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Who should play Blofeld?

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#31 Qwerty


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 03:50 AM

There's enough crazy Bond rumours out there as it is.

#32 K1Bond007


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 04:48 AM

I just wonder why Sony, with its untold wealth, can't cut this guy's heirs a check. I mean, ol' Kevin can't still be too lucid these days. Not that I want anyone to get cheated, but I'm sure they can use $15 million to give up the rights and go away. Then Eon and Sony would own it all and could do whatever the hell they wanted to do.

But that's not going to happen, now, is it?

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McClory probably wouldn't sell just out of spite. Honestly. I don't think Sony/UA/EON really needs it either.

#33 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 07:58 AM

Yes, because the original script for The Spy Who Loved Me was to involve SPECTRE and they had to take it out. 

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SPECTRE and Blofeld were only ever going to be in the very begining of the movie anyway, according to Richard Maibaum in a Starlog interview.

#34 H.M.Servant



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 08:39 AM

Yes Blofeld should return...in the ending of the film, maybe for 10 seconds...after Bond finishes off Le Chiffre..and gets the girl...

the last scene...you see blofelsds shillouette with cat...somebody walks into his office and tells him that their operative Le Chiffre has been killed....and than you just see his face for two seconds...

and that face is the face of....Sir ben Kingsly

or something like that....

#35 H.M.Servant



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 08:42 AM

I agree with Terence Stamp as Blofeld, that would be cool.  First Bond could kneel, and then one day his heirs.

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No, no, I love Terence Stamp but I want him to play M.

#36 Shaun Forever

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 09:25 AM

"and that face is the face of....Sir ben Kingsly"

I like that, I think he is a very good actor. If only he never did that Thunderbirds movie.

#37 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 10:58 AM

Nobody should play Blofeld anymore because his character has been done to death. He is not threatening anymore and I agree with my fellows posters here that Austin Powers was the final nail in Blofeld

#38 Mr. Sterling

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 03:14 PM

I thought that with the settlement that EON worked out in 97, that, they did have the rights to Spectre and Blofeld, and, McClory was finally out of the picture. Is this not correct?

I was looking forward to a return of SPECTRE in the films, and, I thought it would be a nice kickoff for the "Sony" era, with a new Bond as well, whomever that might be.

#39 hcmv007


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 04:38 PM

[quote name='H.M.Servant' date='20 June 2005 - 03:42'][quote name='hcmv007' date='18 June 2005 - 20:31']I agree with Terence Stamp as Blofeld, that would be cool.

#40 Qwerty


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 04:45 PM

I thought that with the settlement that EON worked out in 97, that, they did have the rights to Spectre and Blofeld, and, McClory was finally out of the picture.  Is this not correct?

I was looking forward to a return of SPECTRE in the films, and, I thought it would be a nice kickoff for the "Sony" era, with a new Bond as well, whomever that might be.

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Welcome to CBn Mr. Sterling. :)

#41 EBC007



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 04:57 PM

Anthony Hopkins is perfect for Blofeld. Just the right amount of menace.

#42 tdalton



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 05:23 PM

There's no point in bringing Blofeld or SPECTRE back. After Thunderball, the organization and Blofeld just became a joke. Besides, I don't think Blofeld was ever really that great of a character when portrayed on screen. And, as others have pointed out, the Austin Powers films have ended any chances of a Blofeld return, anyway. It just couldn't be taken seriously now and would be an unnecessary reaching back into the past to re-use a tired character.

#43 callmejames



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 06:34 PM

Anthony Hopkins is perfect for Blofeld. Just the right amount of menace.

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Maybe if they take the really dark, hard-edged approach he can eat Vesper's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. :)

#44 K1Bond007


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 06:43 PM

Yes, because the original script for The Spy Who Loved Me was to involve SPECTRE and they had to take it out. 

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SPECTRE and Blofeld were only ever going to be in the very begining of the movie anyway, according to Richard Maibaum in a Starlog interview.

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I find that hard to believe. The entire plot of the movie was totally out of "The Book of SPECTRE", but I guess he would know.

#45 callmejames



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 09:32 PM

While I'm not too into the idea of bringing Blofeld back (mostly because my teenage sister and millions like her will complain James Bond ripped off Austin Powers and I'll pull all my hair out), I do have to say I've felt the baddies in the Brosnan films have been underachievers with obscure and overly specific goals. Trevalian (sp?) was going to cause a financial meltdown, Carver was going to start a war for exclusive broadcasting rights in China, Renard/Electra King were going to cause a comparitively small nuclear meltdown for some regional oil, and Gustav Graves/Col. Moon was going to use reflected sunlight to reunite North and South Korea.

Whatever happened to grander plots to take over the world or hold the superpowers hostage with stolen nukes that you were probably going to detonate even after they paid up, all motivated by pure unmitigated evil? Maybe EON has decided post-Cold War that evil is defined by pursuit of money, which is what all the Brosnan baddies were after.

Where's our Blofeld, Drax (I know a lot of you don't like MR but at least the whole "kill everyone off and repopulate the world with my minions" plot was ambitious) or Stromberg?

