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Parachute jump edited on DVD?!?!?

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#1 0012



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Posted 26 March 2009 - 06:12 PM

Ok...call me crazy...and I will certainly feel this way if no one backs me up on this...but when I was watching the QOS blu-ray, during the parachute jump it seems as if they had taken out the most CGI shot of Bond falling...I saw the film in theatres twice and distinctly remember as Bond opens the parachute a CGI Daniel Craig flips forward and crashes onto the ground, but on the blu-ray they open the parachute, and then it jumps to the shot where they hit the ground - from a different angle! I mean it seems they completely took out this obvious CGI shot...everyone knows the shot I'm talking about...we've complained about it for months...AM I CRAZY?!?! AAH!??

#2 HH007


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Posted 26 March 2009 - 06:29 PM

There was a good three month gap between when I saw QoS in the theaters and when I got it on DVD, so I honestly wouldn't know if they altered the free fall scene or not.

#3 byline


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Posted 26 March 2009 - 07:10 PM

The scene plays out pretty much the way I remembered it (only it seems as if, on DVD, the parachute stays open a beat longer before they crash to a landing; however, I could just be imagining that). My recollection is that the parachute opens, they fall a few more seconds then crash, and then Bond rolls forward into a prone position. That's exactly what I see on my DVD (regular, not Blu-ray).

Like I said in another post, though, memory is a pretty fallible thing.

Edited by byline, 26 March 2009 - 07:13 PM.

#4 DamnCoffee



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Posted 26 March 2009 - 07:15 PM

I watched the scene again. Nope, It still looks horrible at the end. It played out the same way I saw it in the cinema.

#5 Marketto007


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Posted 26 March 2009 - 07:23 PM

I didn't notice anything.


#6 Col. Sun

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Posted 26 March 2009 - 07:27 PM

Ok...call me crazy...and I will certainly feel this way if no one backs me up on this...but when I was watching the QOS blu-ray, during the parachute jump it seems as if they had taken out the most CGI shot of Bond falling...I saw the film in theatres twice and distinctly remember as Bond opens the parachute a CGI Daniel Craig flips forward and crashes onto the ground, but on the blu-ray they open the parachute, and then it jumps to the shot where they hit the ground - from a different angle! I mean it seems they completely took out this obvious CGI shot...everyone knows the shot I'm talking about...we've complained about it for months...AM I CRAZY?!?! AAH!??

Nope; there was always a cut between Bond and Camile falling into the sink hole and them hitting the ground.

No changes. Seq is as it was in the cinema.

#7 0012



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 12:15 AM

well then, in my opinion, it looks a lot better than it used to. B)

#8 Mr Teddy Bear

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Posted 27 March 2009 - 04:00 AM

I found the scene, like the whole film, a lot more digestible on DVD. I still think the whole stunt is a bit out there for a Daniel Craig Bond film.

#9 OmarB


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Posted 27 March 2009 - 04:10 AM

My dad and I watched it after having a few run and cokes this evening. Talk about nausea inducing movie! I swear, crazy edits, shaky cam, it's enough to make a lesser man blow chunks. They went way too far on this one.

As to the topic, nope, it's the same crap they gave us int he theater. Still looks silly, but at least DC's intensity and oil drinking makes up for it.