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Eric Serra rips-off John Barry!!!!!!!

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#1 Tanger



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Posted 26 January 2002 - 12:26 PM

It looks like David Arnold isn't the only one to use John Barry's music in his scores.

The other day I was working on a mix and I decided to use the GE gun barrel. I fiddled around with the pitch and I found that when you lowered it to around -5 dec, it was the GF gun barrel. This means that all the GE one is, is a mix of GF.
This can also be heard if you take the da-dum bit from the GE overture and adjust the pitch to +12dec.

I bagan to wonder if anyone had noticed this before and what they felt about it. Also I should point out that if you fiddle with the equalisation of it, you can hear da, da, da, da, dum ,dum, dum ,da , da etc
being played by a drum.

#2 Blue Eyes

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Posted 26 January 2002 - 09:10 PM

Could you by any chance upload the lowered piece?

#3 Tanger



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Posted 26 January 2002 - 09:38 PM

Sorry, I can't seem to upload it. I've been having a few problems uploading and downloading lately so I don't want to risk it.

#4 Friedrich Baxter

Friedrich Baxter


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Posted 29 January 2002 - 01:50 AM

You are so damn right Mr Tanger 007!!!!!!!!! But then Eric Serra did use deliberately something of John Barry's music, something which David Arnold never did (he just has a very John Barry-esque style)!

Shall we contact Mr. Barry himself?? ;-)