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The new Jack Ryan is Ryan Gosling!

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#1 OmarB


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 05:59 PM

So I came across this when I woke up. Seems they are yet again trying to restart the Jack Ryan story after The Sum Of All Fears did not blow everyone away (I liked it though). It's gonna be a new story not at all based on a Clancy story so this I'm kinda weary of. Gosling also does not come across as someone who I can believe will go from CIA analyst to US President. At least with Alec, Harrison or Ben I could see them as a president later in life.


#2 Harry Fawkes

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 06:57 PM

I liked The Sum Of All Fears. I'm glad they're doing another Ryan but as you said not doing a Clancy story is a bit off putting. Ah, well we'll see, eh?

#3 lazenbyland



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Posted 21 January 2008 - 06:59 PM

And 'The Sum of All Fears' (the movie) was based on a Jack Ryan novel?

#4 OmarB


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 07:01 PM

Yes The Sum Of All Fears was novel first. The film makers changed a lot of it for the film though ... a lot.

#5 MicroGlobeOne


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 07:43 PM

Gosling also does not come across as someone who I can believe will go from CIA analyst to US President. At least with Alec, Harrison or Ben I could see them as a president later in life.

Ben Affleck as President of the United States? Now there's a scary thought.

#6 marktmurphy



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Posted 21 January 2008 - 07:52 PM

There are Jack Ryan fans?

#7 TheSaint


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 08:15 PM

I passed on the last film, and will certainly pass on this one.

#8 dinovelvet



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Posted 21 January 2008 - 09:01 PM

So I came across this when I woke up. Seems they are yet again trying to restart the Jack Ryan story after The Sum Of All Fears did not blow everyone away (I liked it though). It's gonna be a new story not at all based on a Clancy story so this I'm kinda weary of. Gosling also does not come across as someone who I can believe will go from CIA analyst to US President. At least with Alec, Harrison or Ben I could see them as a president later in life.


ZOMG Jack Ryan isn't blond! BOYCOTTZ!!!!

start goslingnotryan.com nowwwwww!!11!!

No, this sounds pretty good to me. Gosling is a fine actor, its pretty much the equivalent of Daniel Craig as Bond, innit?

#9 Red Barchetta

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 09:10 PM

As a huge Tom Clancy / Jack Ryan fan, I'll say this- the novels do not translate well to the big screen. Clancy has the same problem that Stephen King has- too many words, ideas, plots going on at the same time in the novels. The films cut out a lot of it, otherwise they'd have to make the movie like 4 hours long. So, most Clancy, or King films always seem kinda jolted, and dis-connected. The Hunt for Red October (film), and The Shining (film) are classic examples.

I also liked Alec the best as Jack- he seemed to fit the part the best. I couldn't get past Harrison as Jack- he's still too Indy/Hans looking for me.

If they re-start the Ryan series, but move away from the books, it will be a diaster!
In other words, a normal Hollywood hatchet job!

#10 Qwerty


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 09:19 PM

These films have never been a huge draw to me, but I'll be waiting and watching to see how this one comes along before immediately dismissing it.

#11 Sbott


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 09:32 PM

Oh dear....

#12 RivenWinner



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Posted 21 January 2008 - 10:19 PM

Paramount has been trying to churn out some more Clancy movies for a good while now, especially with the less than stellar performance of "The Sum of All Fears" and old Ben. Ford passed on the role because he felt the script was bad, and when that happened Paramount decided to reboot the entire series. They picked Ben Affleck, and as we all know, his career has really taken a fall since those days. It was the exact reboot that Paramount was hoping for.

Since that time, they've been working Ryan projects, John Clark projects and other random Clancy stuff. Because they own the film to Jack Ryan, it seems like they're content coming up with their own story for him, rather than having to worry about a novel adapation. Either way, I agree. Clancy books do not translate well onto film.

either way, I am very indifferent on this new reboot, and in many ways I think most people are too. Jack Ryan isn't exactly a Indiana Jones, John McClane, type character that many people really care about. At least that's the impression I have.

#13 Skudor



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Posted 21 January 2008 - 10:40 PM

My wife likes the idea of Gosling. Not sure she cares what he plays though.

