Posted 24 March 2008 - 08:40 AM
Posted 24 March 2008 - 12:53 PM
I rate these books above the Gardner / Benson ones I've read (no opinion still about Higson ones, I still have to read thel).
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:00 PM
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:06 PM
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:08 PM
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:12 PM
Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
That's, alas, very understandable

You can order them online in the UK, but I guess it's quite expensive, when the shipping charges are added...
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:17 PM
Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
That's, alas, very understandable
You can order them online in the UK, but I guess it's quite expensive, when the shipping charges are added...
Or order them from Canada on Amazon.ca or chapters.indigo.ca. The price will be about equivalent to the US price, and the shipping costs cheaper than what you'd pay from the UK. All the stores here still have all four on shelf, so there should be no trouble getting any one of them.
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:26 PM
Or order them from Canada on Amazon.ca or chapters.indigo.ca. The price will be about equivalent to the US price, and the shipping costs cheaper than what you'd pay from the UK. All the stores here still have all four on shelf, so there should be no trouble getting any one of them.
That's a good idea!

Anyway, it's a shame the Moneypenny Diaries haven't been offered a better international distribution. They deserved a better treatement! And besides, the readership of these light and smart books could have been wider than the hardcore Bond fans: people with a taste for spy novels / thrillers set in the 60s should enjoy them too, IMO.
I wonder if they have been translated to any foreign language? I've never heard about that, and if IFP didn't care to distribute the books in the US I doubt it...

Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:32 PM
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:38 PM
I'm not sure if TMD have been translated into French here in Canada. What's done in English is often done in French, so it's hard to say.
I've just checked "Kate Westbrook" on Amazon.ca and Amazon.fr, and it looks like there only the original TMD titles are available.
Posted 24 March 2008 - 03:06 PM
Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
I have been totally baffled by the bizarre US release schedules for these and the Young Bond books...
Posted 24 March 2008 - 05:46 PM
Posted 25 March 2008 - 03:23 PM
So thanks again, and please continue to spread the word. Now that the film-makers have seemingly dropped Moneypenny - and Lois, sadly, has left HQ - it's up to us to keep her flame burning.
Posted 25 March 2008 - 03:49 PM
Posted 25 March 2008 - 09:33 PM
Planning on doing this in the near future. Unfortunately, Germany is not exactly the market for adult Bond books*, so I guess there's not too much hope for a German release of the MDs (*whereas YoungBond doesn't look to bad, with SilverFin currently being 7th edition). Would prefer to have one to cross-read with the English one, instead of using a dictionary when in need (doesn't happen too oftenBased on all the fine voices on the Moneypenny Diaries here I decided to order the first two from Amazon today, something I wanted to do for quite a while now. Most recommendations on CBn haven't let me down in the past years and now I'm eager to finally find out about Monneypenny's adventures myself.

