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The Property Of A Lady

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#1 DamnCoffee



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Posted 01 September 2007 - 09:24 AM

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The Property Of a Lady


By Matthew Harkin

Part 1:


White Dots continously flow across the screen, and open up on the James Bond gunbarrell. James Bond, dressed in a tuxedo, walks infront of the plain white background, he sharply turns and fires a round out of his Walther P99. Red blood starts to flow down the screen, at the same time, Bond lowers his gun and walks out of frame, leaving the empty white gunbarell to be covered in the redness of the blood.


A Black Mercedes drives through the Italian countryside, Mr White dressed in a sharp looking suit, is incharge of the wheel. He admires the view as he drives.

James Bond admires Mr Whites luxury villa from behind the wheel of his Aston Martin DB5. Parked in between two bushes, it is just hidden from view. Bond, dressed in a blue three piece suit, exits the vehicle, holding a automatic machine gun which is tightly grasped in his right hand. Bond, approaches the villa, tentitavly, turning every few seconds, wary of been spotted.

Mr. White, pulls over on the side of the road, and takes out his cellphone, he taps a number and dials it, someone answers.

WHITE: I have the Money, when would you like to pick it up? ....5:O'clock?.....Ok, thats fine by me, and I trust you will bring the item to exchage?..... Good, I shall look foward to meeting you in the flesh [White congratulates himself with a dry smile, hangs up the phone and drives off]

Bond climbes over the vines, hanging loosly over the Villa wall. Bond walkes towards the brown wooden doors of the Mansion, and opens them, he soon notices that the Villa is deserted, apart from the two guards outiside, which he avoided whist climbing over the wall. Bond enters Mr Whites office and stares across the watery landscape, scorching under the hot sun, from Whites window. He turnes and fixes his eyes upon Mr. Whites desktop computer, which stands coldly in the corner of the room. Bond sits at the computer desk, and moves the curser, the screen lights up and shows the password protected screen. Bond sighs and sits back in the chair, thinking of a possible password, he straightens himself up and places his hands over the keyboard, he types 'ELLIPSIS', the screen flashes 'denied', he continues to type in possible passwords. 'WHITE' - Denied, 'VESPER' - 'Denied'. Bond quickly starts to run out of possible ideas, he scans the room, hoping for some sort of clue. Bond notices a file next to the computer desk, it reads 'LYND. VESPER', he opens the folder and is greeted with the beautiful face of Vesper Lynd, whos photograph is stuck plainly upon the paper. Bond smiles lovingly at the photograph. And starts to remember Vesper, he has numerous flashbacks of their short time together, Bond reads the red text towards the bottom of the photograph, it reads: DECEASED. Bond gags slightly and is almost overcome with emotion, he is distracted by the faint sound of a car engine, it begins to get louder.

Mr White approaches the Villa gates and drives through, he parks up on the pebbles on the front of the villa and steps out of the Mercedes. Whites reptile eyes admire the view. Mr. Whites cellphone rings he picks up after the second ring.

A crosshair is aiming at Mr Whites head....

WHITE: Hello?

BOND: Mr. White? we need to talk

The Crosshair then lowers to Mr Whites left knee

WHITE: Who is this?

Bond pulls the trigger, Mr White falls to the ground, screaming in agony, he begins to crawl towards the steps of the Villa. At the same time Bond slighty jogs down the flight of stairs and out onto the front of the villa, he glances at White, who is in dreadful pain, whilst dragging himself upon the sharp pebbles on the ground. Bond walks infront of White and looks down at him. White looks up at him with a helpless, pathetic look.

Bond smirks at him.

BOND: The Name's Bond...James Bond.

Bond and White exchange glances

WHITE: What do you want?

BOND: I told you.... 'to talk'

White stares at Bond, a cold smile spreads across his face.

WHITE: You'll get nothing out of me. Bond!

BOND: Is that So?

Bond grabs White by his shirt colar and drags him. White screams in pain. Bond continues to drag White, the open wound on his leg, smacking wildly upon the cold, stone steps. Bond violently throws White on his office floor. and slams the door behind him, Bond picks White up again and pushes him down on the computer chair next to his desk.

BOND: You still dont wanna talk?

WHITE: What is it you want?

