The worst Bond game?
Posted 24 January 2011 - 07:29 PM
Posted 25 January 2011 - 07:32 PM
The game had o tweak the story too much in order to get the action it needed:
In order to get to the hidden periscope under the russian consulate Bond has to fight his way through the canals with a boat and storm an outpost. Not very stealthy.
The last mission deals with a nuclear rocket in a secret base that had nothing to do with the novel/movie.
EA was looking for a typical "Bond saves world from a threat by a megalomaniac". FRWL does not deliver these. It is not your typical "Blueprint" cinematic-Bond. FRWL is one of my faves because it stays true to the novel and is a thrilling spy movie. But the game is disapointing because you barely recognize the movie/novel .. and it doesn´t add too much too stand on it´own leg.
They should have adapted Goldfinger, which would have given them more to work on without having to tweak too much in order to make it mmore exiting for a game.
They wouldn´t even have the "Octopus-Spectre" dilemma. (Or they could have gone with another "original" story set in the 60´s)
The grahics and the gameplay are okay, but EON, which came before FRWL, seemed better.
Is it the worst Bond game? No!
Diamonds are forever , Goldfinger or AVTAK for the c64 were worse (okay, they are really old).
But I definitly would rank 007Racing and TND (as well as the PS1 version of TWINE) lower than FRWL.
Posted 25 January 2011 - 07:47 PM
Posted 26 January 2011 - 01:11 PM
Both of them are excellent in my point of view : Goldeneye '64 and From Russia with love. Nightfire is great, but too easy and too short. Goldeneye Wii is great, but it's a bad James Bond video game. In my opinion, this is the worst Bond game.
In this one, I've never felt a Bond ambiance counter to From Russia with love. Goldeneye Wii looks like Quantum of Solace (the movie I mean) : destruction, quickness...
On the contrary, From Russia with love made me feel playing with Bond's psychology. Well, of course, all the game consists of shooting, and it's probably much as easy as Nightfire (? - I'm not sure about my English here) but we have in From Russia with love sequence in MI6 (M, Q, Moneypenny...), car chase with an Aston Martin, a wonderful soundtrack in my opinion, very 60's...
Goldeneye Wii is more a commercial product than a real James Bond game in my opinion.
Posted 28 January 2011 - 10:01 AM
FRWL lacks excitement and is a breeze to play. But I don’t think it’s terrible. EA were on the right track, and it took until Blood Stone to get back on it. FRWL was similar to EoN's intention. Third person was a plus. The controls were tight – loved the improved focus aim. It captured the era pretty well.
FRWL is terrible. Runs fine, but is absolutely terrible.
How was EA on the right track? FRWL and Blood Stone (Published by Activision) were both commercial failures. After FRWL, EA finally gave up after releasing a string of inconsistant, high and low games and got out of their contract early. After Blood Stone, Bizarre Creations was 86'd.
Now both those games aren't terrible games, but they obviously weren't what people wanted. I personally believe that the majority of Bond gaming fans prefer the FPS model. The only FPS Bond title (out of 7) to not have any kind of success was GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, and that was b/c it was just a bad game all around. Though, you could argue QoS (CoD clone) either way really.. Whereas out of the four TPS (third-person shooter) Bond titles, only one, EON had some kind of commercial success.
Posted 29 January 2011 - 01:32 AM
Doesn't sway my opinion. I’m judging the games themselves, not their sales record. That’s the last thing I’m thinking about when I’m playing a game. I can look beyond that, and such data isn’t the true representation of what’s good and what’s not. Blood Stone is certainly better than what the weak sales suggest.How was EA on the right track? FRWL and Blood Stone (Published by Activision) were both commercial failures.
Posted 29 January 2011 - 02:39 AM
I have played the original Goldeneye game, From Russia With Love, Everything or Nothing, Nightfire, and Agent Under Fire. I have also glanced and played a bit of the newer games including the new Goldeneye.
Of all these games, From Russia With Love is my favorite game! Why? Because it appeals to me first and foremost as a Bond fan. It is the most Bondian. Sure it departs from the original source material. How could it not? Games by their very nature present a challenge for Bond. Especially if you are going to riff classic. The Brosnan era with its by the numbers and clock action sequences were highly influenced by games and gaming attention deficits. That is why the Brosnan era will not age very well. Even the Moore era has aged better. But I digress...
FRWL is THE game for casual gamers and BOND fans in my most humble of opinions. Maybe it is not a great GAME but it is certainly a great BOND GAME. Everything or Nothing comes CLOSE. EON may be a better GAME but it is not a better BOND GAME.
I would love to see more classic Bond video games.
Posted 10 February 2011 - 08:40 PM
I just don't get this. I am not a seasoned or hardcore gamer but...I am a lifelong BOnd fan. Have been for four decades. At least...
I have played the original Goldeneye game, From Russia With Love, Everything or Nothing, Nightfire, and Agent Under Fire. I have also glanced and played a bit of the newer games including the new Goldeneye.
Of all these games, From Russia With Love is my favorite game! Why? Because it appeals to me first and foremost as a Bond fan. It is the most Bondian. Sure it departs from the original source material. How could it not? Games by their very nature present a challenge for Bond. Especially if you are going to riff classic. The Brosnan era with its by the numbers and clock action sequences were highly influenced by games and gaming attention deficits. That is why the Brosnan era will not age very well. Even the Moore era has aged better. But I digress...
FRWL is THE game for casual gamers and BOND fans in my most humble of opinions. Maybe it is not a great GAME but it is certainly a great BOND GAME. Everything or Nothing comes CLOSE. EON may be a better GAME but it is not a better BOND GAME.
I would love to see more classic Bond video games.
I agree with the fact that more period Bond games would be great, but here is the main problem with it. All of the actors are too old to really capture the essence of their characters in a game now. For example, look at Sean Connery, From Russia with Love, do I really need to say more, Lois Maxwell, Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn, and Gert Frobe have all passed on, so there are four characters that would have to be revoiced, because lets be honest, when you can get the full original cast back together, it works a lot better, Godfather: the game being a prime example, because with the exception of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) most if not all of the amin characters are the same who played them in the movie (the exception being Marlon Brando who actually did do a couple of lines but for the most part, could not do them due to his failing health.)
Posted 10 February 2011 - 10:05 PM
Posted 10 February 2011 - 11:08 PM
Posted 11 February 2011 - 01:12 AM
I have lukewarm feelings for qos, but I have only played it for the PS2. My problem with the PS2 version is that all it has is the game, no special stuff or nothing like that. Also, there are less levels than the other systems.