#14 Red Barchetta

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 10:53 PM

If you follow Ryan through out the novels, beginning with HFRO, he's a CIA paper pusher, who, through a series of unfortunate events, winds up as President of the U.S. He doesn't want to be in power, doesn't want the job, but knows it's his duty, and obligation to carry out his duties.
His reactions to most everything that happens around him, while trying to hold onto his moral compass, and execute his ideas is quite enthralling.

#15 Andrew


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Posted 21 January 2008 - 10:55 PM

I think Gosling would be a good pick for a younger Ryan. Although I would've much rather seen the aborted Joaquin Pheonix "Without Remorse" project come into fruition.

#16 Professor Dent

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 11:53 PM

Yes The Sum Of All Fears was novel first. The film makers changed a lot of it for the film though ... a lot.

As is usually the case, the book was better than the movie although the movie turned out to be better than I expected. In the book, the bomb is detonated at the Super Bowl in Denver vs in Baltimore as seen in the movie. I do agree that Clancy's books never really translate well to the screen. They are complicated, detailed, & usually have a few different story lines all working at the same time. Although, when you do finish reading one, you have a real sense of accomplishment. :tup:

#17 OmarB


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 12:39 AM

I think Clancy's stories would work better as a series. Take the book Rainbow 6 for instance. There's enough material in that book for a whole year of shows in the hour long format. From the team being assembled, trained to the kidnappings of the homeless, all the various missions the team has to go on while being tested by the bad guys, to the attack on the hospital and the birth of Ding's child. I could go on, you could almost make an episode out of every 2 chapters.

Personally I think a Clancy TV series based around John Clark would be amazing, have the first season be Rainbow 6.

#18 Gobi-1


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 02:00 AM

I quite like all the Jack Ryan films including Ben Affleck in "The Sum of All Fears."

I'm not sure what you guys are talking about when you mention it's less the stellar box office. It made $118,907,036 domestically and $193,921,372 worldwide on a 68 million budget so it wasn't a flop.

The Jack Ryan films have never been huge blockbusters but they have all been pretty consistent in the amount of money they made.

The Hunt for Red October
Domestic = $122,012,643
Foreign = $78,500,000
Worldwide = $200,512,643

Patriot Games
Domestic = $83,351,587
Foreign = $94,700,000
Worldwide = $178,051,587

Clear and Present Danger
Domestic = $122,187,717
Foreign = $93,700,000
Worldwide = $215,887,717

The Sum of All Fears
Domestic = $118,907,036
Foreign = $75,014,336
Worldwide= $193,921,372


Of course those are unadjusted for inflation so the earlier films would have made a larger amount of money then "The Sum of All Fears" a clear pattern of success can still be seen.

It's interesting that "The Bourne Identity" which was released the same summer, did $121,661,683 domestically and $213,925,107 worldwide on a 60 million dollar budget. So while it cost a little less to produce it only made twenty million more then "The Sum of All Fears."

Ben Affleck's Jack Ryan was just as succesful as Matt Damon's Jason Bourne so I've always wondered why Paramount didn't immediately greenlight a sequel.

As for Ryan Gosling I wouldn't mind seeing him in the role.

#19 Syndicate



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Posted 22 January 2008 - 02:41 AM

Yes The Sum Of All Fears was novel first. The film makers changed a lot of it for the film though ... a lot.

As is usually the case, the book was better than the movie although the movie turned out to be better than I expected. In the book, the bomb is detonated at the Super Bowl in Denver vs in Baltimore as seen in the movie. I do agree that Clancy's books never really translate well to the screen. They are complicated, detailed, & usually have a few different story lines all working at the same time. Although, when you do finish reading one, you have a real sense of accomplishment. :tup:

I'm a big Clancy fan, and a fan of the real spy world and authors who write spy novels that are close to the real spy world. It is ture that Clancy's books never really translate well to the screen, because it is not a super spy type like 007, The Man From Uncle, I Spy and Mission Impossible. If the film makers even try to get even 65% of the novel's stuff it would be boring to the movie goers who are not this type of a spy fan. Almost everything in Clancy's novels are how the real spy business works. That is why one will never read about a CIA, British SIS, Mossad and FBS operation officers carrying a gun or use one at all. Clancy is one those spy novel writer who like to do a lot of research before writing and get the stuff right like when and how does a join CIA and Sprcial Forces opertion happen, who issues the intelligence budget, what is wet work, when is a CIA analyst is called to go along to brief the president, military science and so on.

