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Raymond Benson's Recent Non-Bond Works

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#1 Qwerty


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Posted 18 April 2008 - 04:58 AM

Now on the CBn main page...

A round-up of publications to keep an eye out for

#2 Craig Arthur

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 05:42 AM

Raymond's Bond novels are frustratingly difficult to get hold of. In many ways he drew the short end of the stick, trying to update the literary Bond into the 1990s and hence having to link it to a series that had been around since 1953 and incorporate the entire history from Fleming to Gardner. A thankless task. He has just sent me "A Hard Day's Death" - the first non-Bond Benson novel I have read and I must say it is most impressive. It shows what he is capable of when not encumberd with the Bond literary legacy. This is an excellent Private Eye novel, with much of the technical flavour of Fleming, along with the world weariness. I highly recommend this thriller set in the rock and roll industry.