BOND: Why was your number on Vespers cell phone?

WHITE: I dont know

BOND: Wrong answer!

Bond walkes over to White and kicks the open wound on his leg, causing White to Yelp.

BOND: You better start talking! Or I will kill you! How did you know her?

WHITE: I have no idea what you are talking about!

White Glances at his watch - 4:50pm

BOND: Maybe this will refresh you memory

Bond picks up Vespers dossier on the desk and throws it at White, he picks it up and scans the folder.

BOND: Well....

WHITE: Ther'es nothing to tell? Vesper used to work for this orginisation, she died, end of story!

BOND: There must be more! What is this orginastion? Who runs it?

White glances at his watch - 4: 52pm

WHITE: I... I dont know!

Bond kicks Whites leg again

BOND: Who? I warn you White? Speak!

WHITE: And what if I dont? What will you do?

BOND: Dont push me! Now tell me! Who runs the orginisation?

White remains silent, Bond raises the machine gun

BOND: Who?

White still remains silent

BOND: I warned you!

WHITE: You dont have the Guts.

Bond pulls the trigger, shooting White point blank in the heart

WHITE:..... Now... you'll... never know!

White Smirks, and passes away. In the distance, Bond hears an approaching speed boat, he turnes to the window and gazes over the crystal blue waters. He sees the speed boat coming closer and closer, he runs over to Mr. Whites lifeless body and rips out the photograph of Vesper from the dossier, stuffing it in his pocket, exits the room.

He runs outside near the black mercedes and picks up Whites cellphone, lying on the ground. He stuffs it in his pocket. Bond watches as the speedboat comes into port, a large black african man steps out onto the dock, holding a black leather case, call him Creiger. followed by two henchman equiped with AK47's,Bond quickly opens the car door and throws in his machine gun, whilst doing so he notices a large, silver breifcase on the backseat, he realises it's the money belonging to the treasury.

Creiger and his goons begin to approach Bond, Bond begins to panic.

CREIGER: Mr. White?

Bond stops panicing and begins to play along

BOND: Yes?

CREIGER: Ah! So Nice to finally meet you in the flesh

Creiger extends a hand, Bond shakes it.

CREIGER: So.... Shall we get started? I assume you have the money?

Bond nods and opens the car door, he grabs the breifcase, and hands it to the Armed guard.

CREIGER: I assume it is all there?

BOND: Yes... Every Penny of it.

Creiger extends his arm and hands Bond the black leather case, Bond takes the case from Creiger.

CREIGER: So, I trust this concludes our Buisness, very nice to meet you Mr. White?

BOND: Likewise

They Shake hands, Creiger and his goons depart, and leave Bond by the car, he sits in the car seat and unlocks the leather case, he opens it up. Inside is a golden necklace, he picks it up and realises that it is the Algerian Loveknot. Bond looks out to sea and watches the speed boat dissapear in the distance.



Death and Love Theme, Showing Sillhouets of Bond running around, dodging bullets and fighting on an Algerian Loveknot, the ememies breaking and turning into notes of Money, background showing flashbacks of Bond & Vesper.


A deserted Venice backstreet, the Sky is dark, Vesper Lynd runs through the courtyard, followed by Bond.

BOND: Vesper! Vesper!

VESPER: Leave Me James, LEAVE ME!!

Vesper Stands and looks round at Bond helplessly, her red dress and hair blowing in the wind. Bond stops and looks coldly at Vesper, she screams.


Bond starts running towards Vesper, no matter how close he gets to her he cant reach her, Vesper's eyes flooding with tears. She stops at the edge of the Venice canal, looking at Bond helplessly, she throws herself in. Bond Screams....

James Bond wakes sharply, his naked upper body clinging to the sheets of his bed, his body is wet with sweat, It is 4:30am, he is trembling. He gets up from his bed and walks towards the window, and lookes out onto the dark London streets.


MI6 HQ London.

Bond sits at his desk in his office, the clock reads 5:50am. Bond looks down at the Necklace, feeling it in his hands. He poures himself a stiff drink, he clutches the Algerian Loveknot, while he downs the drink. The Phone in his office rings, Bond picks up.

BOND: Bond here.

VILLIERS: She wants you Commander.

Bond hangs up the phone and rises from his desk, adjusting his blue buisiness suit.

