. Your holidays depend on wich 'Bundesland' (federal state) you live. Each one has got its own schedule, and the dates for summer holidays exist for most states (except Bavaria) up to 2008.
Summer holidays 2004 in Germany is about a 6 weeks time somewhere between June 24 and September 13.
This doesn't affect me, since I've been away from school for some years now, but Tim's, for example, would be from July 19 to August 28.

#6 Blue Eyes

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Posted 29 October 2002 - 09:40 PM

Thanks stromberg :) Greatly apopreciated!

#7 Carver


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Posted 29 October 2002 - 09:59 PM

My school holidays usually start about 1-2 weeks before every other schools in the UK, no, its not a bording school, its a public, kinda posh school, and we get longer hours. So, I'm talking about starting around July the 12th and finishing about Se[tember the 7th. Thats what I think off the top of my head, could be wrong, but it is in 2 years time:rolleyes:

#8 JimmyBond



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Posted 04 November 2002 - 05:09 AM

I dont even know if I'll be going to College in 2004 or not. I do know this though, if I know the date far enough ahead of time, I can just not register for that semester, and I should be free.

Of course my money is getting thin, so I'll be getting a job soon, not sure what kind of hurdle that will present.