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Continuation author needed

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#31 HawkEye007



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Posted 02 March 2005 - 04:33 PM

They ought to do the continuation novels in the same vein as the Splinter Cell novels. Raymond Benson wrote the first one but he may not write anymore. I guess this is the same idea as the Markham/Amis thing for Colonel Sun and supposedly following novels. It would be cool to see how other authors handle 007. Another idea that I have thought of before and that spynovelfan mentioned would be to focus on other 00 agents and have Bond merely be a background player. You could see what kind of missions the other agents get, and you could get commentary on their opinions of Bond. Initially I thought it would be a cool idea for a comic book series, every month have the story focus on a different agent.

#32 Hawkeye



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Posted 02 March 2005 - 10:45 PM

I'll stick my copious beak in here and suggest Dan Simmons, written quite a few novels now, the one that got me thinking of him maybe doing a Bond is his novel 'The Crook Factory'. Anyone here read this or other works by him?
Peter o'donnell maybe but he's getting on a bit now and i believe has retired, James Follett could also be good, i've enjoyed his books especially 'Churchill's Gold'. How about James Ellroy, that could lead to some quite dark, messed up stuff.


#33 clinkeroo



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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:23 AM

Martin Cruz Smith

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Yes, I know it's a tangent, but I picked up the new Renko novel today (Wolves Eat Dogs.) Only a little ways in, but it is like seeing an old friend again :) .

#34 Zing!



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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:51 PM

I've stated in another thread somewhere that I thought King would do an admirable job within the Bond universe. I could easily see him doing a one-off Bond novel - or perhaps as a contributor to a book of short stories. There are several factors to consider with this idea.

1) if King wrote a Bond story, he would most likely have free reign to do whatever he liked - a definite plus.

2) He has claimed several times in the past couple of years that he is 'retiring.' Although who's to say he won't still give us an ocassional tale or two. Perhaps this would be the perfect side project. I think he'd enjoy the challenge.

3) His publisher is Scribner, so there would probably be some legal entanglments that would sour the deal - a definite negative (although he has written for other publishers. Most notably his book "Black House" with Peter Straub, which was published by Random House I believe).

4) He would have to do it for the thrill, because he certainly isn't going to be properly compensated for it... just ask Gardner and Benson!

#35 Hitch


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Posted 03 March 2005 - 05:35 PM

*penny drops*

Ah, I've just realised that Mr. Cox. is one cool feline...

*smacks forehead*

Re. Stephen King as a continuation author: I believe he's finished a pulp crime novel, The Colorado Kid, which is coming out very soon, if it's not already on bookshelves everywhere. It's one of a series from the Hard Case Crime series, and there's a Bond connection(!), as you'll see in this press release available from King's official site...

"Authors range from current best-sellers such as Lawrence Block, Max Allan Collins, Ed McBain, and Donald E. Westlake to Golden Age stars like Erle Stanley Gardner (creator of

Edited by Hitch, 03 March 2005 - 05:37 PM.

#36 Trident



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Posted 03 March 2005 - 06:27 PM

I'd also be very interested in a Stephen King go at Bond. Although I find King the strongest when his characters take an ironic approach at their inner dialogue which is a King trademark. I always found Bonds thaughts as described by Fleming much less ironic. They have a touch of self-depreciation but lack a certain amount of humor. But then again, King might give one hell (ha!ha!) of an assignement to Bond. I know its not going to happen but me too would pay for the chance to read such a King Bond.

Maybe it is the wrong approach of us fans to constantly crave "THE DEFINITE BOND NOVEL!" from a continuation author. There have been some not half bad ones and some very disappointing ones. If we're lucky, we may get some more, and the more we get the higher the chance for good, or maybe even outrageous ones. And if writers are given the chance to quit after one or two books, there may be guys attracted to Bond that otherwise would never have considered writing about him.

Anthony Burgess wrote in a preface for the '80s coronet edition of Flemings novels, Bond has the stuff of imortality in him, in much the same manner Sherlock Holmes does. As Bond has become such a cultural phenomenon, other writers should be given the chance to explore his life and give the reading public some more of his adventures in my opinion. As long as they care for Bond and don't want to make him a completely different person and thus a stranger to his creator and his fans. I think, there are some writers capable of doing just that. And I'd like to see their works. Hopefully IFP feels the same about the matter. Or will feel so in a few years. :)

#37 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 04 March 2005 - 03:17 AM

Martin Cruz Smith


J. K. Mayo

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Cruz Smith would be interesting, though I very much doubt he'd be interested. But he wrote a few Nick Carters way back when, and one of them features a British agent who's clearly meant to be Bond. He also wrote a series about an assassin for the Vatican that was rather good.

Gee, I didn't know he'd written the odd Nick Carter book. :)

JK Mayo? Really? I have a couple of his, but I couldn't get very far in them. Have we had this discussion before - is he James Mayo of Charles Hood not-much-fame?

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As far as I know JK Mayo isn't James Mayo. I really like Harry Seddall, and while he's no way like Bond in character I think the author is less known enough to be cheap and hungry to take over.

#38 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 04 March 2005 - 03:28 AM

Martin Cruz Smith


J. K. Mayo

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Cruz Smith would be interesting, though I very much doubt he'd be interested. But he wrote a few Nick Carters way back when, and one of them features a British agent who's clearly meant to be Bond. He also wrote a series about an assassin for the Vatican that was rather good.

JK Mayo? Really? I have a couple of his, but I couldn't get very far in them. Have we had this discussion before - is he James Mayo of Charles Hood not-much-fame?

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To answer my own question, yes I see you mentioned this over at my spy discussion group a while back, and yes they are two different writers. JK Mayo is William Watson. James Mayo was Stephen Coulter, a friend of Fleming's. Pretty bizarre that they chose such similar pseudonyms to write spy novels under, though. Some of James Mayo's Charles Hood stuff reads a hell of a lot like Fleming: SHAMELADY, for instance. Wonder if he was considered in '64.

Goes Googling.

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Oops, I answered the one above not realising there was this one on the next page as well. :)

You are a wealth of info "spy," because I didn't know Mayo (Coulter) had a connection with Fleming. :) It is surprising that he was allowed to use a pseudonym so similar to James Mayo.

#39 GreggAllinson



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Posted 04 March 2005 - 05:23 AM

Pity Philip Jose Farmer isn't 20 years younger...