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Sony in Advanced Talks to Buy MGM

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#31 M_Balje


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 06:00 PM

Dark,do you think Sony can buy the rights of T2 from RCV in The Netherlands.
So that we can get a Terminator Trilogy Box.

Mgm have the rights now for the first part.
RCV for the second and Columbia Tristar for the last one.


#32 Johnboy007


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 08:42 PM

If MGM had to be purchased by either Sony or TimeWarner, I would go with Sony. TimeWarner has become a disaster since Ted Turner left. They have close to extra money, and a James Bond sized budget would simply be out of the question.

#33 J J



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Posted 23 April 2004 - 11:26 PM

If MGM had to be purchased by either Sony or TimeWarner, I would go with Sony. TimeWarner has become a disaster since Ted Turner left. They have close to extra money, and a James Bond sized budget would simply be out of the question.

:) :) :) :) :)
what gives you that idea: the past twenty months or so Warner Bros. has made a remarkable comeback and has been having its biggest and most impressive product line up since decades. Sony/Columbia Pix on the other hand... Please don't say it's Spidey 2 that gives you this impression! The company really isn't a happy place at the moment: in Europe several people (I happen to know a few of them personally) have already been fired for economical reasons ie. a shortage of viable product, so p-e-lease, give me a break (no offence, but check your facts first before makeing these unfounded claims! What did Ted Turner ever do for Warner Bros. I ask of you??)

#34 Johnboy007


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 11:41 PM

You stepped a little over the line JJ. I was not referring to the films they produce but their organization, assets, and overall organization.


The Atlanta Braves

13 Consecutive Division titles. Renowned for blockbuster trades and free agency aquisitions under a Ted Turner run Time Warner. When Ted Turner left, the Atlanta Braves had a budget of around $100 Million, for the fantastic players they had, almost a bargain. Under the new leadership, payroll has been drastically cut, and has resulted in the loss of quality players. Unassisted in a growing National League East. Their payroll now sits at around $75 Million, which is just not cutting it in today in baseball.

The reason for these cuts? TimeWarners stock tanking. This team was a huge money maker for Ted Turner. They were always given a nice wallet to go out and sign what ever player they needed. Under this new management, the money has run dry, and they can not buy or retain players. The once great franchise is now on a very steady and sharp decline.

Does this not sound like a possibility for James Bond. A severe restriction on budget? A drop-off in quality?

This new Time Warner has already screwed one of my passions, I do not want to risk them screwing up another one.

#35 [dark]


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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:43 AM

Dark,do you think Sony can buy the rights of T2 from RCV in The Netherlands.
So that we can get a Terminator Trilogy Box.

Mgm have the rights now for the first part.
RCV for the second and Columbia Tristar for the last one.

Wouldn't have a clue. I suppose it's possible, but probably not in the near future.

All three Terminator films have different distributors here, too - MGM, Universal, Columbia.

We do have a box set of all three films, which is produced exclusively by an on-line retailer.

#36 Turn



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 02:14 AM

Two frightening words if Time Warner should acquire MGM -- snapper cases. :)

#37 J J



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:48 AM

Two frightening words if Time Warner should acquire MGM -- snapper cases. :)

Warner stopped using these in 2003 already: go to your local DVD retailer and you'll see that all new releases come in a standard packaging :)

#38 J J



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:07 AM

You stepped a little over the line JJ. I was not referring to the films they produce but their organization, assets, and overall organization.


The Atlanta Braves

13 Consecutive Division titles. Renowned for blockbuster trades and free agency aquisitions under a Ted Turner run Time Warner. When Ted Turner left, the Atlanta Braves had a budget of around $100 Million, for the fantastic players they had, almost a bargain. Under the new leadership, payroll has been drastically cut, and has resulted in the loss of quality players. Unassisted in a growing National League East. Their payroll now sits at around $75 Million, which is just not cutting it in today in baseball.

The reason for these cuts? TimeWarners stock tanking. This team was a huge money maker for Ted Turner. They were always given a nice wallet to go out and sign what ever player they needed. Under this new management, the money has run dry, and they can not buy or retain players. The once great franchise is now on a very steady and sharp decline.

Does this not sound like a possibility for James Bond. A severe restriction on budget? A drop-off in quality?

This new Time Warner has already screwed one of my passions, I do not want to risk them screwing up another one.

