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High Time to Kill

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#1 Iceheart



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 01:47 AM

I have just read HTTK and thought they would have to change a lot of things in order to make it plausable for a bond film
What do you think?

#2 dunmall



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 01:51 AM

I havent read the book in a while, although it is on my pile of reading books for the train ride to work, lol.
What in particular do you think they would have to change? From off the top of my head I thought it was a fairly resonable adventure that wouldn't be too hard to pull off.
Bare in mind it has been a few years since I read it lol :tup:

#3 ACE



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 01:56 AM

I was in Brussels last month and toured all the locations in the early part of the book. Terrific city, by the way. If it's good enough for Toots Thielemans, it's good enough for me!

I think, with the right adaptation, any of Raymond's books would make a great film. This one in particular. I particular like the mountain climbing scenes and these have never been done as described in a Bond film. The locations are great too.

#4 Iceheart



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 04:33 AM

I havent read the book in a while, although it is on my pile of reading books for the train ride to work, lol.
What in particular do you think they would have to change? From off the top of my head I thought it was a fairly resonable adventure that wouldn't be too hard to pull off.
Bare in mind it has been a few years since I read it lol :tup:

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Well there isn't any femme fatale
There wasn't any contact with a distictive bad guy
until the very last second
The business with SIS would change a bit
The business with the union could be SPECTRE
And it would be pretty grusum for some of the younger viewers to see peoples necks severed and the hands frostbitten

#5 dunmall



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 05:01 AM

why does the union have to be changed to spectre?
since when must there be a femme fatale in every film?
throat slitting and frostbite can easily happen off screen if they want a family rating if they don't well bring it on.
As I said I haven't read it in a while what was the "buisness with SIS" are you refering to what happens to Bond's secretay?
I like the idea of the villain being held in reserve...but then you could always build up Le Gerant (sp?) working in the back ground for the future....

#6 Jim


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Posted 25 January 2006 - 08:31 AM

Just take the title and come up with something better. Not as if that hasn't happened before, is it?

#7 David Schofield

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 08:55 AM

Just take the title and come up with something better. Not as if that hasn't happened before, is it?

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I'm not Benson's greatest fan either, Jim, but with Brozza in the role there would be nothing preventing HTTK from being Brozza's fifth movie.

Plenty in there for him to peel back the good old layers, feel emotional about - okay, Marquis is just a twist on Trevelyan but it could work - gadgets, action, etc.

Certainly no worse than DAD.

#8 Qwerty


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Posted 25 January 2006 - 12:58 PM

A possible poster idea: http://007art.free.f...ls/hightime.htm

#9 Iceheart



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Posted 26 January 2006 - 01:02 AM

Those pictures are absolutly amazing who makes them?

#10 Qwerty


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Posted 26 January 2006 - 02:14 AM


#11 Double-O-Section



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Posted 27 January 2006 - 01:19 PM

That is a brilliant poster! You can really see how they would make the film just by looking at it. Great work!

#12 Qwerty


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Posted 27 January 2006 - 03:10 PM

There are many, many more for the novels and Bond films on that site as well. Check them out if you haven't yet.

#13 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 27 January 2006 - 03:23 PM

Just watch the Eiger Sanction and then write the screenplay for HTTK...I think it could work but it's not the standard Bond film, of course. Ironically, I think Lee Tamahori could do it brilliantly if he approached it the way he did with "The Edge".