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Pre-Bond Arnold theme

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#1 Tanger



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Posted 13 February 2002 - 05:03 PM

I recently commented this in another forum. It is a version of the 'James Bond Theme' by David Arnold, but it doesn't appear in either of his films. The beginning is the same that is on his techno version with LTJ Bukem, featured on 'Shaken and Stirred', which leads me to think that the piece is 'pre-Bond' ie. before Arnold became the official Bond composer.

Does anybody know any thing about this piece and whether or not it was a demo that the producers asked Arnold to make?

Below is a link for a sample of this version, and I would be happy to know if anybody has the full version as I would very much like to listen to it.


#2 Tanger



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Posted 13 February 2002 - 05:06 PM

I can't seem to attach it. Anyway try here

#3 Dunph


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Posted 13 February 2002 - 05:19 PM

Hey Tanger,

The version you refer to is actually the one LTJ Bukem remixed for Shaken And Stirred, but his remix was so far removed that hardly any part featured in it!

The actual version is found on the 'Diamonds Are Forever' Single released in conjunction with Shaken And Stirred, featuring David McAlmont. Below is a track listing;

1.) Diamonds Are Forever (Radio Edit)

2.) Diamonds Are Forever - (You Expect Me To Do What, Mr Goldfinger? Mix)

3.) The James Bond Theme (Orchestral)

4.) Diamonds Are Forever (Orchapella Version)

I have the single, and it's very good, though VERY hard to find outside of the UK. I managed to stumble across a copy in a record shop...I might be able to turn it into an mp3 if you're interested.

Glad to be of help,


#4 Tanger



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Posted 13 February 2002 - 06:11 PM

Dunphboy007 (13 Feb, 2002 05:19 p.m.):
Hey Tanger,

The version you refer to is actually the one LTJ Bukem remixed for Shaken And Stirred, but his remix was so far removed that hardly any part featured in it!

The actual version is found on the 'Diamonds Are Forever' Single released in conjunction with Shaken And Stirred, featuring David McAlmont. Below is a track listing;

1.) Diamonds Are Forever (Radio Edit)

2.) Diamonds Are Forever - (You Expect Me To Do What, Mr Goldfinger? Mix)

3.) The James Bond Theme (Orchestral)

4.) Diamonds Are Forever (Orchapella Version)

I have the single, and it's very good, though VERY hard to find outside of the UK. I managed to stumble across a copy in a record shop...I might be able to turn it into an mp3 if you're interested.

Glad to be of help,


Thanks alot for that. Yes, I would be very interested in receiving the track if you can turn it into mp3.No hurry though!
As I said above, I would be happy to send you a track in return.

BTW, how's your FRWL mix coming on?

#5 Renard


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Posted 13 February 2002 - 06:12 PM

Dunphboy007 (13 Feb, 2002 05:19 p.m.):
I have the single, and it's very good, though VERY hard to find outside of the UK. I managed to stumble across a copy in a record shop...I might be able to turn it into an mp3 if you're interested.

Glad to be of help,


Hi Dunphboy007,

I would be very interested to get these 4 tracks of the single cd Diamonds Are Forever .

I have been looking for it for ages and I couldn't find it :)

So please reply as soon as u can!

thanks :)

#6 mrmoon


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Posted 13 February 2002 - 08:38 PM

Yes I remember buying the DAF single by DA, the cover is cool, DA ia sat in a 60's ball chair, spot on. I always think that the Bond theme on this is not too disimiliar in parts, to Michael Kamen's version in LTK where Bond is lowered down onto the tail of sanchez's plane.

#7 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 14 February 2002 - 12:59 AM

You should be able to download those particular songs from mp3 file sharing sites like AudioGalaxy or WinMX.

PS: Admittedly, it's not the same as having the actual CD complete with cover art and blurb, of course.

#8 Dunph


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Posted 17 February 2002 - 11:38 PM

Hey peeps, sorry about the long time it's taken for me to reply!

As soon as I transfer my existing mixes to a spanking new computer i've built for myself, I'll send whoever wants one, a copy of the track(s) they desire.

That CD was a very rare and unexpected find in a VIRGIN MEGASTORE of all places, not, you may assume, a place to find very rare CDs. I love the cover art, though why David McAlmont wears blue lipstick, I'll never know (!) :)

I love the second track (the 'You Expect Me To Do What Mr Goldfinger?' mix of DAF), it's very atmospheric, and almost dreamlike. Like I said, anyone who wants a piece, just post what you want in this forum, and i'll do me best to get it to ya!

The FRWL mix is a bitch, to be quite frank. Trying to get drum loops to fit is hard, as it's in a strange time signature. I had a human beatbox on it, but felt that it took over the tune a bit too much, so I'm now constructing a different loop. I may still use the beatbox though!

Hope everyone is well, and those that are remixing, I hope your mixes are coming along nicely! Speak to ya soon!


#9 Tanger



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Posted 18 February 2002 - 11:38 PM

Dunphboy007 (17 Feb, 2002 11:44 p.m.):
I love the cover art, though why David McAlmont wears blue lipstick, I'll never know (!) :)

FRWL mix is a bitch, to be quite frank. Trying to get drum loops to fit is hard, as it's in a strange time signature. I had a human beatbox on it, but felt that it took over the tune a bit too much, so I'm now constructing a different loop. I may still use the beatbox though!

Hope everyone is well, and those that are remixing, I hope your mixes are coming along nicely! Speak to ya soon!


Hi Paul.
Thanks for the correspondance. Just so you know, I was able to find the track that I wanted, on Audiogalaxy.

Sorry to hear that your mix isn't coming along too well. Mine are progressing steadily, although I foolishly used a gong sound from the end of a track. It fades out and so because i've mixed it with the melody, it causes that to fade out aswell. Anyway, nevermind.

As for the David McAlmot queery. If you listen to the way he sings, and take into account that it is a song supposed to be sung by a woman ("..Men are mere mortals who, are not worth going to your grave for.etc.) it makes it pretty obvious as to why he wears blue lipstick. *Ahem* I'll leave you to draw you own conclusions on that one..........

*ding* (sound of penny dropping)

Sorry, it's my sarcastic nature.

#10 Dunph


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Posted 19 February 2002 - 12:36 PM

Oh yeah, I realised he was gay, and he DOES sound like a woman when he sings. It's just that..Well, for style reasons...WHY did he have to wear blue lipstick? It looks....errmm....strange....:)

I've finally got the time signature right, and I have a thumping breakbeat loop over the tune and lyrics, plus some fancy slow-motion effects in the mix...and some scratching now....Expect it to be finished within the next couple of days! Woohoo!

Glad to hear that yours is coming along nicely. Hope you get that gong problem sorted out! (sounds kinda rude, doesn't it? heheh)

#11 Tanger



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Posted 19 February 2002 - 12:40 PM

Dunphboy007 (19 Feb, 2002 12:36 p.m.):
Hope you get that gong problem sorted out!

LOL!!!!!! :)