When it comes down to it, I think NDOD is my favorite Benson novel. It's his masterpiece, IMO. Interesting it's the only Bond novel in recent history to not go through a tortured titling process. Never Dream of Dying was Benson's original working title. Seemed everything clicked with this one.I have just finished Never Dream of Dying. Another triumph for Mr Benson IMO!
I liked the continuation factor regarding The Union and their leader Le Garant.I thought Le Garant warrants a place in the hallowed realm o classic Bond villains. Oh and the torture scene! The threat of being blinded must surely rank as one of the most feared torture threats. I thought that Benson wrote the torture scene with great skill. The fact that his torturer had no interest in extracting information , only ‘carrying out his job’ only added to the effectiveness of this scene. I liked the characters created (apart from the afore mentioned Le Garant, Tylyn Mignonne and Rene Mathis warranting special mention.)
Yet again Benson succeeded in creating a good sense of location and this combined with a fast pace resulted in another ‘Fun read’. Only ‘The Man With the Red Tattoo’ to go!
Now we sit back and the Benson bashers take their usual shots. But I'll see you back here, marmaduke, when you've finished TMWTRT. Another book I think you will really enjoy.