Latest James Bond film among first set of titles listed for pre-order
'Quantum of Solace' Available In HD On iTunes Store
Posted 20 March 2009 - 07:45 PM
Posted 20 March 2009 - 07:55 PM
EDIT: the HD trailer looks AWESOME!
Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:00 PM
Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:37 PM
This article is based primarily on the official press release, which was only released yesterday.But I put the news up in a topic a while ago.
Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:51 PM
Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:52 PM
Posted 20 March 2009 - 11:12 PM
Never explored the movie setup on iTunes. Can you save it to your hard drive?
Yes and you can play them in the Quicktime player along with the iTunes player.
Posted 20 March 2009 - 11:16 PM
Never explored the movie setup on iTunes. Can you save it to your hard drive?
Yes and you can play them in the Quicktime player along with the iTunes player.
Cheers, Joe Bond.
Posted 21 March 2009 - 01:23 AM
Never explored the movie setup on iTunes. Can you save it to your hard drive?
Yes and you can play them in the Quicktime player along with the iTunes player.
Cheers, Joe Bond.
Your welcome and they usually have chapter markers with picture thumbnails for each chapter.
Posted 21 March 2009 - 04:43 PM
The iTunes version will be in 720p. The main reason is to keep the file size down. Quantum of Solace is well under two hours &, even at 720p, the download will still be 3.37 gigabytes. The Blu-ray version of the movie comes in at just over 30 gigabytes so, unless you have a small server farm in your house, you would run out of hard drive space quickly if you were able to buy these in quantity not to mention the time it would take to download. The iTunes quality is similar to the HD you get on cable or satellite. The Apple TV is the easiest way to watch them but the newest Apple computers with the display port adapter are supposed to work too (with the right cable & HDCP compliant TV, of course).Its good to see HD content on iTunes but its more than likely 720P HD and 19.99 is pretty steep since you could probably get the QoS blu-ray for a little more than that and it would be a lot better quality. I have $9.99 in instore credit and am waiting for TB to the iTunes store in case its the Blu-ray version since the sound and visuals are superior on that version and I don't have a Blu-ray player and if its not then I may spend it on The Spy Who Loved Me when it hits the iTunes Store. However I see no reason to buy QoS from iTunes since if you need an Apple TV just to output it to your TV in HD and if you buy the QoS Blu-ray and have a Blu-ray drive for your computer you could use an application like Handbrake to make a better quality version than iTunes has and in fact when I get the QoS single disc DVD I plan to use handbrake to create a high quality SD verison of QoS for my iPod and computer that is as good as the iTunes SD version and maybe even better plus the 5.1 pass through track (only works on an Apple TV) adds to much unnescessary size to the file when I good use handbrake and put out a verision that is as good or better and at a smaller file size.
If you do buy the HD version of a movie from iTunes, you also get the standard version of the movie too (for Quantum of Solace, that is another 1.55 gigabyte download) & this version will sync to your iPod or iPhone. I've purchased a few HD TV shows & watched them on my laptop. They do look good. Whether or not they are worth a few extra dollars is debatable. I am very curious to see what the iTunes HD version of Quantum of Solace looks like, though. I'm already buying the Blu-ray so maybe I can get to check it out in an Apple store.
Also, Handbrake won't work with Blu-ray due to the copy protection.
Posted 21 March 2009 - 11:46 PM
The iTunes version will be in 720p. The main reason is to keep the file size down. Quantum of Solace is well under two hours &, even at 720p, the download will still be 3.37 gigabytes. The Blu-ray version of the movie comes in at just over 30 gigabytes so, unless you have a small server farm in your house, you would run out of hard drive space quickly if you were able to buy these in quantity not to mention the time it would take to download. The iTunes quality is similar to the HD you get on cable or satellite. The Apple TV is the easiest way to watch them but the newest Apple computers with the display port adapter are supposed to work too (with the right cable & HDCP compliant TV, of course).Its good to see HD content on iTunes but its more than likely 720P HD and 19.99 is pretty steep since you could probably get the QoS blu-ray for a little more than that and it would be a lot better quality. I have $9.99 in instore credit and am waiting for TB to the iTunes store in case its the Blu-ray version since the sound and visuals are superior on that version and I don't have a Blu-ray player and if its not then I may spend it on The Spy Who Loved Me when it hits the iTunes Store. However I see no reason to buy QoS from iTunes since if you need an Apple TV just to output it to your TV in HD and if you buy the QoS Blu-ray and have a Blu-ray drive for your computer you could use an application like Handbrake to make a better quality version than iTunes has and in fact when I get the QoS single disc DVD I plan to use handbrake to create a high quality SD verison of QoS for my iPod and computer that is as good as the iTunes SD version and maybe even better plus the 5.1 pass through track (only works on an Apple TV) adds to much unnescessary size to the file when I good use handbrake and put out a verision that is as good or better and at a smaller file size.
If you do buy the HD version of a movie from iTunes, you also get the standard version of the movie too (for Quantum of Solace, that is another 1.55 gigabyte download) & this version will sync to your iPod or iPhone. I've purchased a few HD TV shows & watched them on my laptop. They do look good. Whether or not they are work a few extra dollars is debatable. I am very curious to see what the iTunes HD version of Quantum of Solace looks like, though. I'm already buying the Blu-ray so maybe I can get to check it out in an Apple store.
Also, Handbrake won't work with Blu-ray due to the copy protection.
Thanks for the info and you are right about why it is 720P because I could not image downloading a 30+GB file and finding the space for it and I would image the HD version of Quantum of Solace to be on par with a HD cable signal which is not Blu-ray but its about the quality of a DVD but will no doubt look better than a DVD on an HD TV and I did not know you get the SD version with it which makes about 5 dollars more than the regular SD version but you get both HD and SD versions of a movie this sounds like a pretty good deal for those who own an Apple TV.