I just hope the film makers will not turn Jack Ryan into a super spy at all and do a lot of research on the day to day life of a CIA analyst, day to day life of a CIA operation officer, if their are any in the movie like Clark. I wonder has Clancy said anything, is he part of the project. Do the film makers want Clancy to be part of the project at all.

If anyone still want to k now the difference between the novel and movie of The Sum Of All Fears, here is the link to my post back in 2004 over at movieweb.com: http://www.movieweb....read.php?t=8581

Edited by Syndicate, 22 January 2008 - 06:13 AM.

#20 Loomis


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 01:39 PM

I like my Jack Ryan as an ageing and weary veteran intelligence officer in a senior role, as in the film CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER (which is excellent and IMO much better than the overrated first flick THE HUNT FOR THE RED OCTOBER) or the novel THE SUM OF ALL FEARS (probably the most fiendishly gripping thriller I've ever read, the movie version of which is an utter travesty, and, yes, I know that the book is the size of five telephone directories and that no screen adaptation - barring some kind of Peter Jackson-style saga - could possibly fit everything in, but that's no excuse for how halfhearted and thoroughly pisspoor the movie is).

Unfortunately, though, it would seem that Paramount wants Jack Ryan to be an action franchise to compete with Bourne and Craig-era Bond. Now, those are certainly wonderful franchises, and something that could stand alongside them in terms of quality would definitely be welcome, but I suspect that Paramount will go about it in precisely the wrong way, while also stiffing Clancy fans. Again.

Having said all that, Gosling is a fine actor with bags of presence, and a much more encouraging choice than Affleck or - as was rumoured a few years ago - Hayden Christensen.

#21 Jim


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 01:49 PM

but he cant be ryan ryan is dark hairred and gostling is not whydid they fire afleck when they promissed him anothyer twelve movies and i will NEVER!!!!!! see this movie it is dead to me they have betrayed the real ryan fans and it is a disscrace and i am going to boycot this movie and i will kill my family if they see it and all my frends and it will be a flop and then they will have to bring aflek back he is so sexy and those who like gostling are gay he looks like an albanian

#22 Loomis


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 02:57 PM

Your right they ruined Bond with that blonde munchkin and now they're just trying to rip off the Bourne films. They'll probably get Paul Greenass and his jumping handhold camera to make this new Jack Ryan film but it won't be as good of a film as the Bourne Ultimatum which was a ripoff of Casino Royale which was a ripoff of Bourne in the first place. WE GET IT!!!! You want to rip off Jason Bourne! :tup: Why don't they get George Clooney to play Ryan OMG he'd be perfect !!

Casio Royale was a FLOP compared to the Brosnan Bonds.It'll be interesting to see how many people turn out for Bond 22 yeah it'll definately gross more than Die Another Day yeah right... :tup: Maybe a small number of guys that were in jail when Casino Royale came out and don't know how much Craig blows! :) :(

#23 LadySylvia


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 04:42 PM

I don't care who plays Jack Ryan, as long as the actor manages to capture the character's personality. I think that Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck - despite their ages at the time they had portrayed the character - all did just that. And I believe that Ryan Gosling is talented enough to do the same.

#24 Syndicate



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Posted 22 January 2008 - 08:18 PM

but he cant be ryan, ryan is dark hairred and gostling is not whydid they fire afleck when they promissed him anothyer twelve movies and i will NEVER!!!!!! see this movie it is dead to me they have betrayed the real ryan fans and it is a disscrace and i am going to boycot this movie and i will kill my family if they see it and all my frends and it will be a flop and then they will have to bring aflek back he is so sexy and those who like gostling are gay he looks like an albanian