Posted 25 March 2008 - 09:34 PM
Posted 25 March 2008 - 10:02 PM
Posted 03 July 2008 - 08:17 PM
Samantha, don't know if you're still hovering about the CBn Forums, but I'm currently gripped by The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling. I'm about 100 pages in and I can't say I've been this involved in a book in a long time. As much as I want to fly through it, I'm trying to pace myself, knowing this is the final volume of these top-secret, must-read diaries.Hello from Moneypenny land. I wanted to thank you for taking an interest in the Moneypenny books, and to urge those of you on the western side of the pond to dig in, please. I also wanted to assure you that it has not been a matter of ignoring the US fans - nor those around the world; rather, the different publication schedules could be said to have resulted from a combination of bad luck and tactical errors. Anyway, the first of the trilogy comes out in May in the US and, all being well (and given your support), will be followed by volumes 2 & 3. IMO, they get better as they go along - but perhaps I'm biased?
So thanks again, and please continue to spread the word. Now that the film-makers have seemingly dropped Moneypenny - and Lois, sadly, has left HQ - it's up to us to keep her flame burning.
Thanks for a wonderful contribution to the 007 saga!
Posted 03 July 2008 - 08:39 PM
Posted 06 January 2009 - 04:52 AM
Posted 06 January 2009 - 05:10 AM
Posted 06 April 2009 - 11:15 PM
Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
Absolutely. I have been, however, able to locate a copy of the first novel in the series, and when I get the opportunity to, I plan on picking it up and reading it. All of the praise that these novels have been getting has raised my interest in them considerably. There's also the fact that I very much want to read some good, new Bond literature after the disappointment that was Devil May Care.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 12:35 AM
The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling is right up there with By Royal Command for me as the real centenary novels... but be sure you read the first two volumes beforehand. You won't be disappointed!Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
Absolutely. I have been, however, able to locate a copy of the first novel in the series, and when I get the opportunity to, I plan on picking it up and reading it. All of the praise that these novels have been getting has raised my interest in them considerably. There's also the fact that I very much want to read some good, new Bond literature after the disappointment that was Devil May Care.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 06:00 AM
The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling is right up there with By Royal Command for me as the real centenary novels... but be sure you read the first two volumes beforehand. You won't be disappointed!Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
Absolutely. I have been, however, able to locate a copy of the first novel in the series, and when I get the opportunity to, I plan on picking it up and reading it. All of the praise that these novels have been getting has raised my interest in them considerably. There's also the fact that I very much want to read some good, new Bond literature after the disappointment that was Devil May Care.
Luckily, the first in The Moneypenny Diaries is the only one I've been able to locate. From what I've been hearing about them, I'm really excited to finally get my hands on the book and start reading it. My only concern is going to be, after finishing the first novel, is finding a way to get the other two as these novels are impossible to find for whatever reason.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 06:11 AM
Only the first is out in the US. But wherever you are, Amazon.co.uk has all three (The Moneypenny Diaries: Secret Servant and The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling with those terrific Stina Perrson covers!).
The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling is right up there with By Royal Command for me as the real centenary novels... but be sure you read the first two volumes beforehand. You won't be disappointed!Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
Absolutely. I have been, however, able to locate a copy of the first novel in the series, and when I get the opportunity to, I plan on picking it up and reading it. All of the praise that these novels have been getting has raised my interest in them considerably. There's also the fact that I very much want to read some good, new Bond literature after the disappointment that was Devil May Care.
Luckily, the first in The Moneypenny Diaries is the only one I've been able to locate. From what I've been hearing about them, I'm really excited to finally get my hands on the book and start reading it. My only concern is going to be, after finishing the first novel, is finding a way to get the other two as these novels are impossible to find for whatever reason.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 06:24 AM
Only the first is out in the US. But wherever you are, Amazon.co.uk has all three (The Moneypenny Diaries: Secret Servant and The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling with those terrific Stina Perrson covers!).
The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling is right up there with By Royal Command for me as the real centenary novels... but be sure you read the first two volumes beforehand. You won't be disappointed!Many US Bond fans have ignored these books because these books ignored us.
Absolutely. I have been, however, able to locate a copy of the first novel in the series, and when I get the opportunity to, I plan on picking it up and reading it. All of the praise that these novels have been getting has raised my interest in them considerably. There's also the fact that I very much want to read some good, new Bond literature after the disappointment that was Devil May Care.
Luckily, the first in The Moneypenny Diaries is the only one I've been able to locate. From what I've been hearing about them, I'm really excited to finally get my hands on the book and start reading it. My only concern is going to be, after finishing the first novel, is finding a way to get the other two as these novels are impossible to find for whatever reason.
Thanks. Didn't know that we only had the first available to us (and even that's practically impossible to find).
Posted 07 April 2009 - 03:40 PM
Hello from Moneypenny land. I wanted to thank you for taking an interest in the Moneypenny books, and to urge those of you on the western side of the pond to dig in, please. I also wanted to assure you that it has not been a matter of ignoring the US fans - nor those around the world; rather, the different publication schedules could be said to have resulted from a combination of bad luck and tactical errors. Anyway, the first of the trilogy comes out in May in the US and, all being well (and given your support), will be followed by volumes 2 & 3. IMO, they get better as they go along - but perhaps I'm biased?
So thanks again, and please continue to spread the word. Now that the film-makers have seemingly dropped Moneypenny - and Lois, sadly, has left HQ - it's up to us to keep her flame burning.
Good to have you still lurking about the boards here at the craziest corner of Her Majesty's Secret Service. Trust me, the eternal flame of Moneypenny burns brightly around these parts.
Lovely to have met you at the DMC launch.
Posted 12 September 2009 - 08:32 PM
Posted 14 September 2009 - 08:27 AM
Posted 15 October 2009 - 07:26 PM