Bond walkes down the corridor leading up to M's office, he opens the door and is greeted by Villiers, sitting at his desk with a Coffee.

VILLIERS: Good Morning, Commander.

BOND: Morning.

VILLIERS: If you just go straight in, she'll meet you momenterially.

Bond follows Villiers orders, he knocks and enters M's office.

M: Ah! James

M walkes over to Bond and lays her hand on his shoulder.

M: How are you doing?

BOND: I'm fine

M gently raises her hand from his shoulder and walkes over to the window, admiring the dark london view.

M: James, I meant what I said, You Know. If you do need more time...

BOND: M....I'm fine really, just... give me some space.

M: As you Wish, you're dismissed.

BOND: M'am.

Bond Exits M's office, and straight into Villiers', he finds the room disturbed, papers all over the floor, Bond knows something is wrong, he darts out of the office, runs down the corridor and into his own, Bond looks down at his desk, the Algerian Loveknot is gone, he begins to search his office.

M sits at her desk, typing on her desktop computer, she hears a noise, and gets up to investigate, opening the door, she comes face to face with a guard, holding a pistol to her head.

Bond darts back out his office and back into M's office, she's gone. Bond withdraws his Walther P99 and moves out of the office. He hears a distant scream and a gunshot, he starts to move. Bond is spotted by a guard, dressed in black, equipped with a Machine Gun, before the Guard can react, Bond raises his pistol and puts a bullet between his eyes. The Guard falls to the ground, dead. Bond turns the corner, another guard, Bond is again, quick to respond. Bond starts to move quicker and quicker down the corridor, passing dead bodies, paper work, splattered blood. in the distance he hears, the chimes of Big Ben, it is 6:00am. He looks out of the window and trys to spot any kind of disturbance in the streets below, Bond is unlucky, it is dark, he cant make out anything. Bond spots the reflection of a guard behind him in the window, he turns and raises his P99, he pulls the trigger - nothing, the magazine is empty. The guard smirks and lunges for Bond, Bond darts out of the way, and the guard slams into the window, Bond smashes the guards head repeatedly on the window glass, causing it to shatter, once broken, Bond throws the guard out of the window, and onto the street below. The alarm blaring in the distance, Bond continues to move, he smashes the butt of his gun over the head of another guard, this time holding a young woman hostage, once disabled, Bond grabs the young womans hand and runs with her down the corridor. he enters a room, and places the young woman gently down on a chair.

BOND: Once I go, Lock the door, dont let anybody in, you understand?

The Womans nods.

BOND: Just take cover, untill all of this is over.

The Heavy Armed guard, drags M down the corridor, his hand covering her mouth, she manages to free herself from his grasp.

M: Bond! BOND!!

The guard soon covers her mouth again.

GUARD: You will shut up Lady! If you know whats good for you.

Bond hears M's please in the distance and runs to investigate, the guard hears Bonds running coming closer and closer, he hides behind a corner, when Bond runs round the corner the guard trips him up, Bond falls to the floor, the Guard grabs Bond and begins to punch him in the gut, Bond yelps, thinking quickly, Bond grabs the guards head and headbuts him, causing the Guard to release him from his hard grasp. Bond then knees the Guard in the stomach and then in the nose, causing the guard to fall to the floor in pain. Bond grabs M and starts to run, the Guard, still on the floor, extends his arm and grabs Bonds foot causing him to fall with M. The Guard begins to rise, Bond kicks him in the face, as M gets herself up from the floor. Bond, grabs the guard and begins to puch him, the guard soon escapes from Bonds grasp and smacks him in the face, causing his nose to burst. M begins to run down the corridor, looking for something which would come into good use, she looks at Bond still fighting with the Guard and begins to scan the room. Bond begins to hit the guards head on the wall, they both get themselves up, Bond runs into a room and stands behind the door, waiting for the guard to enter. Once he hears the approaching footsteps, he slams the door, hitting the guard in the face, Bond opens the door and lunges for the Guard, the guard grabs him and throws him over the long conference table, breaking glasses and bottles which were lying upon it. Once Bond hits the floor, the guard pulls him up, greeting him with a punch. Bond grabs a chair, and hits it over the guards back, making him fall to the floor, in agony.