Just noticed that there is a new book which came out on the 10th October, out which I hadn't heard of before. "Martinis, Girls and Guns" - 50 years of 007 by Martin Sterling and Gary Morecambe. Click [url="http://"http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/1861055552.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg"]here[/url] for the cover.
The following is taken from [url="http://"http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1861055552/qid=1034957281/sr=1-4/ref=sr_1_0_4/026-9585642-1966031"]Amazon[/url]:
"Fifty years ago, an unknown writer sat down to write a novel that gave birth to one of the most famous fictional characters ever created. The novel was Casino Royale, the novelist Ian Fleming, and the character James Bond. Bond soon eclipsed his creator, progressing from page to screen ten years later. Immortalised through Sean Connery's performance then Roger Moore's, Bond was established as a worldwide sex symbol. He became an icon, defeating enemies and seducing women - and audiences - with his devastating combination of style, wry wit and understated cool. Martini, Guns and Girls is the definitive look at the world of Bond from Fleming's inception to the latest Pierce Brosnan blockbuster. This book examines how this adult fairy tale has managed to survive and thrive despite the bewildering number of changes that have occurred since the character's creation. It also features the extraordinary individuals - including Connery, Moore, 'Cubby' Broccoli and Fleming - who made Bond. With unprecedented access to the latest film and stills from the early years, Martin Sterling and Gary Morecambe present the ultimate history of a unique literary and cinematic icon."
"Martinis, Girls and Guns" - 50 years of 007
Started by
, Oct 18 2002 04:02 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 18 October 2002 - 04:02 PM
Posted 18 October 2002 - 05:14 PM
This item isn't available from Amazon US.
Posted 23 October 2002 - 11:25 PM
[center]Martinis Girls and guns:
fifty years of 007
Martin Sterling and Gary Morecambe
Publication date: 22 November 2002
ISBN: 1 86105 555 2 Price:
fifty years of 007
Martin Sterling and Gary Morecambe
Publication date: 22 November 2002
ISBN: 1 86105 555 2 Price:
Posted 24 October 2002 - 05:36 AM
Any idea of an Australian release Blue Eyes? I rang up about The James Bond Legacy and theres actually no publisher who's picked it up in Oz yet so i had to order my copy from the UK. Wondering if i need to do the same for this
Posted 24 October 2002 - 09:40 AM
You may just have to! I'll look into it myself I'm very very surprised that there's no Australian publisher for The James Bond Legacy! Did you try with Pan McMillan at all?
Posted 25 October 2002 - 04:37 AM
No. I rang Collins and Dymocks etc. Looks like i'll have to get onto the UK and get myself a copy. Though if its not overly expensive it might just come through in the flurry of DAD tie ins round Xmas.