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Nightfire Comunnity Alive

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Posted 09 July 2007 - 08:38 AM

Nightfire is indeed still an actively played game. There are more than 200 frequenter and some more hundred players that play the game from time. Over the last 3-4 years the number of players has not decreased greatly, nor the ratio of new and old players has not changed much. Apparently, some new people come to Nightfire everyday.

The most active forum:
No, it is not this one. It is the Nightfire Clan Forum [ http://nightfire-cla...rum.freepgs.com ]. There are topics from clans, new players introducing themselves, Nightfire tools, etc. Give some of the latest topics a read in order to find out more about current issues of the NF Community.

Getting to know Nightfire player:
Games, such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike, use the Steam platform for server listing and friend listing and chats. If you would like to use similar functions for Nightfire try GameSpy Arcade [ http://www.gamespyarcade.com ]. Nearly all of the die-hard Nightfire player use this tool to chat with many other player in the Nightfire lobby or in their own rooms while watching the server list for their favourite servers. A non-plus ultra for every Nightfire player. There are usually between 30 to 80 people online in the Nightfire Gamespy Lobby, depending on the day and time.

The major league:
In case you want to have some informations about clan matches taking place in Nightfire the Nightfire Bond League is where it is happening [ http://www.nfbl.com ]. The most succesful clans play in a tournament on a weekly base under a solid, comprehensive set of rules.

General informations about Nightfire:
Anything from maps, console commands, modification and other sorts of downloads can be found on 009's Nightfire Pro Fair Play Site [ http://www.009.web-fun.net/nightfire ]. Get some starter tricks on Nightfire and consult the rich FAQ for any kind of questions.

More useful Nightfire tools and map downloads:
On Nightfire BSP Source [ http://nfbsp.glovi.net/ ] you can find some useful tweaking tools for your game, as well as, all sorts of programs and informations you would need to create new maps for Nightfire. New, finished custom maps can also be found there.

So all there is left to say is, enjoy the game and play fair and nicely.