Maybe not Blofeld, but I'd love the return of a calmly insane, well-financed megalomaniac hell bent on world domination instead of a corporate villain who wants to use a death ray to manipulate the Nikkei index to destabilize gold trading in Eastern Europe. Is that too much to ask? :)

#46 hcmv007


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 11:17 PM

While I'm not too into the idea of bringing Blofeld back (mostly because my teenage sister and millions like her will complain James Bond ripped off Austin Powers and I'll pull all my hair out), I do have to say I've felt the baddies in the Brosnan films have been underachievers with obscure and overly specific goals.  Trevalian (sp?) was going to cause a financial meltdown, Carver was going to start a war for exclusive broadcasting rights in China, Renard/Electra King were going to cause a comparitively small nuclear meltdown for some regional oil, and Gustav Graves/Col. Moon was going to use reflected sunlight to reunite North and South Korea.

Whatever happened to grander plots to take over the world or hold the superpowers hostage with stolen nukes that you were probably going to detonate even after they paid up, all motivated by pure unmitigated evil?  Maybe EON has decided post-Cold War that evil is defined by pursuit of money, which is what all the Brosnan baddies were after.

Where's our Blofeld, Drax (I know a lot of you don't like MR but at least the whole "kill everyone off and repopulate the world with my minions" plot was ambitious) or Stromberg?

Maybe not Blofeld, but I'd love the return of a calmly insane, well-financed megalomaniac hell bent on world domination instead of a corporate villain who wants to use a death ray to manipulate the Nikkei index to destabilize gold trading in Eastern Europe. Is that too much to ask?  :)

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Being serious(really this time, this guy gets it and reiterates what I have been trying to say for a long time now. Good call, sir.

#47 Donovan



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Posted 22 June 2005 - 07:44 AM

My original thoughts on the possibility of Blofeld and SPECTRE returning had to do with the fact that in the 60s, just about everyone in Fleming's novels that worked for SMERSH worked for SPECTRE in the films. It was a great idea. Both the novels and the films were able to link the series with a constant menace that in different ways provided Bond (and SMERSH/SPECTRE) with additional motivations aside from trying to stop some scheme. Shouldn't Le Chiffre be liquidated by his own employers? If this film were made in the 60s by EON it's pretty obvious SPECTRE would replace SMERSH. And if this film is trying to recreate that certain quality the films of the 60s had, adding Blofeld/SPECTRE is a pretty logical step.

Blofeld, in my opinion, doesn't have to go around with a shaved head wearing a Chairman Mao suit petting a white cat. I mean, screw Mike Meyers and Mr. Bigglesworth. But again, back to the "Bond Begins" concept, perhaps something can be explained as to why he adopted those habits in the film universe. Again, go back to the books--to the descriptions of Blofeld. Does anyone believe any concept of Blofeld on film to date in any way came close to meeting the descriptions of him from the novels? The voice of Eric Pohlmann was the best Blofeld we ever got. Rutger Hauer is a pretty interesting choice, as is Terence Stamp. Although maybe someone with a more Mediterranean background could work. My thought is the "larger than life" persona with an air of confidence and even magnetism mixed with arrogant lunacy that someone like Blofeld supposedly possessed....

Look at this picture of Mussolini:
Posted Image

#48 MrDraco


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Posted 22 June 2005 - 09:11 AM

No No No If were shocking them have Micheal Jackson....sense the media's obessed...

#49 bryonalston


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 04:22 AM

First of all, I do not support the idea of having a "Bond Begins" plot at all, unless it's in the pre-credit sequence or through flashbacks or something. This being said, I don't think that the origins of SPECTRE or Blofeld should be explored either, as someone proposed earlier. I think that one of the best ideas that I've heard in a long time came from 'callmejames,' when he compared the villains of the past to the villains of the past decade. I too have noticed that Brosnan villains do have plots that are extremely specific and don't really effect the entire world as much as some of the other great plots in the series. Also, the villains seem to all be too young and too naive for their own good. (The only exception to this rule was Carver. I could easily see him as being a villain during any era, not just Brosnan's.)

In addition to seeing an old fashioned villain, I would, for once, like to see Bond actually figure out the villains true intentions on his own, instead of having the villain go into detail about what they are going to do. I think that it's come to the point where we need a Bond film like the movie "SCREAM," where the movie will go against the formula throughout the film, thus, not allowing the audience to predict or expect what will happen next. A true villain will be smart enough to put their ego's aside and not let James Bond foil their plots. A true villain should be able to calculate Bond's every move (Trevelyan started out like this, but let his ego go too far. The same thing for Elektra.)

If Blofeld is brought back into the picture, they should eliminate all of his old characteristics (The suit, the cat, the baldness) and make him something new. Something evil. They should add some kind of major plot twist connecting him with Bond (like perhaps Blofeld was responsible for the death of Bond's parents.) Bond should be fueled by something more than his job (and Tracy's death should be brought back up finally.) There, that's my piece :)

#50 bryonalston


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 04:36 AM

Actors to play Blofeld:
-Jeremy Irons (If Hidden)
-Kevin Spacey (Would be GREAT, but he's already playing a bald villain in "Superman")
-Patrick Stewart
-Ben Kingsley (Resembles Telly Savalas)
-Billy Zane (Would make a good younger Blofeld, if the whole "Bond Begins" thing goes through)
-Leonardo DiCaprio (Has the scar down his face now) ***Just kidding***