'Live At Five' on eBay - $5.99
Posted 22 May 2005 - 03:52 AM
If you can track down the somewhat more difficult to find large size magazine copy, go for that one.
$5.99 for this harder to find short story “Live At Five” isn't bad.
Posted 17 October 2005 - 07:22 PM
Posted 17 October 2005 - 07:56 PM
Playboy Circulation: 3 million.
Even with the fact that people are a lot more likely to hold on to a Playboy than a TV Guide - the fact still exists that there were 3 times as many "Live at 5" TV Guides printed than "Blast From the Past"
Posted 17 October 2005 - 10:29 PM
Posted 26 October 2005 - 03:27 AM
Posted 26 October 2005 - 03:31 AM
Posted 26 October 2005 - 03:53 AM
Finally got a hold of both "Live at Five" and "Midsummer Night's Doom" (the latter despite a small electronic scuffle with eBay's legal department, which culminated with me screaming at my computer "I'M EIGHTEEN, DAMN YOU!"), though Midsummer's has yet to arrive in the mail. Each worked out to be about $4 to $5, which is perfectly reasonable, IMHO. In terms of literary merit "Live a Five" was hardly worth the price, but the TV Guide itself is a great collector's item for the Bond aficianado.
We've all had our share of problems with eBay, although I'll admit I never wound up yelling at my computer. Not over eBay, at least.
"Live at Five" was no good? Why not?
Posted 26 October 2005 - 03:56 AM
"Live at Five" was no good? Why not?
Very short, and the "surprise" ending was ho-hum. Short stories are extremely hard - no room for char development, etc. I understand that. But still...the basic concept was somewhat interesting, but the execution made me yawn a little.
Posted 26 October 2005 - 03:57 AM
Posted 26 October 2005 - 06:31 PM
James Bond + figure skating = Bad Story.
As somebody who's done a bit of skating, I did find that a bit odd. Or, to quote Mystery Science Theater, "hey, Joel...isn't this a little bit...fruity?"
Posted 02 November 2005 - 08:52 PM
Really, if I have to explain what's wrong with those, GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!
No, really. Generic. Geneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrric. He must have missed Writing 101 the day they said "show, don't tell!" People misunderstand that; all it means is this: describe characters' reactions in detail, what they look like, how they're feeling, instead of giving a bulletpoint list of what's going on. It has always bothered me about Benson - it's a very touchy thing, and he could make those sentences work if he tweaked a word here and added a comma there. Point is, he doesn't.
Also: soft kisses? Warm skin? Could be any girl. Surely he remembers something about her specifically...or, you know, not.
However, I did enjoy the Hef-as-Q segment, and the whole implication of Bond subscribing to Playboy (but not for the articles!). Hee. Slightly more enjoyable than Live at Five, I think.