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Indy is STILL bigger than Bond!

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#61 Daddy Bond

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Posted 17 July 2008 - 06:25 PM

Did anyone catch that the excessive CGI in KOTCS bugged me? I just wanted to make sure I was clear on this. :tup:

#62 HH007


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Posted 17 July 2008 - 06:45 PM

Just like to set everyone straight on one thing... they were not aliens... they were inter-dimensional beings. Thank you. :tup:

#63 Publius



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Posted 17 July 2008 - 07:09 PM

Did anyone catch that the excessive CGI in KOTCS bugged me? I just wanted to make sure I was clear on this. :(

But seriously, tell us what you really think of the CGI. :tup:

Just like to set everyone straight on one thing... they were not aliens... they were inter-dimensional beings. Thank you. :)

Aliens are lifeforms from worlds other than our own, so they're interdimensional aliens. :tup:

#64 Mr. Arlington Beech

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 02:56 AM

Indiana Jones has captured the publics heart as the #1 action/adventure movie character. He is the only character that can beat Bond in that genre. When the AFI listed the top heroes/villiand Indy was #2 with Bond at #3 (Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird was #1). I remember seeing another poll a year or two ago that listed Indy as #1 favorite movie hero with Bond at #2.

Of course those polls were before KOTCS was released. IF QoS is as good as we all hope and the polls are redone next year, Bond could end up back on top.

I also recall a TV special one or two years ago (not sure what channel) about the greatest superheroes of all time, I think hosted and/or narrated by Stan Lee, and the top five was:

1) Spiderman
2) Superman
3) Batman
4) Indiana Jones
5) James Bond

I guarantee you a big part of it is Jones being American, and there being more Americans than Brits to vote on such things, whether for a TV special or with their pocketbooks when they go to the movies.

I watched recently the same program , but the top five was:

1) Spiderman
2) Superman
3) Batman
4) James Bond
5) Indiana Jones

Anyway, I'm totally agree, that the main reason that explains the bigger box office for Indy in the US, is that Ford's character is the typical american hero, while Bond is quintessentially british. Hence US audience can't identified as much with OO7 as they do with Indy.

I think it's the same reason that explains all the hype with Jason Bourne, it's the opportunity to have a Bond-like american heroe.

#65 sharpshooter



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Posted 18 July 2008 - 03:34 AM

Did anyone catch that the excessive CGI in KOTCS bugged me? I just wanted to make sure I was clear on this. :tup:

It bothered me. I have grown to loathe KOTCS, after going out of my way to like it as to not tarnish the series. Just as the Cannes crowd were 'respectful' to the film. Imagine if they made TOD today, the rope bridge scene would have been totally CGI, taking away the charm of it all. No threat level or danger in the film whatsoever. To me excessive CGI is just plain slack. In the days before CGI, they had to be creative and think up these situations and scenarios. I rank KOTCS last in the Indiana Jones stakes. It is not even in the same league as the first three.

I don’t know how anyone can place it above any of the originals, which have the advantage of being made back in the day. This film is going through the motions. There is nothing standout about this film except what is wrong with it. It is going to be remembered for the wrong reasons.

I know Indiana Jones is just a bunch of fun, but this was totally implausible and silly. Stupid scenes involving fridges, driving off cliffs onto rubber trees, cheesy stereotypical aliens looking directly at the camera, flying saucers, vine swinging, multiple waterfalls, computer generated ants that pull men down holes, etc. For the aliens, I'm fine with them, but it is how they are used that is absolutely terrible.

The high box office was a given. People went in expecting something similar to the first three. Except all what was happening was a cash in off memories that can not be replicated. So why try? People could have been talking about the almost mythical 'what if' regarding Indiana Jones 4 if it was never made. Well, now it is here people know exactly what they received.

I wouldn’t have made it. This film has stained the product in people’s eyes, mine included. It may have been alright if they filmed a decent script, not this nonsense. I will chose to live in ignorance that this was even made. They should have remained back in 1989 with pride, reputation and quality intact, being a cherished memory. If this is the last, it is a very poor lasting impression to leave on the audience. Even if another is made, the series runs the risk of falling deeper into the mire. It is better to fade away gracefully than to burn out.

#66 Mr Teddy Bear

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 04:26 AM

3. The return of Marion. Not necessary. Ford looks old, but she reminded me just HOW many years had passed since Raiders - a lot!!!

If they were going to set up a son, they had to give him some parents.

4. ShayUh LaBeef (yes, I know that's not how you spell his name). He's been okay in some other films, but we want to see Indy, not some scene stealing side kick.

If he is scene stealing, isn't he doing his job? Perhaps your problem is with the character Mutt, not the actor.

7. Did anyone else notice that Indy didn't actually DO very much through much of the film? There were too many distractions and other actors getting in the way.

Sort of. The first half was all Indy, but Indy seemed more passive in the second half.

All in all, KotCS disappointed many, but it seems people are looking for reasons to hate the film (see your "10" dislikes) rather than enjoy. That attitude is always going to sap the fun out of a film.