You only have to look at the IMDB boards to see that the answer is C to that one. The boards are full of people complaining about not understanding the most basic of movies. People have gotten to the stage where everything has to be force fed to them instead of thinking about it. Im sure even the lowliest student, if they actually bothered to think about it, could have guessed exact meaning of 'Quantum Of Solace', but no, its easier just to run to a message board and start whining.
You only have to look at books that come out today (written in the most basic of prose) compared to the writing of 50 years ago to see the effects of a dumbed down society, expecially when it comes to literacy.
Same with movies. People just dont want to think. I think many people would have been happier with QoS if it had some lame expositionary scene in the middle that perfectly laid out the plot of the whole movie for everyone. It sadly seems that something like that was neccessary, so many people didnt seem to understand the movie though it was all up there on screen.
Thing I love about the movie is the fly-on-the-wall feeling it has, you are along for the ride, and its up to you to join the dots by simply following the dialogue and what people were saying. But that seemed to have been too hard for many. The amount of people I hear/read talking about how Bond was on a revenge rampage in this movie and was a rogue agent annoys the crap out of me. Seems everyone missed the part about Bond being set up to be discredited by the CIA, and the fact that M only thinks Bond was on a rampage because of their false evidence, and the fact it takes about 2 minutes for Bond to make her see the truth and that he is on the right track with her line "I dont give a

about the CIA or their trumped up evidence. He's my agent and I trust him." Maybe if the movie had a longer, pointless scene where M and Bond discuss everything thats happened up until that point to explain it to the audience more people might have got the film,