What are the 50 best Bond moments? And why?
Take part in CBn's member survey - choose any three moments from the films (including Casino Royale (1954 and 1967) and Never Say Never Again) (e.g. stunts and individual scenes rather than whole films or "all the pre-credits in X") or from the computer games or passages/incidents from the books that are - for you - "the best of Bond".
And have your say as to why! Could be any reason - personal to you or because you think that they represent what Bond is all about! Brief reasons please!
To vote:
Register on the forums if you haven't done so already;
Send your selections by Private Message only to "Jim", in the format of the example below.
The deadline for selections is Midnight B.S.T. Monday 31 July 2006.
"Dear Mr. Jim
I vote for the following as the three best Bond moments:
1. The Spy who Loved Me ski jump
Why? Fantastical, brazen stunt - Nobody Does it Better; couldn't be any other type of film.
2. Bond having his testicles thrashed in Casino Royale, the book
Why? Makes me wince! Dear God - ouch!
3. Bond and Scaramanga have lunch in The Man with the Golden Gun
Why? Who said Roger Moore couldn't act?
Thank you for reading my choices Mr. Jim; I love you."
The countdown will be revealed on Wednesday August 2 2006.
N.B. Twice may be the only way to live, but once is the only way to vote. And once you've selected, there's no going back, 007. The merest scintilla of vote rigging will result in really horrible things happening.
The results of CBn survey of its members
to find the 50 greatest moments of
James Bond movies, books, and videogames