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Why doesn't John Barry score the films anymore

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#1 brendan007


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Posted 06 April 2002 - 12:22 PM

Is there a specific reason why he hasn't done a score since TLD. I know he still works has a film composer and im wondering why he hasn't come back to bond.
I think David Arnold does a great job though, but it would be interesting to have Barry do a new one

#2 level007



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Posted 18 April 2002 - 03:13 PM

what i know about the Bond music in the '90 is that.

When The producers made Goldeneye, they wanted a new music, more modern and adapted to the '90. So they asked Eric Serra, a french composr who was Hype at the moment to make a more modern bond music. You know what happenned. For TND, producers were aware that Fans didn t like very much the music of Serra. So they asked Barry to Score Bond 18. He refused. But Barry heard the work of a composer who made an album with new interpretation of old bond song, and he liked WHat this guy did. Is name ? Arnold, David Arnold. So Barry told the producers that Arnold will surely make a good score. And That's what he did. At the end of the recording of TND, Micheal Wilson told Arnold that his stuff was really great and that he will probably do the next one, TWINE. He did it wuite well.

Now, DAD is in production, and it's the 20th Bond movie. I heard that Barry said in a TV show that he will love to do a new score for the next bond. But EOn apparently refused. WHy ? I am not sure. but as we know, Arnold made very good score for the last two, so why not take him again ? That will do justice for His work. Also John Barry is not quite popular these days, even if he did 11 past bond scores.
My dream (and certainly for Arnod too) would have to get a score made by Arnold and Barry ! But it appears that it s not the case.

Are we sure Barry is not working on DAD ? We know Arnold and Madonna are working on the Title song, but nobody at Eon said officialy that he has not worked, or written the song,etc...

wait and Listen my friends


#3 Friedrich Baxter

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Posted 18 April 2002 - 07:15 PM

I've got the official news from Stephen Woolston. A certain manager who has got contact with David Arnold. He told him, that EON asked them to do the score. So........I bet on it, that John Barry will not return. And that's NOT a joke!

But then........I still hope that Barry will return for one time some day. There will be a time that David Arnold is not available, so then EON can ask John Barry. The same happened in 1973 (LALD) and 1977 (TSWLM).

#4 Tanger



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Posted 06 April 2002 - 03:18 PM

It's due to Michael G. Wilson and Babs not wanting to hire him. He has asked, i'm led to believe, but they turned him down. They feel that today's audience wants modern music and that's what Arnold provides.
It looks doubtful that he'll ever return.
I'd like him to though.

#5 Friedrich Baxter

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Posted 18 April 2002 - 01:02 PM

I really think it's nonsense that John Barry is not modern anymore. Look, and listen, to The Living Daylights. THAT was very modern music, especially because John Barry worked together with A-Ha. The same counts for A View To A Kill, there he worked closely together with Duran Duran. And both results were......magnificent. Nevertheless, I have to say that I'm already used to David Arnold.
It's also true that after GoldenEye they wanted to have back the old retro 007 sound. Well, if that'was the case, he also could have asked John Barry