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Exciting New Project fro Pinewood and Lamont

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#1 Evil Doctor Cheese

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Posted 31 July 2002 - 01:13 AM

Here's an interesting article from The Times and Superhero Hype.com that I found about one of "our guys" Peter Lamont and "our studio" Pinewood. Aparently a new Studio is to be built along the Riverside and is to house the new Superman film (starring - yuk please say it aint true - Brendan Fraiser!!)...

There is set to be a new Superman movie for Christmas 2003, wich will be a $100 million plus production and will be filming right here in London's Pinewood Studios. I can reveal that the Bond Production designer Peter Lamont will begin to prepare for Designing duties for the movie, currently entitled SUPERMAN THE MAN OF STEEL at Pinewood after he has finished work on the 20th Bond Movie Die Another Day. John Graysmark, will be Art Director and is already scouting location work at Pinewood for use in the new movie. Peter Lamont became production Designer of the Bonds with For Your Eyes Only and has since won an Academy Award for Titanic, while Graysmark was Production Designer himself on the last Superman Movie, Superman IV The Quest for Peace a cheap production and Box office flop in 1987.
He has sinced worked on Kevin Costners Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.

Just an interesting bit of info. Hopefully Lamont can bring a bit of realism into the spiralling trend for OTT CGI Marvel comic adaptations. Whatever happened to walking up the side of a building with your undies outside your tights? I don't know!!! Hollywood nowadays!!!

#2 Xenobia


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Posted 31 July 2002 - 01:16 AM

I am sure Peter Lamont will do a great job with his bit for Superman.

However...Brendan Fraiser as Superman? Can someone shoot me now please? That's totally the wrong man for the job!

-- Xenobia

#3 zencat


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Posted 31 July 2002 - 01:38 AM

I thought the new Superman movie was going to be SUPERMAN VS. BATMAN. And Brendan Fraiser as Supeman? This is the first I've heard about this.

And I believe TOMB RAIDER 2 is currently booked at Pinewood.

#4 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 31 July 2002 - 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Xenobia
However...Brendan Fraiser as Superman?  Can someone shoot me now please?  That's totally the wrong man for the job!

Well, you never know. I thought the same thing when I heard that Michael Keaton was chosen to be Batman.

Either way, I can't see Brandan Fraiser as The S Man at this point in time.

#5 Blue Eyes

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Posted 31 July 2002 - 02:05 AM

Originally posted by zencat
I thought the new Superman movie was going to be SUPERMAN VS. BATMAN. And Brendan Fraiser as Supeman? This is the first I've heard about this.

Finally, I get to teach the great Zencat something :)

There are currently two Superman films in production.

The best known is Superman Vs Batman. As yet there is no cast for that film I'm told.

The other film is just another Superman film. It's going to be directed by McG and he's been on the project for some time now. He was working on script ideas during the filming of Charlies Angels 2 I believe. And Brendan Frasiers name has been attached to the film ever since Nicolas Cage stepped down from the role. This film has been in production for eons now, I've seen a script for it too. However, with McG on board, I'm sure it will again be different.

Hopefully it will be a real Superman film. Some of the later ones were dreadful, I just hope they stick to the real Superman forumla and don't go around changing everything.

Great to see Lamont back onboard though. Good for him!

#6 PaulZ108


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Posted 31 July 2002 - 02:07 AM

I wonder how long it will take for the superhero hype sparked by Spider-Man to die down. At least Brendan Fraiser as Superman isn't as terrifying as the fact that Freddie Prinze Jr. wants to be Captain America.

Anyway, I also remember hearing that Tomb Raider 2 was going to start filming in Pinewood after Die Another Day.

#7 Tim007


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Posted 31 July 2002 - 09:33 AM

Could anyone tell me what is going on with Superman? Two movies? McClory anyone? :)

And what is going on with Hollywood? Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Captain America, Flintstones, Scooby Doo... All these comic films :)

And yes, Pinewood is booked for Tomb Raider 2, so let's think what for consequences this could have on Bond 21:

2002/2003 - Tomb Raider 2
2003 - Superman (Fraser version)
2003/2004 - Harry Potter 3 (I've heard they shoot also in Pinewood)
2004 - Bond 21?


Time runs away EON. Book Pinewood now for 2004.

#8 ShockTroop22


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Posted 31 July 2002 - 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Blue Eyes
The best known is Superman Vs Batman. As yet there is no cast for that film I'm told.

There was an announcement a few days back about the casting;

Jude Law (AI) is playing Superman

Colin Farrel (Minority Report) is playing a much darker, grittier batman, that we are going to have seen before.

#9 Blue Eyes

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Posted 31 July 2002 - 10:52 AM

That casting announcement was confirmed as false by Warner Bros. However, they could be up for consideration. They never stated anything about that.

#10 Evil Doctor Cheese

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Posted 01 August 2002 - 07:43 PM

Personally don't want either of those actors for Superman or Batman... totally ruins their chances for BOND!! Anyway... why are these two Brits (I know Farrel is Irish) up for such American heroes? As I have advised Mr Law personally on may occasions (yeah right Gary dream on) win an Oscar first then do Bond or other blockbusters... he's too good not to win an oscar! That's what Angelina Jolie did (zencat's favourite). Get the gold on the mantlepiece THEN the money in the bank account.

But still great news for Lamont... does he have an office in Pinewood... they really should give him one because he sure spends alot of time there. Also... will this opertunity for Superman if it starts any later mean relocation for Bond AND losing Lamont? Especially if the next film is for 2 years time.

#11 Max Zorin007

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Posted 01 August 2002 - 08:19 PM

Im getting sick of these superhero movies. Spide man was good....kind of a pioneer movie but now hulk and superman :)

and I already don't like XXX just becaue i see it as a 007 ripoff. they could at least get they're own agent codename instead of copying anya amasova's.