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I want Bond 21 to be another...

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#31 The Next Bond

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Posted 31 January 2005 - 10:55 PM


#32 Brett Sinclair

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 02:38 AM

I shall duck the poison arrows but i'd love the next Bond film to be something like Die another day.
Unpopular it maybe but i like my Bond films to be fun.Along the same lines as The spy who loved me and Moonraker.Die another day seems to settle well next to these.
Ok the CGI was a little too much but i'm glad the're trying something different.
I'll take the mistakes every time rather than being stuck in the same old rut and never pushing the series forward.

#33 00-FAN008


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Posted 01 February 2005 - 04:51 AM

but not a panic driven attempt to be exactly like Jason Bourne

Do you honestly think EON is worried about, or trying to emulate the Bourne Movies?

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If they did that, James Bond would never be the same.

#34 Seannery



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Posted 01 February 2005 - 02:39 PM

I shall duck the poison arrows but i'd love the next Bond film to be something like Die another day.
Unpopular it maybe but i like my Bond films to be fun.Along the same lines as The spy who loved me and Moonraker.Die another day seems to settle well next to these.
Ok the CGI was a little too much but i'm glad the're trying something different.
I'll take the mistakes every time rather than being stuck in the same old rut and never pushing the series forward.

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I think you make a very strong point :)

#35 Turn



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Posted 01 February 2005 - 02:58 PM

I shall duck the poison arrows but i'd love the next Bond film to be something like Die another day.
Unpopular it maybe but i like my Bond films to be fun.Along the same lines as The spy who loved me and Moonraker.Die another day seems to settle well next to these.
Ok the CGI was a little too much but i'm glad the're trying something different.
I'll take the mistakes every time rather than being stuck in the same old rut and never pushing the series forward.

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To be honest, you wouldn't be alone in that opinion by and large. Most audiences want the familiar, tried and true. It's here on the fan boards we express different ideas. While EON claims it wants to go in another direction, if moviegoers in general don't flock to the proposed Casino Royale type of Bond film, they will likely revert to the moneymaking epic formula or at least whatever type of action film that is in vogue at the time.

#36 HawkEye007



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Posted 01 February 2005 - 03:03 PM

I want Bond 21 to be another: The Living Daylights

It has a good solid espionage story (defections, Smiert Spionam, spies trying to off each other), realistic themes (traditional arms dealing, war in Afghanistan) and all together well thought out and well paced story.

IMO I think the gadgets should be limited to those in TLD or GF, ya know suped up Astin Martin with weapons, no invisibilty crap. Maybe a cool watch and I think its high time for the return of the FRWL briefcase! :)

#37 HawkEye007



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Posted 01 February 2005 - 03:08 PM

One other thought came to mind. Why would it be so bad to do a Bond film in the vein of The Bourne Identity? Very basic action and good plot? I think if Bond 21 is made more in that vein, people will go see it b/c its Bond, and there is possibility that it may reinvigorate things.

#38 Seannery



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Posted 01 February 2005 - 03:38 PM

I shall duck the poison arrows but i'd love the next Bond film to be something like Die another day.
Unpopular it maybe but i like my Bond films to be fun.Along the same lines as The spy who loved me and Moonraker.Die another day seems to settle well next to these.
Ok the CGI was a little too much but i'm glad the're trying something different.
I'll take the mistakes every time rather than being stuck in the same old rut and never pushing the series forward.

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To be honest, you wouldn't be alone in that opinion by and large. Most audiences want the familiar, tried and true. It's here on the fan boards we express different ideas. While EON claims it wants to go in another direction, if moviegoers in general don't flock to the proposed Casino Royale type of Bond film, they will likely revert to the moneymaking epic formula or at least whatever type of action film that is in vogue at the time.

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It can be fun and creative and unfamiliar--they aren't mutually exclusive categories if the film is done with brains and inventiveness.

#39 Prav_007



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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:55 PM

I actually want to see a mix between FRWL and LTK. FRWL had that classic espionage, and Bondish style, and LTK had a good ol'vengence plot, with brisk action and determination. I would love to see that mix.

#40 ComplimentsOfSharky


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Posted 02 February 2005 - 11:26 PM

I shall duck the poison arrows but i'd love the next Bond film to be something like Die another day.
Unpopular it maybe but i like my Bond films to be fun.Along the same lines as The spy who loved me and Moonraker.Die another day seems to settle well next to these.
Ok the CGI was a little too much but i'm glad the're trying something different.
I'll take the mistakes every time rather than being stuck in the same old rut and never pushing the series forward.

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I'd have loved DAD if it wasn't a remake of DAF (I could've learned to tolerate that, even), if it didn't have Halle Berry in it, if Miranda Frost turned out to be a triple agent who helped Bond, if there was no CGI surfing scene (shudder), if the finale had been a little less Return of the Jedi and if Madonna had not done the title song (could've learned to accept that too probably).

I know that sounds like a lot, but I really don't think it screws with the movie too much. There were just too many little things that turned me off. On the whole, I like a fun Bond movie as much as the next guy...I bust out my Roger Moore collection frequently but I do consider myself a Fleming purist and after DAD, I'd just like to see something a bit more serious.

#41 J.C.D'Arc



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Posted 03 February 2005 - 01:18 PM

I would like Bond 21 to be another: NOTHING...It should be slow paced with low action and have a dark atmosphere that is not created by the theme of revenge or political issues created just for the film, but by real world issues. We need to see the real world in a Bond film. No expensive stunts, no big explosions, no stupid-big action scenes, no female Bond, and a simple plot. We need something new. The villain should not be trying to take over the world, or any part of it. His motive should be simple and his plan should not have to take forever to carry out. He does not need to have any hulking henchman. He does not have to have dozens of nuclear missiles or an all-powerful WMD. In fact, he should not have to physically destroy anything. He doesn't need to black mail anybody, or create a huge conspiracy. He just needs to get the job done. Every part of the plot should be known except what the villain is planning to do. Bond should not have to be used as a tool to uncover small parts of the plot, then put them together for us at the last minute. And the Bond girl should be almost non-existant. She doesn't need to tag along everywhere Bond goes. She should be important to the plot of the movie, but not affect it in any way. Bond should not have to save her all the time.

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I was going to put it in simpler terms. I was going to say, "I want Bond 21 to be another Three Days of the Condor." But I agree. The Bond films seem to have become like pørn movies. Very little plot, just enough to move from one set-piece filled with titillating banter, gunfights, car chases, explosions, beautifully tailored clothes, maybe a vodka-martini-shaken-not-stirred here and there. Where is BOND? The man from the books? Frankly, I couldn't give two hoots in Hell who plays Bond next. It doesn't really matter. All whoever the "lucky" chap is has to do is be good-looking and wear clothes well. It would be nice if he was from somewhere in the British Commonwealth, but it's not absolutely necessary.