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Reports on the latest BOND 21 news

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#61 Xenia's Ferrari

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 02:06 AM

when we well have real news? they are putting us through chinese water torture.

#62 Qwerty


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Posted 24 September 2004 - 02:09 AM

when we well have real news? they are putting us through chinese water torture.

We all made guesses so long ago about news being releases, I'd say most of those days have expired. Whose to know.

#63 Bondian



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 02:19 AM

We all made guesses so long ago about news being releases, I'd say most of those days have expired. Whose to know.

I agree my friend!.

We've all said this and that, and this Guy's playing Bond, and this Guy's not playing Bond!.

I watched FRWL last night, and I studied it from the opening titles, through the bad acting of the Guy (who hears the bad news of his Fathers death) right through to the end, and I've decided that Bryce or zencat should really get the part.

They would be cheaper than Brosnan, they're more hansom, debenair and are the right height and have a destinctive and honest charm. :)

Zencat also has a rare quality, so I think we should give these two decent hard wprking chaps a challenge to an arm restle, and the winner should be employed by Sony/MGM!!!. :)



#64 Slaezenger



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 04:26 AM

I watched FRWL last night, and <snip> I've decided that Bryce or zencat should really get the part.  They would be cheaper than Brosnan, they're more hansom, debenair and are the right height and have a destinctive and honest charm.  :) Zencat also has a rare quality...

...Really? Well I watched Porkys II last night and I've decided that Qwerty should get the part. He's cheaper than Brosnan (Sid Brosnan of Pittsburgh), and has the distinctive, honest and rare quality of missing the point of nearly every post I have made here. :)

#65 Bondian



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 05:51 AM

...Really? Well I watched Porkys II last night and I've decided that Qwerty should get the part.  He's cheaper than Brosnan (Sid Brosnan of Pittsburgh), and has the distinctive, honest and rare quality of missing the point of nearly every post I have made here.  :)

Ha-ha, as I understand it, he'd be too hansom for "Porky's II"!. :)

Hey, people do that to me all the time, and sometimes it great because you can really cunfuse them....er...what was I talking about again...er, oh, never mind!. :)

Maybe we should combine a few CBn Bond's and create the perfect James Bond?.

Kinda like a "Q's" Identigraph?. :)

OK, so who should we include?. :)

#66 Athena007


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Posted 24 September 2004 - 05:57 AM

Maybe we should combine a few CBn Bond's and create the perfect James Bond?. Kinda like a "Q's" Identigraph?. :) OK, so who should we include?. :)

That could almost be it's own thread... *hint hint* ...think it would go over well? :)

#67 Bondian



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 06:04 AM

Maybe we should combine a few CBn Bond's and create the perfect James Bond?. Kinda like a "Q's" Identigraph?.  :) OK, so who should we include?.  :)

That could almost be it's own thread... *hint hint* ...think it would go over well? :)

May I have your permission to open one up?. :)

Maybe members could go through the existing CBn Photo Album and pick the faces, then we'll stick then into the blender to see what we get?.

Hell, we could have a monster in our midst!. :) :)

#68 Athena007


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Posted 24 September 2004 - 06:13 AM

Well, not so sure we should go putting CBn-er's in the blender, that could be messy. But... what about a thread similar where. CBn members could post their "perfect" James Bond (combining actors, friends, CBn-ers, singers, etc). It could be interesting. Feel free to start it, if not I will. ?? :)

#69 Bondian



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 06:16 AM

Well, not so sure we should go putting CBn-er's in the blender, that could be messy.

Ha-ha, I meant really like a identigraph, or we could "morph" them?. :)

But... what about a thread similar where. CBn members could post their "perfect" James Bond (combining actors, friends, CBn-ers, singers, etc). It could be interesting. Feel free to start it, if not I will. ?? :)

A capital idea my dear. :)

I will start it now!. :)

#70 Bryce (003)

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 07:49 AM

I've decided that Bryce or Zencat should really get the part.

Bondian...You old rascal....

So you've been putting the "Bryce for Bond #6" flyers all over car lots in the UK?

Good man!

Been wondering who's been tending to it.

The billboard in Piccadilly might be a bit much and violate the contract Michael showed me...

*reviews non-disclosure agreement from Eon*



#71 Bondian



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 03:41 PM

Bondian...You old rascal....