It looks like a generic TPS, a TND (PS1) with better graphics. It doesn't feel too much like Bond... BUT on the positive side, it's a hard to beat game and you can't just go shooting everybody. If you don't take cover, you die. That simple

Oh, another thing I hated in QOS for PS2: when you make a "Bond Moment" (I.e: shooting a chandelier hanging above a number of enemies), you don't get the animation properly shot (a good shot of the chandelier crashing above the goons). EoN and FRWL had this.
Posted 11 February 2011 - 04:36 AM
Posted 22 February 2011 - 04:44 AM
I was curious about Goldeneye:Rogue Agent. I saw that it was very poorly reviewed. What is wrong with it? Story? game play? I read a bit of the story online and it actually sounds interesting. I think it's a different idea to have a bunch of the villains together in one game and to be able to play as a villain?
Before EA lost their license they were working on a follow up game to From Russia With Love. According to Roger Moore he was approached to voice a Moonraker game! That would've been pretty cool, IMO.
I didn't mind From Russia With Love. I enjoyed the game, but didn't feel it was as fun to replay as Goldeneye..
Posted 24 February 2011 - 12:47 AM
Posted 24 February 2011 - 12:54 AM
I mean where was the ability to kill innocent civilians, and stuff like that.
Yep. It should have had a GTA style thing.
Posted 25 February 2011 - 05:20 PM
Posted 17 March 2011 - 06:55 AM
Posted 17 March 2011 - 07:53 AM
Nightfire. Awful.. just plain awful,
I would not say awful... but it's a very short and easy game, indeed...
Posted 17 March 2011 - 04:22 PM
Nightfire. Awful.. just plain awful,
I would not say awful... but it's a very short and easy game, indeed...
Perhaps it was the bots in multiplayer mode?
Posted 17 March 2011 - 05:40 PM
Nightfire. Awful.. just plain awful,
Wow, don't hear that often. I've always found it to be the closest thing to a 5th Brosnan film that we ever got (more so than EoN). It's certainly my favorite.
Posted 13 April 2011 - 04:28 AM
Before EA lost their license they were working on a follow up game to From Russia With Love. According to Roger Moore he was approached to voice a Moonraker game! That would've been pretty cool, IMO.
EA was working on a Casino Royale game, the beta screenshots have been released or leaked.
Also, EA didn't "lose" the license, they terminated their contract early b/c they weren't getting great returns on their games. Their last two Bond games, GoldenEye: RA and FRWL both were massive commercial failures and before those particular Bond games their record wasn't stellar as most of them were bad-medicore, w/ a few good games, but none of them ever stood out as "excellent" in the eyes of the gaming world.
I actually enjoyed Goldeneye: Rogue Agent very much. In my opinion, the main problem is that people thought "How can it be a James Bond game without James Bond?" which actually they solved quite easily IMO. Now having said that, I did have one problem with the game: for a game that was supposed to not be a Bond game, it felt like a typical Bond game, and in that I mean that they had a good guy, an M type character, a Q type character, a love interest\Moneypenny type character and a main bad guy. Also, for a game that was supposed to let you "embrace your dark side" there was no much dark stuff happening. I mean where was the ability to kill innocent civilians, and stuff like that. Other than that, I enjoyed the game very much, but thats just me. Take my opinion for what it is, an opinion. Or a series of opinions.
That's a good summary of it. It's not a terrible game, but it's incredibly mediocre in every way.
Also, being a big gamer, I remember a lot of talk about this game after it was announced. The general consensus was that it was an obvious and cheap cash-in on the GoldenEye name considering it had exactly nothing to do w/ either the famous N64 game or the film. Not sure how much that sentiment had to do w/ it, but it disgusted a lot of old-school gamers. At least w/ the GoldenEye Wii game they took many cues from the N64 game (which fans liked) and the film even though it was essentially a completely new game.
Posted 13 April 2011 - 07:03 AM

