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Bond 20 soundtrack speculation

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#1 melv



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Posted 06 January 2002 - 02:37 PM

Now that things are really gearing up for Bond 20, does anyone have any news on David Arnold's score? Any thoughts on who will sing the title track? Or what elements from Arnold's previous scores you would like to see in the new film?

Personally, I have no idea who will sing the next theme; only that the producers are likely to want someone (very)commercial. I wonder how much of a free hand Arnold will get?

With regards to the score, I'd prefer it to be more 'Tomorrow Never Dies' than 'TWINE': the techno works best in small doses when needed (such as in 'Backseat Driver', although 'Submarine' from 'TWINE' is the most brilliant combination of both orchestra and electronica). One thing I really want to see: please please please don't lay the sound affects over the score so strongly this time! At times 'Come In 007' is barely audible in 'TWINE'!!

#2 kj2k



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Posted 06 January 2002 - 03:11 PM

I have heard roumers that the girl band "Bond" is roumered to be playing the backing to the new sound track. They are the band with violins...........