I still think that's a whole different ballgame (no pun intended).
TimeWarner has been doing quite admirably in the motion picture biz for a while now. And I'm not only talking just Warner Bros. here (whose recent slate has mega budget pix like Potter, Troy, Last Samurai and Matrix to name but a few). A subsidiary like New Line is also doing not too shabby: consider LotR that several other studios passed on, and on which project a vague kiwi-horror-cult director was given an almost unprecedented budget plus relatively free reign. MGM could enjoy a very similar treatment in the larger TimeWarner family, so I really do not see a problem there perse for the Bond franchise... My point is that Warner is a 'hotter', a more filmminded and a more bankable filmstudio than Sony is right now.
And oh yes, my 'fond' memories of Ted Turner are those of a man who back in the mid 80s bought MGM and stripped this already-stripped studio of its precious library before selling it back to 'captain Kirk', leaving nothing but two logos (MGM and UA) and -luckily- the (also precious) UA library... he thrust another wooden stake right in the middle of this companys already achin' heart.

#39 Moomoo



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:35 PM

If the figure of $5 billion is a fair estimate of MGM's worth, you'd think they could afford to make a $200 million dollar Bond film and still have change to pay Brosnan his fee! Oh well, it's a funny old world indeed...


#40 J J



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:45 PM

If the figure of $5 billion is a fair estimate of MGM's worth, you'd think they could afford to make a $200 million dollar Bond film and still have change to pay Brosnan his fee! Oh well, it's a funny old world indeed...


that's an interesting point you're making there: what if MGM is sold before they and EON have decided on whether or not to keep Brosnan, and the buyer overrules them when they suggest to axe Pierce... :)

#41 zencat


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Posted 28 May 2004 - 01:18 AM

I just posted a good update article from Forbes on the main page.

Doesn't sound like Sony would have much say in how MGM make their movies.

#42 SeanValen00V


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Posted 28 May 2004 - 02:12 AM

I just posted a good update article from Forbes on the main page.

Doesn't sound like Sony would have much say in how MGM make their movies.

MGM at the end of the day was surviving by Bond alone, with Sony, maybe MGM won't really comprimise the quality of Bond like they've done in the past movies, since Sony are backing them up, they are their owners, thus still may have a say in how they operate, if they own MGM, they own Bond, period.

#43 zencat


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Posted 19 June 2004 - 04:31 PM

New main page update from USA Today: USA Today: "Sony-led group near purchase of MGM studio"

Looks like we may be getting an announcement sometime next week.

#44 Agent 76

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:05 PM

Maybe this will be a good thing to Bond franchise , fresh money , new ideas (or not) for the scripts....just wait to see what really happens.... :)

#45 Qwerty


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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:16 PM

I just hope Bond stays as the Bond we've always known if this goes to Sony.

#46 Agent 76

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:45 PM

I just hope Bond stays as the Bond we've always known if this goes to Sony.

why it would change , just to go to Sony?

#47 Qwerty


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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:51 PM

I just hope Bond stays as the Bond we've always known if this goes to Sony.

why it would change , just to go to Sony?

Because it would be as you said new ideas and thoughts, under Sony instead of MGM.

#48 zencat


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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:04 PM

According to some of these articles, MGM would remain intact inside Sony as it's own company, sort of like what TriStar was for many years before Sony folded it into Columbia. So, in theory, it would be the same execs working on Bond. But, if I were Sony, I would clean house a bit before those MGM geniuses can mount SOUL PLANE 2. :)

#49 Qwerty


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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:05 PM

According to some of these articles, MGM would remain intact inside Sony as it's own company...

Yes, and after reading up on much of this, I'm hoping that if indeed this deal happens, that what you say is true.

#50 Martin Mystery

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Posted 23 June 2004 - 01:51 PM

If Sony buys MGM, will Pierce still be Bond?
The way I see it, it could go two ways:

1) Sony wants to keep Pierce Brosnan, because they don't want to shake up the formula with their first Bond film.
2) Sony will instigate a big 'Hunt for new Bond'-campagin, and hire Hugh Jackman or -if we're lucky- Clive Owen.

I have a feeling they're going to keep Pierce for their first Bond film, though, and then do 'the hunt' for their second...

#51 DLibrasnow



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Posted 24 June 2004 - 12:49 AM

Isn't this thread redundant now that MGM is talking to NBC and Time Warner and not Sony!

#52 Qwerty


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Posted 24 June 2004 - 01:24 AM

Isn't this thread redundant now that MGM is talking to NBC and Time Warner and not Sony!

Keyword: "talking"

#53 DLibrasnow



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Posted 24 June 2004 - 08:24 PM

Yeah, but Sony isn't even in the picture anymore.

#54 Qwerty


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Posted 24 June 2004 - 08:31 PM

Yeah, but Sony isn't even in the picture anymore.

Nothing is for certain yet, as no final decisions have been made.

#55 Agent 76

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 11:48 PM

If Bond franchise was to be taken by Sony , one could guess that the publicity and advertising strategy would change a lot.. :)