Hello my Bryce my very good friend!.

I've missied you you "old fraud"!. :) :)

So you've been putting the "Bryce for Bond #6" flyers all over car lots in the UK?

Good man!

"I sure have boy", and but I think "M" wasn't too happy digging into the compnay's expense account.

Ah, but it's OK, "Q's" developed a flyer that is the same thickness of ordinary paper, but the image on the paper is animated. :)

Been wondering who's been tending to it.

Yeah, the poor old Janitor fell through a manhole and was drowned. LOL

The billboard in Piccadilly might be a bit much and violate the contract Michael showed me...

*reviews non-disclosure agreement from Eon*



They've removed "Eros" and replaced it with a statue of your good self. :)

Cheers my good man, :)


#72 stromberg


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Posted 24 September 2004 - 05:56 PM

... They've removed "Eros" and replaced it with a statue of your good self. :)

Not quite, old man (btw, welcome back Bondian).

It wasn't at Piccadilly but at Trafalgar square...

#73 Qwerty


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Posted 24 September 2004 - 07:30 PM

[quote name='Slaezenger' date='24 September 2004 - 00:26'] [quote name='Bondian' date='24 September 2004 - 02:19']I watched FRWL last night, and <snip> I've decided that Bryce or zencat should really get the part.

#74 Bondian



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 07:50 PM

Not quite, old man (btw, welcome back Bondian).

Thank you young man!. :)

It wasn't at Piccadilly but at Trafalgar square...

I'm glad that lion hadn't eaten a lot of beans otherwise would be the "grunt" of the joke!. Ha-ha.

Thanks for your welcome. :)



#75 Qwerty


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Posted 24 September 2004 - 09:03 PM

Well, not so sure we should go putting CBn-er's in the blender, that could be messy.

In more ways than you think.

#76 Slaezenger



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Posted 25 September 2004 - 02:16 PM

[quote name='Qwerty' date='24 September 2004 - 19:30'] [quote name='Slaezenger' date='24 September 2004 - 00:26'] [quote name='Bondian' date='24 September 2004 - 02:19']I watched FRWL last night, and <snip> I've decided that Bryce or zencat should really get the part.

Edited by Slaezenger, 25 September 2004 - 02:17 PM.

#77 Qwerty


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 02:17 PM


Definitely NOT. :)

#78 Slaezenger



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Posted 25 September 2004 - 02:19 PM


Definitely NOT. :)

...I'm shattered! :)

#79 Qwerty


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 02:54 PM

I'm relieved. :)

#80 Agent 76

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Posted 27 September 2004 - 11:23 PM

Bond 21 is still going to happen , right? just to know... :)

#81 Bondian



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Posted 27 September 2004 - 11:38 PM

Damn it. Rather than being the tall good looking dude that Qwerty is, I was hoping I was wrong and Slaezenger was right!. :)

It just proves that "blondes do not have fun"!. :)

One day we're going to get a female who'll have a codename of "ZXCVBN"!. :)

Just kidding,



#82 Qwerty


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Posted 27 September 2004 - 11:40 PM

Bond 21 is still going to happen , right? just to know... :)

Patience is a virtue...their new policy. :)

#83 Bondian



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Posted 28 September 2004 - 12:08 AM

Even thought I'm an old bit of rope, I sincerely hope that we're going to see EON Producing several more Bond films of a traditional calibre.

But, I would like EON to consider that the fans want to see Bond 21 as a Bond film, not a routine and mundane load of drivel such like "Try Another Day".

OK, "Try Another Day" earned some cash, but wasn't it the marketing that made you got to see this movie?.

If you're guaranteed a good thing by influential people, you'd believe it, right?.

Wrong, and even us old timers are subjected to beliefs that this new film is Bond at his best.

Also we don't want to see Bond 21 as some sort of anniversary of the past films.

To take a consensus of the feelings in the wonderful world of several James Bond forum's, [thank God for them] we want to see an original Bond film that breaks new grounds, and blow the CGI, Stunt Men are what holds these films together along with a decent Director, and a well written script that'll bring in new highs and lows to the world of James Bond.

If EON cannot handle a traditional approach to these movies with a hint on modern film making, please sell the franchise and let another production company inject the invigoration that the movies now require.

OK, end of rant!. :)

All the best,

