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Exit: Agent Fields

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#1 danielcraigisjamesbond007


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Posted 21 March 2009 - 04:09 AM

I apologize if this thread has been discussed, but I was still confused on the <SPOILER>death of Strawberry (:tdown:) Fields. Was it because she knew Bond? Therefore, Quantum was "sending a message" to Bond? Or was it because she was responsible for knocking Elvis down the stairs???

#2 Mr. Osato

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Posted 21 March 2009 - 06:42 AM

If only Fields had a bit more screen time... After the hotel check-in, she should have taken Bond out on the streets of Bolivia and briefly explained the water shortage, the nasty local politics & all and the corruption. After that, their hook-up, the party & the untimely death of both she & Mathis would have really made quite the cinematic punch. Sorry Q.O.S lovers, the writers (or lack of...) really screwed up this part of the story.

#3 DamnCoffee



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 10:10 AM

If only Fields had a bit more screen time... After the hotel check-in, she should have taken Bond out on the streets of Bolivia and briefly explained the water shortage, the nasty local politics & all and the corruption.

I actually would of really liked to see that. It would be really quite interesting. It's a shame really, I can see the scene playing out in my head. It would be brilliant to see onscreen.

#4 JimmyBond



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 12:00 PM

I agree with Dog Bond. All her mission was was to detain Bond and bring him back. Why would she spend time telling him about the troubles of the local Government?

#5 Double-Oh Agent

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Posted 22 March 2009 - 05:26 AM

I agree with Dog Bond. All her mission was was to detain Bond and bring him back. Why would she spend time telling him about the troubles of the local Government?

Because they had nothing else to do while waiting for her to put Bond back on the plane the next day.

I not certain if Mr. Osato's suggestion would have been better in the overall scheme of things, but it would have made more sense in Bond and Fields' ultimate coupling later on.

#6 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 22 March 2009 - 05:33 AM

If only Fields had a bit more screen time... After the hotel check-in, she should have taken Bond out on the streets of Bolivia and briefly explained the water shortage, the nasty local politics & all and the corruption. After that, their hook-up, the party & the untimely death of both she & Mathis would have really made quite the cinematic punch.

Yeah, good point. I guess it didn't happen because she used her handcuffs on him and he couldn't get out and about.