From The Tom Clancy Companion

Ryan, John Patrick: CIA officer and patriotic citizen. The son of Emmet William Ryan (a Baltimore policeman) and Catherine Buke Ryan (both killd in a plane crash at O'Hare Airport five years before Hunt). One sister living in Seattle. Married to Catherine Muller Ryan, M.D.; father of Sally and John Jr.
He has an undergraduate degree in economics from Boston College and a doctorate in history from Georgetown University. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marines but had to retire on a medical disability after a helicopter crash in Crete. His Marine training sank deep, however, and has saved both him and others more than once. He is still a reluctant flyer.
He made a modest fortune on Wall Street and has continued to add to it by shrewd dealing, until he is worth about 20 million dollars at the time of sum. Before becoming a full-time CIA employee, he taught naval history at the Naval Academy, and is the author of several books. These include Fighting Sailor, a biography of Admiral Halsey, and Agents and Agencies, a discussion of intelligence methodology that him to the attention ofboth the CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service.
He is six feet one, with long lantern-jawed face and a tendency to five o'clock shadow. He keeps fit with jogging and is an above-average marksman with a shotgun or pistol. Except when he nrglects his health, he is fit and quite formidable in a rough-and-tumble.
He considers himself an heir to the Irish-American tradition of standing von the side of the law, order and loyalty to country.He also has a strong principles (marital fidelity is one of them), and an Irish temper that has more than once got him in deep hot water.

#25 Daddy Bond

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Posted 22 January 2008 - 08:42 PM

As a huge Tom Clancy / Jack Ryan fan, I'll say this- the novels do not translate well to the big screen. Clancy has the same problem that Stephen King has- too many words, ideas, plots going on at the same time in the novels. The films cut out a lot of it, otherwise they'd have to make the movie like 4 hours long. So, most Clancy, or King films always seem kinda jolted, and dis-connected. The Hunt for Red October (film), and The Shining (film) are classic examples.

I also liked Alec the best as Jack- he seemed to fit the part the best. I couldn't get past Harrison as Jack- he's still too Indy/Hans looking for me.

If they re-start the Ryan series, but move away from the books, it will be a diaster!
In other words, a normal Hollywood hatchet job!

100% agree, Ryan's books just do not translate well into film (IMO). That does not mean I dislike the Ryan movies, only that Clancy's books don't always fit the big screen well.

However, I liked Ford as Ryan. With all the Ford movies I have seen, I am easily able to visualize him out of the Indy/Solo role.

#26 plankattack


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 09:25 PM

Jack Ryan is an imperialist. He kills and enjoys killing. He works for the system. He is the system, he.......


For many reasons listed above (miscasting, hostile authors, plots difficult to turn into scripts) the Ryan franchise has been a solid, but not spectatular earner. Would Ryan make a good Ryan? Who knows, but I doubt it that the series will be up to much if it were to return in it's last-seen form. Rather than just a new actor, the franchise needs a fresh approach. Ryan Gosling, Ryan O'Neal, Von Ryan's Express, doesn't really matter - the lead is really a small component to resurrecting the franchise to the studio's aspired heights of Bond, Bourne, Batman, etc.

#27 Loomis


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 10:37 PM

I think Gosling is a very good choice, but I'd much prefer them to get Ford back (as well as PATRIOT GAMES/CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER director Phillip Noyce), perhaps as President Ryan, or at the very least a seasoned pro in a senior position. Zero chance of this, of course, but it's what I'd like to see happen. And imagine how huge it'd be after INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL cleans up at this summer's box office.

BTW, will BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY count as the first reboot of a reboot?

#28 Professor Dent

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Posted 23 January 2008 - 02:25 AM

A TV series with Rainbow 6 being the first season is interesting, OmarB. I could get into that. I remember getting to the end of Debt Of Honor & just wanting to scream or something. Definitely a shocker. That wait until Executive Orders was published was brutal. :tup:

#29 Loomis


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Posted 24 January 2008 - 12:32 PM

Is Fernando Meirelles, director of CITY OF GOD and THE CONSTANT GARDENER, in the frame to direct this new Ryan flick? I hope so. Seems a choice very much in line with getting Alfonso Cuar

#30 Double-0 Seven

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Posted 24 January 2008 - 12:57 PM

I liked The Sum Of All Fears. I'm glad they're doing another Ryan but as you said not doing a Clancy story is a bit off putting. Ah, well we'll see, eh?

Good film but Affleck was definitly miscast !