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Interview with Olga Kurylenko

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#1 Qwerty


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Posted 20 March 2009 - 01:59 AM

Interview with Olga Kurylenko

From the first Bond film to the 22nd, it's always been a tradition that at least one Bond girl has to die.

Now the tables are being turned, and it's beautiful Olga Kurylenko - who plays Camille in Quantum Of Solace - who's handing out the stick.

I've just asked Olga to show me her best Bond girl moves for a photo pose. "No," she replies flatly, before flashing me an assassin's smile. "It's silly."

My mission is to learn all I can about what it takes to become a Bond girl. And who better than Olga to show me the ropes, at a location near Bedford?

Secret agent skills such as skydiving and handling an Aston Martin at speed are on the agenda, but is Olga a naturally daring person herself?

"To be a Bond girl you need courage, charm, determination and feistiness," explains the 29-year-old Ukrainian, who drives a Mini in real life...

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http://commanderbond...n...&item=53720 - The Mirror