Besides the above abomination, I thought Agent Under Fire had really clunky controls (but maybe that's because I came to it after Nightfire, which in my opinion is the smoothest and best Bond game since the Beatific Goldeneye 64 itself) and Everything Or Nothing was too noisy, gun-totin' OTT and altogether DADesque. Hate to see the great Willem Dafoe wasted on that game.
Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:36 PM
Nightfire. Awful.. just plain awful,
I would not say awful... but it's a very short and easy game, indeed...
It wasn't easy for me, and I'm talking about playing on the 'easy' setting, I don't think I ever got past the 5th level. But I'm complete crap at most computer games anyway.

There are little bits in 'Agent Under Fire' which slightly irritate me, like Bond's voice, it's sounds a bit husky to me

Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:43 PM
Before EA lost their license they were working on a follow up game to From Russia With Love. According to Roger Moore he was approached to voice a Moonraker game! That would've been pretty cool, IMO.
EA was working on a Casino Royale game, the beta screenshots have been released or leaked.
Also, EA didn't "lose" the license, they terminated their contract early b/c they weren't getting great returns on their games. Their last two Bond games, GoldenEye: RA and FRWL both were massive commercial failures and before those particular Bond games their record wasn't stellar as most of them were bad-medicore, w/ a few good games, but none of them ever stood out as "excellent" in the eyes of the gaming world.I actually enjoyed Goldeneye: Rogue Agent very much. In my opinion, the main problem is that people thought "How can it be a James Bond game without James Bond?" which actually they solved quite easily IMO. Now having said that, I did have one problem with the game: for a game that was supposed to not be a Bond game, it felt like a typical Bond game, and in that I mean that they had a good guy, an M type character, a Q type character, a love interest\Moneypenny type character and a main bad guy. Also, for a game that was supposed to let you "embrace your dark side" there was no much dark stuff happening. I mean where was the ability to kill innocent civilians, and stuff like that. Other than that, I enjoyed the game very much, but thats just me. Take my opinion for what it is, an opinion. Or a series of opinions.
That's a good summary of it. It's not a terrible game, but it's incredibly mediocre in every way.
Also, being a big gamer, I remember a lot of talk about this game after it was announced. The general consensus was that it was an obvious and cheap cash-in on the GoldenEye name considering it had exactly nothing to do w/ either the famous N64 game or the film. Not sure how much that sentiment had to do w/ it, but it disgusted a lot of old-school gamers. At least w/ the GoldenEye Wii game they took many cues from the N64 game (which fans liked) and the film even though it was essentially a completely new game.
Here are Roger Moore's comments about being approached to do voice work for a Moonraker game from EA...
Question 2 and answer:
Posted 13 April 2011 - 10:01 PM
Here are Roger Moore's comments about being approached to do voice work for a Moonraker game from EA...
Question 2 and answer:
I'm not saying Roger wasn't approached about it. If he says they had discussions, I believe him. I was only pointing out that before Activision got the license EA was working on a Casino Royale game and not a "follow up to FRWL." EA might have considered such a game, but it never materialized past that.
The only reason they created the FRWL game in the first place was b/c at the time there was no current James Bond...Brosnan had said he was done and Craig hadn't been announced.
Also, yes EA terminated their contract in 2006...when the contract ran through 2009:
Namely, how did Activision get the license to publisher 007 titles? As it turns out, EA decided it didn't want to make them anymore. "EA has decided to conclude our agreement for the James Bond license," a rep told GameSpot. "The current contract was set to expire in 2009. This was a good relationship with MGM and it produced a lot of great games."
According to EA, the end of the 007 deal is part of the publisher's larger strategy to refocus on all-new games. "While movie games will always be in our portfolio, EA is moving away from licensed properties and committing our resources to wholly-owned IP, created in our own studios," said the rep. "Wholly owned properties allow better financial margins and more creative control to develop the type of games that consumers want."
Source: http://www.gamespot....ws/6148896.html
In reality, EA terminated the contract b/c they weren't all that successful w/ the license despite releasing several games....as the full article points out.
Posted 07 May 2011 - 05:58 PM
I thought this was terrible. I can't even finish it. Why bother hiring Connery when they could have just hired any old man voice.
Well, because he's SEAN CONNERY and why not?! And he was willing to work with Danjaq again since leaving in 1971.
Posted 23 May 2011 - 03:57 PM