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What happened to the unused "James Bond Theme" in the late 80's by Eric Clapton and Enigma?

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#1 chronicliar



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Posted 20 March 2002 - 08:28 AM

What happened to the unused "James Bond Theme" in the late 80's by Eric Clapton and Enigma? I have heard rumors but I don't know the whole story. What is it? Are these songs on the net? How bad could they be?

#2 mkkbb



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Posted 20 March 2002 - 11:59 AM

I wrote an article for a website about a year ago, but I can't find it now (doh!).

However, I couldn't track down the song anywhere.

Eric Clapton is good friends with Michael Kamen (composer of Licence to Kill) and has worked with him in numurous films, most notably the Lethal Weapon series (where they worked jointly). He is one of the best guitarists in the world (for those who don't know him).

He worked with Kamen on LTK (or just some of the action scores) and recorded a version of the Bond theme that never got used on the album nor film. Apparently, from insiders, it was a brilliant piece of music, and guitaring from Clapton, but it was not included because it was not submitted at the same time as the rest of the score.

(However, and I could be very wrong, I think it is Clapton playing the theme in the film where Bond water skiing behind the plane).

If anyone does find this theme please post it here as I would really like to hear it.

#3 level007



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Posted 20 March 2002 - 09:03 PM

i made some research tonight about this tune. I thinks it will be very hard to find it.
I find some website which talk about it.
I send e-mail to theses site and ask if they have it.

I also send a mail to Vick Flick (the guitarist from the original bond theme) who work with Clapton and Kamen on the new version. I asked him where i can get it.

In all the site i saw, some says that it was the producers who didn't like it, and others who sais that it was Kamen. But i am sure it's the first choice.

I ll keep in touch if i have some news