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Shannon Elizabeth's Husband Seeks Property

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#1 Righty007



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Posted 18 March 2006 - 04:55 AM

This has 0 importance but it involves a Bond girl...

Shannon Elizabeth's Husband Seeks Property

Hollywood beauty Shannon Elizabeth's estranged husband Joseph D. Reitman is seeking half of the property and assets they accumulated during their eight years living together. The 37-year-old actor began living with the American Pie actress, 32, in 1997, and the couple married in Mexico in June 2002. They announced their separation in March 2005. Reitman has filed papers in Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming the couple spent their five years of co-habiting prior to their marriage under the agreement "to be equal partners in the acquisition of assets and in financial affairs whether such transactions were separate or joint." Reitman claims he put his own his career on hold to support Elizabeth, saying, "Enhanced by plaintiff's coaching, connections, training, assistance and efforts, defendant (Elizabeth) was able to become a successful actress."