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The Facts of Death

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#31 DLibrasnow



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 12:04 AM

Isn't that all because you are a fan of the Far East Loomis?!

#32 Loomis


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Posted 25 April 2005 - 10:36 AM

To an extent, yes. I was in Hong Kong just before the Handover, and I've visited many of the locations in "The Man With the Red Tattoo", so, yes, I admit that I enjoy those novels (as well as the films YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE and THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN) partly because of where they're set.

But only partly. I genuinely believe Benson does a terrific job with those two books: compared to those others of his I've read, there's better characterisation, better storytelling, a better grasp of Fleming's Bond, more suspense, fewer irritatingly fanboyish references and English language howlers (and the action scenes aren't as Eon-ified and preposterous as those in his other novels - the car chase in "High Time to Kill" with the flying "scout" is one of the most cringe-inducing things I've ever read, a truly hamfisted attempt to combine the literary and cinematic Bonds that absolutely falls flat on its face).... I mean, I'm extremely fond of TMWTRT and "Zero Minus Ten", and don't really care for the others at all, and it can't all be down to locations.... can it? :) Nah, HTTK's also set partly in Asia, and I loathe that one (not a huge fan of TOMORROW NEVER DIES, either).

As a "side note", my all-time favourite continuation novel is "Colonel Sun", and I've never been anywhere near Greece! :)